▼Ncooperative_groups | |
▼Nimpl | |
Cthread_block_tile_internal | |
Ctiled_partition_internal | |
Ctiled_partition_internal< size, thread_block > | |
Ccoalesced_group | The coalesced_group cooperative group type |
Cgrid_group | The grid cooperative group type |
Cmulti_grid_group | The multi-grid cooperative group type |
Cparent_group_info | User exposed API that captures the state of the parent group pre-partition |
Cthread_block | The workgroup (thread-block in CUDA terminology) cooperative group type |
Cthread_block_tile | Group type - thread_block_tile |
Cthread_block_tile< size, void > | |
Cthread_block_tile_base | |
Cthread_block_tile_type | Group type - thread_block_tile |
Cthread_block_tile_type< tileSize, void > | |
▼Cthread_group | The base type of all cooperative group types |
C_coalesced_info | |
C_tiled_info | |
Ctile_base | |
Ctiled_group | The tiled_group cooperative group type |
Cdim3 | |
Chip_Memcpy2D | |
ChipAccessPolicyWindow | |
ChipArrayMapInfo | |
ChipChannelFormatDesc | |
ChipChildGraphNodeParams | |
ChipDeviceArch_t | |
ChipDeviceProp_t | |
ChipDeviceProp_tR0000 | |
ChipEventRecordNodeParams | |
ChipEventWaitNodeParams | |
ChipExtent | |
ChipExternalMemoryBufferDesc | |
ChipExternalMemoryHandleDesc | |
ChipExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc | |
ChipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc | |
ChipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams | |
ChipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams | |
ChipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams | |
ChipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams | |
ChipFuncAttributes | |
ChipFunctionLaunchParams | |
ChipGraphEdgeData | |
ChipGraphInstantiateParams | |
ChipGraphNodeParams | |
ChipHostNodeParams | |
ChipIpcEventHandle_t | |
ChipIpcMemHandle_t | |
ChipKernelNodeParams | |
ChipLaunchAttributeValue | |
ChipLaunchParams | |
ChipMemAccessDesc | |
ChipMemAllocationProp | |
ChipMemAllocNodeParams | |
ChipMemcpy3DParms | |
ChipMemcpyNodeParams | |
ChipMemFreeNodeParams | |
ChipMemLocation | |
ChipMemPoolProps | |
ChipMemPoolPtrExportData | |
ChipMemsetParams | |
ChipMipmappedArray_t | |
ChipPitchedPtr | |
ChipPointerAttribute_t | |
ChipPos | |
ChipResourceDesc | |
ChipResourceViewDesc | |
ChipTextureDesc | |
ChipUUID | |
Chsa_amd_barrier_value_packet_t | AMD barrier value packet. Halts packet processing and waits for (signal_value & mask) cond value to be satisfied, where signal_value is the value of the signal signal |
Chsa_amd_event_t | AMD GPU event data passed to event handler |
Chsa_amd_gpu_hw_exception_info_t | AMD GPU HW Exception event data |
Chsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_t | AMD GPU memory fault event data |
Chsa_amd_hdp_flush_t | |
Chsa_amd_image_descriptor_t | Encodes an opaque vendor specific image format. The length of data depends on the underlying format. This structure must not be copied as its true length can not be determined |
Chsa_amd_ipc_memory_t | 256-bit process independent identifier for a ROCr shared memory allocation |
Chsa_amd_memory_access_desc_t | |
Chsa_amd_memory_pool_link_info_t | Link properties when accessing the memory pool from the specified agent |
Chsa_amd_memory_pool_t | A memory pool encapsulates physical storage on an agent along with a memory access model |
Chsa_amd_pointer_info_t | Describes a memory allocation known to ROCr. Within a ROCr major version this structure can only grow |
Chsa_amd_profiling_async_copy_time_t | Structure containing profiling async copy time information |
Chsa_amd_profiling_dispatch_time_t | Structure containing profiling dispatch time information |
Chsa_amd_svm_attribute_pair_t | |
Chsa_amd_vendor_packet_header_t | AMD vendor specific AQL packet header |
Chsa_amd_vmem_alloc_handle_t | Struct containing an opaque handle to a memory allocation handle |
Chsa_pitched_ptr_t | |
CsurfaceReference | |
Ctexture | |
CtextureReference | |