
This document provides all the information required to build and install hipBLASLt on Linux systems.


  • A ROCm enabled platform. For more information refer to ROCm Documentation.

  • A compatible version of hipBLAS.

Installing prebuilt packages#

Download prebuilt packages from ROCm’s native package manager .

sudo apt update && sudo apt install hipblaslt

Build using script#

You can use script to build and install hipBLASLt and dependencies. The following sections explain the usage of script along with various options.

Build library dependencies and library#

The root of this repository has a helper bash script to build and install hipBLASLt with a single command. It takes a lot of options and hard-coded configuration that can be specified through invoking cmake directly, but it’s a great way to get started quickly and can serve as an example of how to build/install. A few commands in the script need sudo access so it may prompt you for a password.

Typical uses of to build (library dependencies and library) are listed below:



./ -h

Help information.

./ -d

Build library dependencies and library in your local directory. Use -d flag only once. For subsequent invocations of, it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.


Build library in your local directory. The dependencies are assumed to be already built.

./ -i

Build library, then build and install hipBLASLt package in /opt/rocm/hipblaslt. This prompts for sudo access and installs for all users. If you want to keep hipBLASLt in your local directory, don’t use -i flag.

Build library dependencies, client dependencies, library, and client#

The client contains executables as listed below:

Executable Name



Runs Google tests to test the library


Executable to benchmark or test individual functions

Common uses of to build (dependencies, library, and client) are listed below:



./ -h

Help information.

./ -dc

Build library dependencies, client dependencies, library, and client in your local directory. Use -d flag only once. For subsequent invocations of, it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.

./ -c

Build library and client in your local directory. The dependencies are assumed to be already built.

./ -idc

Build library dependencies, client dependencies, library, client, then build and install the hipBLASLt package. This prompts for sudo access. To install for all users, use -i flag. To keep hipBLASLt in your local directory, don’t use -i flag.

./ -ic

Build and install hipBLASLt package, and build the client. This prompts for sudo access and installs for all users. To keep hipBLASLt in your local directory, don`t use -i flag.


Dependencies are listed in the script. Use with -d option to install dependencies. CMake has a minimum version requirement which is listed in See --cmake_install flag in to upgrade automatically.

Manual build (all supported platforms)#

This section provides information on how to configure cmake and build manually using individual commands.

Build library manually#

Dependencies for hipBLASLt#

The hipBLAS-common header files are required to be installed on your system.

Building hipBLASLt#

mkdir -p [HIPBLASLT_BUILD_DIR]/release
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, define -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
# Default build config is 'Release', define -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<config> to specify other
CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/amdclang++ ccmake [HIPBLASLT_SOURCE]
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm

Build library, tests, benchmarks, and samples manually#

The repository contains source for clients that serve as samples, tests, and benchmarks. You can find the clients source in the clients sub-directory.

Dependencies for hipBLASLt clients#

The hipBLASLt samples have no external dependencies, but unit test and benchmarking applications do. These clients introduce the following dependencies:

Googletest and Lapack are not easy to install. Many distros don’t provide a googletest package with precompiled libraries and the Lapack packages don’t have the necessary cmake config files for cmake to configure linking the cblas library. hipBLASLt provides a cmake script that builds the above dependencies from source. This is an optional step; you can provide your own builds of these dependencies and help cmake find them by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH definition. The following is a sequence of steps to build dependencies and install them to the cmake default /usr/local.

One-time optional step#

mkdir -p [HIPBLASLT_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
cd [HIPBLASLT_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
ccmake -DBUILD_BOOST=OFF [HIPBLASLT_SOURCE]/deps   # assuming boost is installed through package manager as above
make -j$(nproc) install

Once dependencies are available on the system, it is possible to configure the clients to build. This requires a few extra cmake flags to the library cmake configure script. If the dependencies are not installed into system defaults (like /usr/local ), pass the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to cmake to help find them.

-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<semicolon separated paths>"
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install   # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm