AMD RPP Extension API

AMD RPP Extension API#

MIVisionX: Extension: AMD RPP Extension API
Extension: AMD RPP Extension API

AMD OpenVX RPP Nodes Extension to use as the low-level library for rocAL. More...


SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AbsoluteDifferencebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Absolute Difference function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulatebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulateSquaredbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate Squared function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulateWeightedbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_array alpha, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate Weighted function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AddbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Add function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BitwiseANDbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Bitwise And function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BitwiseNOTbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Bitwise NOT function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BlendbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array alpha, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Blend function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BlurbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Blur function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BoxFilterbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Box Filter function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BrightnessbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array alpha, vx_array beta, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Brightness function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CannyEdgeDetector (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array max, vx_array min, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Canny Edge Detector function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ChannelCombinebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pSrc3, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Channel Combine function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ChannelExtractbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array extractChannelNumber, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Channel Extract function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ColorTemperaturebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array adjustmentValue, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Color Temperature function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ColorTwistbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array alpha, vx_array beta, vx_array hue, vx_array sat, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Color Twist function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ContrastbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array min, vx_array max, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Contrast function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CopybatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_image pDst)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Copy function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CropMirrorNormalizebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_array mean, vx_array std_dev, vx_array flip, vx_scalar chnShift, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Crop Mirror Normalize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CropPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Crop function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CustomConvolutionbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernel, vx_array kernelWidth, vx_array kernelHeight, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Custom Convolution Normalize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_DataObjectCopybatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Data Object Copy function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_DilatebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Dilate function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ErodebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Erade function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ExclusiveORbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP ExclusiveORbatchPD function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ExposurebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array exposureValue, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Exposure function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FastCornerDetector (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array noOfPixels, vx_array threshold, vx_array nonMaxKernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Fast Corner Detector function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FisheyebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Fish Eye function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FlipbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array flipAxis, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Flip function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FogbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array fogValue, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Fog function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GammaCorrectionbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array gamma, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Gamma Correction function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GaussianFilterbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array stdDev, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Filter function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GaussianImagePyramidbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array stdDev, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Image Pyramid function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HarrisCornerDetector (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array gaussianKernelSize, vx_array stdDev, vx_array kernelSize, vx_array kValue, vx_array threshold, vx_array nonMaxKernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP HarrisCornerDetector function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_Histogram (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array outputHistogram, vx_scalar bins)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Image Pyramid function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HistogramBalancebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Histogram Balance function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HistogramEqualizebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Histogram Equalize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HuebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array hueShift, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Gamma Correction function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_InclusiveORbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Inclusive Or function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_JitterbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Jitter function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LaplacianImagePyramid (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array stdDev, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Laplacian Image Pyramid function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LensCorrectionbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array strength, vx_array zoom, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Lens Correction function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LocalBinaryPatternbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Local Binary Pattern function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LookUpTablebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array lutPtr, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Lookup Table function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MagnitudebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Magnitude function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MaxbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Max function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MeanStddev (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_scalar mean, vx_scalar stdDev)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Mean Standard Deviation function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MedianFilterbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Median Filter function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MinbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Min function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MinMaxLoc (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_scalar min, vx_scalar max, vx_scalar minLoc, vx_scalar maxLoc)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Min Max Location function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MultiplybatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Multiply function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NoisebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array noiseProbability, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP NoisebatchPD function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NonLinearFilterbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP NonLinearFilterbatchPD function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NonMaxSupressionbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array kernelSize, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP NonMaxSupressionbatchPD function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NopbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_image pDst)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP NOP function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_PhasebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Phase function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_PixelatebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Pixelate function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RainbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array rainValue, vx_array rainWidth, vx_array rainHeight, vx_array rainTransperancy, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Rain function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RandomCropLetterBoxbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_array x2, vx_array y2, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Random Crop Letter Box function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RandomShadowbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_array x2, vx_array y2, vx_array numberOfShadows, vx_array maxSizeX, vx_array maxSizeY, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Shadow function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_remap (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array rowRemap, vx_array colRemap, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Remap function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Resize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_array x2, vx_array y2, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Crop function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropMirrorPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array x1, vx_array y1, vx_array x2, vx_array y2, vx_array mirrorFlag, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Crop Mirror function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeMirrorNormalizeTensor (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array mean, vx_array std_dev, vx_array flip, vx_scalar chnShift, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Mirror Normalize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RotatebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array angle, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Rotate function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SaturationbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array saturationFactor, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Saturation function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ScalebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array percentage, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Scale function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SnowbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array snowValue, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Snow function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SobelbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array sobelType, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Sobel function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SubtractbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc1, vx_image pSrc2, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Subtract function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorAdd (vx_graph graph, vx_array pSrc1, vx_array pSrc2, vx_array pDst, vx_scalar tensorDimensions, vx_array tensorDimensionValues)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Add function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorLookup (vx_graph graph, vx_array pSrc, vx_array pDst, vx_array lutPtr, vx_scalar tensorDimensions, vx_array tensorDimensionValues)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Lookup function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorMatrixMultiply (vx_graph graph, vx_array pSrc1, vx_array pSrc2, vx_array pDst, vx_array tensorDimensionValues1, vx_array tensorDimensionValues2)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Matrix Multiply function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorMultiply (vx_graph graph, vx_array pSrc1, vx_array pSrc2, vx_array pDst, vx_scalar tensorDimensions, vx_array tensorDimensionValues)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Multiply function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorSubtract (vx_graph graph, vx_array pSrc1, vx_array pSrc2, vx_array pDst, vx_scalar tensorDimensions, vx_array tensorDimensionValues)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Subtract function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ThresholdingbatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array min, vx_array max, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Threshold function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_VignettebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array stdDev, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Max function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_WarpAffinebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array affine, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Warp Affine function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_WarpPerspectivebatchPD (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_array perspective, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Warp Perspective function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SequenceRearrange (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_image pDst, vx_array newOrder, vx_uint32 newSequenceLength, vx_uint32 sequenceLength, vx_uint32 sequenceCount)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Sequence Rearrange function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_Resizetensor (vx_graph graph, vx_image pSrc, vx_array srcImgWidth, vx_array srcImgHeight, vx_image pDst, vx_array dstImgWidth, vx_array dstImgHeight, vx_int32 interpolation_type, vx_uint32 nbatchSize)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Tensor function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppBrightness (vx_graph graph, vx_tensor pSrc, vx_tensor pSrcRoi, vx_tensor pDst, vx_array pAlpha, vx_array pBeta, vx_scalar inputLayout, vx_scalar outputLayout, vx_scalar roiType)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Brightness function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppCopy (vx_graph graph, vx_tensor pSrc, vx_tensor pDst)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Copy function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppCropMirrorNormalize (vx_graph graph, vx_tensor pSrc, vx_tensor pSrcRoi, vx_tensor pDst, vx_array pMultiplier, vx_array pOffset, vx_array pFlip, vx_scalar inputLayout, vx_scalar outputLayout, vx_scalar roiType)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP CropMirrorNormalize function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppNop (vx_graph graph, vx_tensor pSrc, vx_tensor pDst)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP Nop function node. More...
SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppResize (vx_graph graph, vx_tensor pSrc, vx_tensor pSrcRoi, vx_tensor pDst, vx_array pDstWidth, vx_array pDstHeight, vx_scalar interpolationType, vx_scalar inputLayout, vx_scalar outputLayout, vx_scalar roiType)
 [Graph] Creates a RPP vxRppResize function node. More...

Detailed Description

AMD OpenVX RPP Nodes Extension to use as the low-level library for rocAL.

Function Documentation

◆ vxExtrppNode_AbsoluteDifferencebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AbsoluteDifferencebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Absolute Difference function node.


[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_AccumulatebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulatebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in,out]pSrc1The bidirectional image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data that acts as the first input and output.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_AccumulateSquaredbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulateSquaredbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate Squared function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in,out]pSrcThe bidirectional image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data that acts as the input and output.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_AccumulateWeightedbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AccumulateWeightedbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_array  alpha,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Accumulate Weighted function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in,out]pSrc1The bidirectional image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data that acts as the first input and output.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[in]alphaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the alpha data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_AddbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_AddbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Add function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BitwiseANDbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BitwiseANDbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Bitwise And function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BitwiseNOTbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BitwiseNOTbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Bitwise NOT function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BlendbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BlendbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  alpha,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Blend function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]alphaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the alpha data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BlurbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BlurbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Blur function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BoxFilterbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BoxFilterbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Box Filter function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_BrightnessbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_BrightnessbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  alpha,
vx_array  beta,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Brightness function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]alphaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the alpha data.
[in]betaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the beta data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_CannyEdgeDetector()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CannyEdgeDetector ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  max,
vx_array  min,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Canny Edge Detector function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]maxThe input array in unsigned char format containing the max data.
[in]minThe input array in unsigned char format containing the min data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ChannelCombinebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ChannelCombinebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pSrc3,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Channel Combine function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[in]pSrc3The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ChannelExtractbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ChannelExtractbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  extractChannelNumber,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Channel Extract function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]extractChannelNumberThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the data for channel number to be extracted.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ColorTemperaturebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ColorTemperaturebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  adjustmentValue,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Color Temperature function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]adjustmentValueThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the data for the adjustment value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ColorTwistbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ColorTwistbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  alpha,
vx_array  beta,
vx_array  hue,
vx_array  sat,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Color Twist function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]alphaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the alpha data.
[in]betaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the beta data.
[in]hueThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the hue data.
[in]satThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the saturation data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ContrastbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ContrastbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  min,
vx_array  max,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Contrast function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]minThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the min data.
[in]maxThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the max data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_CopybatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CopybatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_image  pDst 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Copy function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_CropMirrorNormalizebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CropMirrorNormalizebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_array  mean,
vx_array  std_dev,
vx_array  flip,
vx_scalar  chnShift,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Crop Mirror Normalize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]meanThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the mean value.
[in]std_devThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the standard deviation value.
[in]flipThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the flip value.
[in]chnShiftAn input scalar value of type VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the channel shift value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_CropPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CropPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Crop function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_CustomConvolutionbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_CustomConvolutionbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernel,
vx_array  kernelWidth,
vx_array  kernelHeight,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Custom Convolution Normalize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelThe input array of mxn size in VX_TYPE_ARRAY containing the data for convolution kernel.
[in]kernelWidthThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the kernel width data.
[in]kernelHeightThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the kernel height data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_DataObjectCopybatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_DataObjectCopybatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Data Object Copy function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_DilatebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_DilatebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Dilate function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ErodebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ErodebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Erade function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ExclusiveORbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ExclusiveORbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP ExclusiveORbatchPD function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ExposurebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ExposurebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  exposureValue,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Exposure function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]exposureValueThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the exposure value data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_FastCornerDetector()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FastCornerDetector ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  noOfPixels,
vx_array  threshold,
vx_array  nonMaxKernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Fast Corner Detector function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]noOfPixelsThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing minimum number of contiguous pixel to detect a corner.
[in]thresholdThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT8 format containing the intensity-difference threshold for corners.
[in]nonMaxKernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the nonmax suppression kernel size.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_FisheyebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FisheyebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Fish Eye function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_FlipbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FlipbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  flipAxis,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Flip function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]flipAxisThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the flip axis data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_FogbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_FogbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  fogValue,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Fog function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]fogValueThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the fog value data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_GammaCorrectionbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GammaCorrectionbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  gamma,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Gamma Correction function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]gammaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the gamma data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_GaussianFilterbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GaussianFilterbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  stdDev,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Filter function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]stdDevThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the standard deviation data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_GaussianImagePyramidbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_GaussianImagePyramidbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  stdDev,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Image Pyramid function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]stdDevThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the standard deviation data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_HarrisCornerDetector()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HarrisCornerDetector ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  gaussianKernelSize,
vx_array  stdDev,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_array  kValue,
vx_array  threshold,
vx_array  nonMaxKernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP HarrisCornerDetector function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]gaussianKernelSizeThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing gaussian kernel size.
[in]stdDevThe input array in float format containing the standard deviation data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the corner detection kernel size.
[in]kValueThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the 'k' value.
[in]thresholdThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the threshold for corners.
[in]nonMaxKernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the nonmax suppression kernel size.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_Histogram()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_Histogram ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  outputHistogram,
vx_scalar  bins 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Gaussian Image Pyramid function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in,out]pSrcThe bidirectional image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data that acts as the input and output..
[in]outputHistogramThe input array of given size in unsigned int containing the output histogram data.
[in]binsThe input scalar in unsigned int to set bins value.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_HistogramBalancebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HistogramBalancebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Histogram Balance function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_HistogramEqualizebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HistogramEqualizebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Histogram Equalize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_HuebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_HuebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  hueShift,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Gamma Correction function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]hueShiftThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the hue shift data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_InclusiveORbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_InclusiveORbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Inclusive Or function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_JitterbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_JitterbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Jitter function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_LaplacianImagePyramid()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LaplacianImagePyramid ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  stdDev,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Laplacian Image Pyramid function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]stdDevThe input array in float format containing the standard deviation data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_LensCorrectionbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LensCorrectionbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  strength,
vx_array  zoom,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Lens Correction function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]strengthThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the strength data.
[in]zoomThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the zoom data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_LocalBinaryPatternbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LocalBinaryPatternbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Local Binary Pattern function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_LookUpTablebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_LookUpTablebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  lutPtr,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Lookup Table function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]lutPtrThe input array in unsigned char format containing the strength data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MagnitudebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MagnitudebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Magnitude function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MaxbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MaxbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Max function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MeanStddev()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MeanStddev ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_scalar  mean,
vx_scalar  stdDev 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Mean Standard Deviation function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]meanThe output scalar of VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 for the computed mean of the image.
[out]stdDevThe output scalar of VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 for the computed standard deviation of the image.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MedianFilterbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MedianFilterbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Median Filter function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MinbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MinbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Min function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MinMaxLoc()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MinMaxLoc ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_scalar  min,
vx_scalar  max,
vx_scalar  minLoc,
vx_scalar  maxLoc 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Min Max Location function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]minThe output of type VX_TYPE_UINT8 for the computed min.
[out]maxThe output of type VX_TYPE_UINT8 for the computed max.
[out]minLocThe output of type VX_TYPE_UINT32 for the index of the computed min.
[out]maxLocThe output of type VX_TYPE_UINT32 for the index of the computed max.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_MultiplybatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_MultiplybatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Multiply function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_NoisebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NoisebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  noiseProbability,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP NoisebatchPD function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]noiseProbabilityinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the noise probability value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_NonLinearFilterbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NonLinearFilterbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP NonLinearFilterbatchPD function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors pre

◆ vxExtrppNode_NonMaxSupressionbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NonMaxSupressionbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  kernelSize,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP NonMaxSupressionbatchPD function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]kernelSizeThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the kernel size data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors pre

◆ vxExtrppNode_NopbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_NopbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_image  pDst 

[Graph] Creates a RPP NOP function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_PhasebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_PhasebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Phase function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_PixelatebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_PixelatebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Pixelate function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_RainbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RainbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  rainValue,
vx_array  rainWidth,
vx_array  rainHeight,
vx_array  rainTransperancy,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Rain function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]rainValueinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the rain value.
[in]rainWidthinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the rain width.
[in]rainHeightinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the rain height.
[in]rainTransperancyinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the rain transparency.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_RandomCropLetterBoxbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RandomCropLetterBoxbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_array  x2,
vx_array  y2,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Random Crop Letter Box function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]x2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end x-position for each image.
[in]y2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end y-position for each image.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_RandomShadowbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RandomShadowbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_array  x2,
vx_array  y2,
vx_array  numberOfShadows,
vx_array  maxSizeX,
vx_array  maxSizeY,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Shadow function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]x2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end x-position for each image.
[in]y2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end y-position for each image.
[in]numberOfShadowsThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing number-of-shadows.
[in]maxSizeXThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing max-shadow-width.
[in]maxSizeYThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing max-shadow-height.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_remap()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_remap ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  rowRemap,
vx_array  colRemap,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Remap function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]rowRemapThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the row numbers for every pixel in the input.
[in]colRemapThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the column numbers for every pixel in the input.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ResizebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Resize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_array  x2,
vx_array  y2,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Crop function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]x2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end x-position for each image.
[in]y2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end y-position for each image.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropMirrorPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeCropMirrorPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  x1,
vx_array  y1,
vx_array  x2,
vx_array  y2,
vx_array  mirrorFlag,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Crop Mirror function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]x1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the start x-position for each image.
[in]y1The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32t containing the start y-position for each image.
[in]x2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end x-position for each image.
[in]y2The input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the end y-position for each image.
[in]mirrorFlagThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the mirror flag (true/false) for each image.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ResizeMirrorNormalizeTensor()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ResizeMirrorNormalizeTensor ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  mean,
vx_array  std_dev,
vx_array  flip,
vx_scalar  chnShift,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Mirror Normalize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]meanThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the mean value.
[in]std_devThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the standard deviation value.
[in]chnShiftAn input scalar value of type VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the channel shift value.
[in]flipThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT containing the flip value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_Resizetensor()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_Resizetensor ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_int32  interpolation_type,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Resize Tensor function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]interpolation_typeThe resize interpolation type in VX_TYPE_INT32 format containing the type of interpolation.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_RotatebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_RotatebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  angle,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Rotate function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]angleinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the angle of rotation.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_SaturationbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SaturationbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  saturationFactor,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Saturation function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]saturationFactorinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the saturation factor.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ScalebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ScalebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  percentage,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Scale function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]percentageinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the scaling percentage value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_SequenceRearrange()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SequenceRearrange ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  newOrder,
vx_uint32  newSequenceLength,
vx_uint32  sequenceLength,
vx_uint32  sequenceCount 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Sequence Rearrange function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]newOrderThe input array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the new order for the output.
[in]newSequenceLengthThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the new sequence length.
[in]sequenceLengthThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the original sequence length.
[in]sequenceCountThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the sequence count.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_SnowbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SnowbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  snowValue,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Snow function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]snowValueinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 containing the snow value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_SobelbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SobelbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  sobelType,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Sobel function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]sobelTypeinput array of batch size in VX_TYPE_UINT32 containing the sobel type value.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_SubtractbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_SubtractbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc1,
vx_image  pSrc2,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Subtract function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_TensorAdd()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorAdd ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_array  pSrc1,
vx_array  pSrc2,
vx_array  pDst,
vx_scalar  tensorDimensions,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Add function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]tensorDimensionsThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set number of dimensions in tensor.
[in]tensorDimensionValuesThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of size tensorDimensions length containing size of each dimension.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_TensorLookup()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorLookup ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_array  pSrc,
vx_array  pDst,
vx_array  lutPtr,
vx_scalar  tensorDimensions,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Lookup function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]lutPtrThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of batch size containing look-up table for each image.
[in]tensorDimensionsThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set number of dimensions in tensor.
[in]tensorDimensionValuesThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of size tensorDimensions length containing size of each dimension.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_TensorMatrixMultiply()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorMatrixMultiply ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_array  pSrc1,
vx_array  pSrc2,
vx_array  pDst,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues1,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues2 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Matrix Multiply function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]tensorDimensionValues1The input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of containing dimensions of first tensor.
[in]tensorDimensionValues2The input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of containing dimensions of second tensor.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_TensorMultiply()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorMultiply ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_array  pSrc1,
vx_array  pSrc2,
vx_array  pDst,
vx_scalar  tensorDimensions,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Multiply function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]tensorDimensionsThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set number of dimensions in tensor.
[in]tensorDimensionValuesThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of size tensorDimensions length containing size of each dimension.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_TensorSubtract()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_TensorSubtract ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_array  pSrc1,
vx_array  pSrc2,
vx_array  pDst,
vx_scalar  tensorDimensions,
vx_array  tensorDimensionValues 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Tensor Subtract function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrc1The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]pSrc2The input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]tensorDimensionsThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set number of dimensions in tensor.
[in]tensorDimensionValuesThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT8 of size tensorDimensions length containing size of each dimension.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_ThresholdingbatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_ThresholdingbatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  min,
vx_array  max,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Threshold function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]minThe input array in unsigned char format containing the min data.
[in]maxThe input array in unsigned char format containing the max data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_VignettebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_VignettebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  stdDev,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Max function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]stdDevThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the standard deviation data.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_WarpAffinebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_WarpAffinebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  affine,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Warp Affine function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]affineThe input array of batch size in float containing values defining the affine-transformation matrix.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxExtrppNode_WarpPerspectivebatchPD()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxExtrppNode_WarpPerspectivebatchPD ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_image  pSrc,
vx_array  srcImgWidth,
vx_array  srcImgHeight,
vx_image  pDst,
vx_array  dstImgWidth,
vx_array  dstImgHeight,
vx_array  perspective,
vx_uint32  nbatchSize 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Warp Perspective function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input image in VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 or VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB format data.
[in]srcImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image width data.
[in]srcImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the image height data.
[out]pDstThe output image data.
[in]dstImgWidthThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the width data for output image.
[in]dstImgHeightThe input array of batch size in unsigned int containing the height data for output image.
[in]perspectiveThe input array of batch size in float containing values defining the perspective-transformation matrix.
[in]nbatchSizeThe input scalar in VX_TYPE_UINT32 to set batch size.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxRppBrightness()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppBrightness ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_tensor  pSrc,
vx_tensor  pSrcRoi,
vx_tensor  pDst,
vx_array  pAlpha,
vx_array  pBeta,
vx_scalar  inputLayout,
vx_scalar  outputLayout,
vx_scalar  roiType 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Brightness function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input tensor data.
[in]pSrcRoiThe input tensor of batch size in unsigned int containing the roi values for the input in xywh/ltrb format.
[out]pDstThe output tensor data.
[in]pAlphaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the alpha data.
[in]pBetaThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the beta data.
[in]inputLayoutThe input layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of input tensor.
[in]outputLayoutThe output layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of output tensor.
[in]roiTypeThe type of roi VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes whether source roi is of XYWH/LTRB type.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxRppCopy()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppCopy ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_tensor  pSrc,
vx_tensor  pDst 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Copy function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input tensor data.
[out]pDstThe output tensor data.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxRppCropMirrorNormalize()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppCropMirrorNormalize ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_tensor  pSrc,
vx_tensor  pSrcRoi,
vx_tensor  pDst,
vx_array  pMultiplier,
vx_array  pOffset,
vx_array  pFlip,
vx_scalar  inputLayout,
vx_scalar  outputLayout,
vx_scalar  roiType 

[Graph] Creates a RPP CropMirrorNormalize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input tensor data.
[in]pSrcRoiThe input tensor of batch size in unsigned int containing the roi values for the input in xywh/ltrb format.
[out]pDstThe output tensor data.
[in]pMultiplierThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the multiplier data.
[in]pOffsetThe input array in VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 format containing the offset data.
[in]pFlipThe input array in VX_TYPE_INT32 format containing the flip data.
[in]inputLayoutThe input layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of input tensor.
[in]outputLayoutThe output layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of output tensor.
[in]roiTypeThe type of roi VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes whether source roi is of XYWH/LTRB type.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxRppNop()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppNop ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_tensor  pSrc,
vx_tensor  pDst 

[Graph] Creates a RPP Nop function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input tensor data.
[out]pDstThe output tensor data.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.

◆ vxRppResize()

SHARED_PUBLIC vx_node VX_API_CALL vxRppResize ( vx_graph  graph,
vx_tensor  pSrc,
vx_tensor  pSrcRoi,
vx_tensor  pDst,
vx_array  pDstWidth,
vx_array  pDstHeight,
vx_scalar  interpolationType,
vx_scalar  inputLayout,
vx_scalar  outputLayout,
vx_scalar  roiType 

[Graph] Creates a RPP vxRppResize function node.

[in]graphThe handle to the graph.
[in]pSrcThe input tensor data.
[in]pSrcRoiThe input tensor of batch size in unsigned int containing the roi values for the input in xywh/ltrb format.
[out]pDstThe output tensor data.
[in]pDstWidthThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the output width data.
[in]pDstHeightThe input array in VX_TYPE_UINT32 format containing the output height data.
[in]interpolationTypeThe resize interpolation type in VX_TYPE_INT32 format containing the type of interpolation.
[in]inputLayoutThe input layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of input tensor.
[in]outputLayoutThe output layout in VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes the layout of output tensor.
[in]roiTypeThe type of roi VX_TYPE_INT32 denotes whether source roi is of XYWH/LTRB type.
A node reference vx_node. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.