GridQueue< OffsetT > Class Template Reference

GridQueue&lt; OffsetT &gt; Class Template Reference#

hipCUB: hipcub::GridQueue< OffsetT > Class Template Reference
hipcub::GridQueue< OffsetT > Class Template Reference

GridQueue is a descriptor utility for dynamic queue management. More...

#include <grid_queue.hpp>

Public Member Functions

__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ GridQueue ()
 Constructs an invalid GridQueue descriptor.
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ GridQueue (void *d_storage)
 Constructs a GridQueue descriptor around the device storage allocation. More...
__device__ hipError_t FillAndResetDrain (OffsetT fill_size, hipStream_t stream=0)
 This operation sets the fill-size and resets the drain counter, preparing the GridQueue for draining in the next kernel instance. To be called by the host or by a kernel prior to that which will be draining.
__host__ hipError_t FillAndResetDrain (OffsetT fill_size, hipStream_t stream=0)
__device__ hipError_t ResetDrain (hipStream_t stream=0)
 This operation resets the drain so that it may advance to meet the existing fill-size. To be called by the host or by a kernel prior to that which will be draining.
__host__ hipError_t ResetDrain (hipStream_t stream=0)
__device__ hipError_t ResetFill (hipStream_t stream=0)
 This operation resets the fill counter. To be called by the host or by a kernel prior to that which will be filling.
__host__ hipError_t ResetFill (hipStream_t stream=0)
__device__ hipError_t FillSize (OffsetT &fill_size, hipStream_t stream=0)
 Returns the fill-size established by the parent or by the previous kernel.
__host__ hipError_t FillSize (OffsetT &fill_size, hipStream_t stream=0)
__device__ OffsetT Drain (OffsetT num_items)
 Drain num_items from the queue. Returns offset from which to read items. To be called from hip kernel.
__device__ OffsetT Fill (OffsetT num_items)
 Fill num_items into the queue. Returns offset from which to write items. To be called from hip kernel.

Static Public Member Functions

__host__ __device__ static __forceinline__ size_t AllocationSize ()
 Returns the device allocation size in bytes needed to construct a GridQueue instance.

Detailed Description

template<typename OffsetT>
class hipcub::GridQueue< OffsetT >

GridQueue is a descriptor utility for dynamic queue management.

GridQueue descriptors provides abstractions for "filling" or "draining" globally-shared vectors.
A "filling" GridQueue works by atomically-adding to a zero-initialized counter, returning a unique offset for the calling thread to write its items. The GridQueue maintains the total "fill-size". The fill counter must be reset using GridQueue::ResetFill by the host or kernel instance prior to the kernel instance that will be filling.
Similarly, a "draining" GridQueue works by works by atomically-incrementing a zero-initialized counter, returning a unique offset for the calling thread to read its items. Threads can safely drain until the array's logical fill-size is exceeded. The drain counter must be reset using GridQueue::ResetDrain or GridQueue::FillAndResetDrain by the host or kernel instance prior to the kernel instance that will be filling. (For dynamic work distribution of existing data, the corresponding fill-size is simply the number of elements in the array.)
Iterative work management can be implemented simply with a pair of flip-flopping work buffers, each with an associated set of fill and drain GridQueue descriptors.
Template Parameters
OffsetTSigned integer type for global offsets

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GridQueue()

template<typename OffsetT >
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ hipcub::GridQueue< OffsetT >::GridQueue ( void *  d_storage)

Constructs a GridQueue descriptor around the device storage allocation.

d_storageDevice allocation to back the GridQueue. Must be at least as big as AllocationSize().

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