BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z > Class Template Reference

BlockMergeSort&lt; KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z &gt; Class Template Reference#

hipCUB: hipcub::BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z > Class Template Reference
hipcub::BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z > Class Template Reference

The BlockMergeSort class provides methods for sorting items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...

#include <block_merge_sort.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for hipcub::BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z >:
hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType, BLOCK_DIM_X *1 *1, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >

Public Member Functions

__device__ __forceinline__ BlockMergeSort (typename BlockMergeSortStrategyT::TempStorage &temp_storage)
__device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int get_linear_tid () const
__device__ __forceinline__ void Sort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void Sort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op, int valid_items, KeyT oob_default)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void Sort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], NullType(&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void Sort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], NullType(&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op, int valid_items, KeyT oob_default)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void StableSort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void StableSort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], NullType(&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void StableSort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op, int valid_items, KeyT oob_default)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...
__device__ __forceinline__ void StableSort (KeyT(&keys)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], NullType(&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], CompareOp compare_op, int valid_items, KeyT oob_default)
 Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename KeyT, int BLOCK_DIM_X, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD, typename ValueT = NullType, int BLOCK_DIM_Y = 1, int BLOCK_DIM_Z = 1>
class hipcub::BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, ValueT, BLOCK_DIM_Y, BLOCK_DIM_Z >

The BlockMergeSort class provides methods for sorting items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

Template Parameters
KeyTKeyT type
BLOCK_DIM_XThe thread block length in threads along the X dimension
ITEMS_PER_THREADThe number of items per thread
ValueT[optional] ValueT type (default: hipcub::NullType, which indicates a keys-only sort)
BLOCK_DIM_Y[optional] The thread block length in threads along the Y dimension (default: 1)
BLOCK_DIM_Z[optional] The thread block length in threads along the Z dimension (default: 1)
BlockMergeSort arranges items into ascending order using a comparison functor with less-than semantics. Merge sort can handle arbitrary types and comparison functors, but is slower than BlockRadixSort when sorting arithmetic types into ascending/descending order.
A Simple Example
The code snippet below illustrates a sort of 512 integer keys that are partitioned across 128 threads * where each thread owns 4 consecutive items.
#include <hipcub/hipcub.hpp> // or equivalently <hipcub/block/block_merge_sort.hpp>
struct CustomLess
template <typename DataType>
__device__ bool operator()(const DataType &lhs, const DataType &rhs)
return lhs < rhs;
__global__ void ExampleKernel(...)
// Specialize BlockMergeSort for a 1D block of 128 threads owning 4 integer items each
typedef hipcub::BlockMergeSort<int, 128, 4> BlockMergeSort;
// Allocate shared memory for BlockMergeSort
__shared__ typename BlockMergeSort::TempStorage temp_storage_shuffle;
// Obtain a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads
int thread_keys[4];
BlockMergeSort(temp_storage_shuffle).Sort(thread_keys, CustomLess());
The BlockMergeSort class provides methods for sorting items partitioned across a CUDA thread block us...
Definition: block_merge_sort.hpp:771
Suppose the set of input thread_keys across the block of threads is { [0,511,1,510], [2,509,3,508], [4,507,5,506], ..., [254,257,255,256] }. The corresponding output thread_keys in those threads will be { [0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], [8,9,10,11], ..., [508,509,510,511] }.
Re-using dynamically allocating shared memory
The following example under the examples/block folder illustrates usage of dynamically shared memory with BlockReduce and how to re-purpose the same memory region:

This example can be easily adapted to the storage required by BlockMergeSort.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Sort() [1/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::Sort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

Sort is not guaranteed to be stable. That is, suppose that i and j are equivalent: neither one is less than the other. It is not guaranteed that the relative order of these two elements will be preserved by sort.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second

◆ Sort() [2/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::Sort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op,
int  valid_items,
KeyT  oob_default 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

  • Sort is not guaranteed to be stable. That is, suppose that i and j are equivalent: neither one is less than the other. It is not guaranteed that the relative order of these two elements will be preserved by sort.
  • The value of oob_default is assigned to all elements that are out of valid_items boundaries. It's expected that oob_default is ordered after any value in the valid_items boundaries. The algorithm always sorts a fixed amount of elements, which is equal to ITEMS_PER_THREAD * BLOCK_THREADS. If there is a value that is ordered after oob_default, it won't be placed within valid_items boundaries.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second
[in]valid_itemsNumber of valid items to sort
[in]oob_defaultDefault value to assign out-of-bound items

◆ Sort() [3/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::Sort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
NullType (&)  items[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

Sort is not guaranteed to be stable. That is, suppose that i and j are equivalent: neither one is less than the other. It is not guaranteed that the relative order of these two elements will be preserved by sort.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in,out]itemsValues to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second

◆ Sort() [4/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::Sort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
NullType (&)  items[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op,
int  valid_items,
KeyT  oob_default 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

  • Sort is not guaranteed to be stable. That is, suppose that i and j are equivalent: neither one is less than the other. It is not guaranteed that the relative order of these two elements will be preserved by sort.
  • The value of oob_default is assigned to all elements that are out of valid_items boundaries. It's expected that oob_default is ordered after any value in the valid_items boundaries. The algorithm always sorts a fixed amount of elements, which is equal to ITEMS_PER_THREAD * BLOCK_THREADS. If there is a value that is ordered after oob_default, it won't be placed within valid_items boundaries.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs) CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
IS_LAST_TILETrue if valid_items isn't equal to the ITEMS_PER_TILE
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in,out]itemsValues to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second
[in]valid_itemsNumber of valid items to sort
[in]oob_defaultDefault value to assign out-of-bound items

◆ StableSort() [1/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::StableSort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

StableSort is stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent elements. That is, if x and y are elements such that x precedes y, and if the two elements are equivalent (neither x < y nor y < x) then a postcondition of StableSort is that x still precedes y.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second

◆ StableSort() [2/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::StableSort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
NullType (&)  items[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

StableSort is stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent elements. That is, if x and y are elements such that x precedes y, and if the two elements are equivalent (neither x < y nor y < x) then a postcondition of StableSort is that x still precedes y.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in,out]itemsValues to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second

◆ StableSort() [3/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::StableSort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op,
int  valid_items,
KeyT  oob_default 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

  • StableSort is stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent elements. That is, if x and y are elements such that x precedes y, and if the two elements are equivalent (neither x < y nor y < x) then a postcondition of StableSort is that x still precedes y.
  • The value of oob_default is assigned to all elements that are out of valid_items boundaries. It's expected that oob_default is ordered after any value in the valid_items boundaries. The algorithm always sorts a fixed amount of elements, which is equal to ITEMS_PER_THREAD * BLOCK_THREADS. If there is a value that is ordered after oob_default, it won't be placed within valid_items boundaries.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second
[in]valid_itemsNumber of valid items to sort
[in]oob_defaultDefault value to assign out-of-bound items

◆ StableSort() [4/4]

__device__ __forceinline__ void hipcub::BlockMergeSortStrategy< KeyT, NullType , NUM_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, BlockMergeSort< KeyT, BLOCK_DIM_X, ITEMS_PER_THREAD, NullType, 1, 1 > >::StableSort ( KeyT(&)  keys[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
NullType (&)  items[ITEMS_PER_THREAD],
CompareOp  compare_op,
int  valid_items,
KeyT  oob_default 

Sorts items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method.

  • StableSort is stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent elements. That is, if x and y are elements such that x precedes y, and if the two elements are equivalent (neither x < y nor y < x) then a postcondition of StableSort is that x still precedes y.
  • The value of oob_default is assigned to all elements that are out of valid_items boundaries. It's expected that oob_default is ordered after any value in the valid_items boundaries. The algorithm always sorts a fixed amount of elements, which is equal to ITEMS_PER_THREAD * BLOCK_THREADS. If there is a value that is ordered after oob_default, it won't be placed within valid_items boundaries.
Template Parameters
CompareOpfunctor type having member bool operator()(KeyT lhs, KeyT rhs). CompareOp is a model of Strict Weak Ordering.
IS_LAST_TILETrue if valid_items isn't equal to the ITEMS_PER_TILE
[in,out]keysKeys to sort
[in,out]itemsValues to sort
[in]compare_opComparison function object which returns true if the first argument is ordered before the second
[in]valid_itemsNumber of valid items to sort
[in]oob_defaultDefault value to assign out-of-bound items

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