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rocsolver_spotri Interface Reference

rocsolver_spotri Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri Interface Reference
hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri Interface Reference

POTRI inverts a symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrix A. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_spotri_ (handle, uplo, n, A, lda, myInfo)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_spotri_full_rank (handle, uplo, n, A, lda, myInfo)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_spotri_rank_0 (handle, uplo, n, A, lda, myInfo)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_spotri_rank_1 (handle, uplo, n, A, lda, myInfo)

Detailed Description

POTRI inverts a symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrix A.

The inverse of matrix \(A\) is computed as

\[ \begin{array}{cl} A^{-1} = U^{-1} {U^{-1}}' & \: \text{if uplo is upper, or}\newline A^{-1} = {L^{-1}}' L^{-1} & \: \text{if uplo is lower.} \end{array} \]

where \(U\) or \(L\) is the triangular factor of the Cholesky factorization of \(A\) returned by POTRF.

Specifies whether the factorization is upper or lower triangular. If uplo indicates lower (or upper), then the upper (or lower) part of A is not used.
[in]nrocblas_int. n >= 0.
The number of rows and columns of matrix A.
[in,out]Apointer to type. Array on the GPU of dimension lda*n.
On entry, the factor L or U of the Cholesky factorization of A returned by POTRF. On exit, the inverses of A if info = 0.
[in]ldarocblas_int. lda >= n.
specifies the leading dimension of A.
[out]infopointer to a rocblas_int on the GPU.
If info = 0, successful exit for inversion of A. If info = j > 0, A is singular. L[j,j] or U[j,j] is zero.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ rocsolver_spotri_()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri::rocsolver_spotri_ ( type(c_ptr), value  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_fill_upper)), value  uplo,
integer(c_int), value  n,
type(c_ptr), value  A,
integer(c_int), value  lda,
integer(c_int)  myInfo 

◆ rocsolver_spotri_full_rank()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri::rocsolver_spotri_full_rank ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_fill_upper))  uplo,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), dimension(:,:), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda,
integer(c_int)  myInfo 

◆ rocsolver_spotri_rank_0()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri::rocsolver_spotri_rank_0 ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_fill_upper))  uplo,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda,
integer(c_int)  myInfo 

◆ rocsolver_spotri_rank_1()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_spotri::rocsolver_spotri_rank_1 ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_fill_upper))  uplo,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), dimension(:), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda,
integer(c_int)  myInfo 

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