/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-hip/checkouts/docs-6.1.1/include/hip/hip_deprecated.h Source File

/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-hip/checkouts/docs-6.1.1/include/hip/hip_deprecated.h Source File#

HIP Runtime API Reference: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-hip/checkouts/docs-6.1.1/include/hip/hip_deprecated.h Source File
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
3 // This file will add older hip functions used in the versioning system
4 // Find the deprecated functions and structs in hip_device.cpp
6 // This struct is also kept in hip_device.cpp
7 typedef struct hipDeviceProp_tR0000 {
8  char name[256];
9  size_t totalGlobalMem;
12  int warpSize;
14  int maxThreadsDim[3];
15  int maxGridSize[3];
16  int clockRate;
19  size_t totalConstMem;
20  int major;
23  int minor;
35  int pciBusID;
40  int gcnArch;
41  char gcnArchName[256];
42  int integrated;
48  int maxTexture2D[2];
49  int maxTexture3D[3];
51  unsigned int* hdpMemFlushCntl;
52  unsigned int* hdpRegFlushCntl;
53  size_t memPitch;
58  int ECCEnabled;
59  int tccDriver;
72  int isLargeBar;
86 #ifdef __cplusplus
87 extern "C" {
88 #endif
93 #ifdef __cplusplus
94 }
95 #endif
enum __HIP_NODISCARD hipError_t hipError_t
Definition: hip_runtime_api.h:287
hipError_t hipChooseDeviceR0000(int *device, const hipDeviceProp_tR0000 *prop)
hipError_t hipGetDevicePropertiesR0000(hipDeviceProp_tR0000 *prop, int device)
Definition: hip_runtime_api.h:53
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:7
int pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:81
int memoryBusWidth
Global memory bus width in bits.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:18
int maxGridSize[3]
Max grid dimensions (XYZ).
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:15
int maxTexture1DLinear
Maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:46
int cooperativeLaunch
HIP device supports cooperative launch.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:43
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:69
size_t totalConstMem
Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:19
int memoryClockRate
Max global memory clock frequency in khz.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:17
char gcnArchName[256]
AMD GCN Arch Name.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:41
int major
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:20
int concurrentKernels
Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:33
int clockRate
Max clock frequency of the multiProcessors in khz.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:16
unsigned int * hdpMemFlushCntl
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:51
size_t memPitch
Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:53
unsigned int * hdpRegFlushCntl
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:52
int maxTexture2D[2]
Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:48
int maxTexture3D[3]
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:49
int ECCEnabled
Device has ECC support enabled.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:58
int warpSize
Warp size.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:12
int maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
Maximum resident threads per multi-processor.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:28
int canMapHostMemory
Check whether HIP can map host memory.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:39
int concurrentManagedAccess
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:77
int minor
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:23
int pciBusID
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:35
int pageableMemoryAccess
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:79
char name[256]
Device name.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:8
int managedMemory
Device supports allocating managed memory on this system.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:74
int directManagedMemAccessFromHost
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:75
size_t sharedMemPerBlock
Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:10
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:63
int computeMode
Compute mode.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:29
hipDeviceArch_t arch
Architectural feature flags. New for HIP.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:32
int kernelExecTimeoutEnabled
Run time limit for kernels executed on the device.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:57
int multiProcessorCount
Number of multi-processors (compute units).
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:26
size_t textureAlignment
Alignment requirement for textures.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:54
size_t maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor
Maximum Shared Memory Per Multiprocessor.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:37
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:60
int maxThreadsPerBlock
Max work items per work group or workgroup max size.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:13
int tccDriver
1:If device is Tesla device using TCC driver, else 0
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:59
int gcnArch
DEPRECATED: use gcnArchName instead.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:40
int maxTexture1D
Maximum number of elements in 1D images.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:47
int isMultiGpuBoard
1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:38
int pciDomainID
PCI Domain ID.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:34
int maxThreadsDim[3]
Max number of threads in each dimension (XYZ) of a block.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:14
int l2CacheSize
L2 cache size.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:27
int regsPerBlock
Registers per block.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:11
int integrated
APU vs dGPU.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:42
size_t texturePitchAlignment
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:55
int clockInstructionRate
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:30
int asicRevision
Revision of the GPU in this device.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:73
size_t totalGlobalMem
Size of global memory region (in bytes).
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:9
int cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:44
int pciDeviceID
PCI Device ID.
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:36
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:66
int isLargeBar
1: if it is a large PCI bar device, else 0
Definition: hip_deprecated.h:72