hipmodulelaunchkernel Interface Reference

hipmodulelaunchkernel Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort::hipmodulelaunchkernel Interface Reference
hipfort::hipmodulelaunchkernel Interface Reference

launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(hipsuccess)) function hipmodulelaunchkernel_ (f, gridDimX, gridDimY, gridDimZ, blockDimX, blockDimY, blockDimZ, sharedMemBytes, stream, kernelParams, extra)

Detailed Description

launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra

[in]fKernel to launch.
[in]gridDimXX grid dimension specified as multiple of blockDimX.
[in]gridDimYY grid dimension specified as multiple of blockDimY.
[in]gridDimZZ grid dimension specified as multiple of blockDimZ.
[in]blockDimXX block dimensions specified in work-items
[in]blockDimYY grid dimension specified in work-items
[in]blockDimZZ grid dimension specified in work-items
[in]sharedMemBytesAmount of dynamic shared memory to allocate for this kernel. The HIP-Clang compiler provides support for extern shared declarations.
[in]streamStream where the kernel should be dispatched. May be 0, in which case th default stream is used with associated synchronization rules.
[in]extraPointer to kernel arguments. These are passed directly to the kernel and must be in the memory layout and alignment expected by the kernel.
hipSuccess, hipInvalidDevice, hipErrorNotInitialized, hipErrorInvalidValue
kernellParams argument is not yet implemented in HIP. Please use extra instead. Please refer to hip_porting_driver_api.md for sample usage.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ hipmodulelaunchkernel_()

integer(kind(hipsuccess)) function hipfort::hipmodulelaunchkernel::hipmodulelaunchkernel_ ( type(c_ptr), value  f,
integer(c_int), value  gridDimX,
integer(c_int), value  gridDimY,
integer(c_int), value  gridDimZ,
integer(c_int), value  blockDimX,
integer(c_int), value  blockDimY,
integer(c_int), value  blockDimZ,
integer(c_int), value  sharedMemBytes,
type(c_ptr), value  stream,
type(c_ptr)  kernelParams,
type(c_ptr)  extra 

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