Installing TransferBench#

This topic describes how to build TransferBench.


  • Install ROCm stack on the system to obtain HIP runtime

  • Install libnuma on the system

  • Enable AMD IOMMU and set to passthrough for AMD Instinct cards

Building TransferBench#

To build TransferBench using Makefile, use:


To build TransferBench using CMake, use:

mkdir build
cd build
CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc cmake ..


If ROCm is installed in a folder other than /opt/rocm/, set ROCM_PATH appropriately.

Building documentation#

To build documentation locally, use:

cd docs
pip3 install -r ./sphinx/requirements.txt
python3 -m sphinx -T -E -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html

NVIDIA platform support#

You can build TransferBench to run on NVIDIA platforms using native NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver (NVCC).

To build with native NVCC, use:


TransferBench looks for NVCC in /usr/local/cuda by default. To modify the location of NVCC, use environment variable CUDA_PATH:

CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda make