Defines the API signatures for HIP runtime. This file can be compiled with a standard compiler.
hipError_t | hipInit (unsigned int flags) |
| Explicitly initializes the HIP runtime.
hipError_t | hipDriverGetVersion (int *driverVersion) |
| Returns the approximate HIP driver version.
hipError_t | hipRuntimeGetVersion (int *runtimeVersion) |
| Returns the approximate HIP Runtime version.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGet (hipDevice_t *device, int ordinal) |
| Returns a handle to a compute device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceComputeCapability (int *major, int *minor, hipDevice_t device) |
| Returns the compute capability of the device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetName (char *name, int len, hipDevice_t device) |
| Returns an identifer string for the device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetUuid (hipUUID *uuid, hipDevice_t device) |
| Returns an UUID for the device.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetP2PAttribute (int *value, hipDeviceP2PAttr attr, int srcDevice, int dstDevice) |
| Returns a value for attribute of link between two devices.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetPCIBusId (char *pciBusId, int len, int device) |
| Returns a PCI Bus Id string for the device, overloaded to take int device ID.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetByPCIBusId (int *device, const char *pciBusId) |
| Returns a handle to a compute device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceTotalMem (size_t *bytes, hipDevice_t device) |
| Returns the total amount of memory on the device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSynchronize (void) |
| Waits on all active streams on current device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceReset (void) |
| The state of current device is discarded and updated to a fresh state.
hipError_t | hipSetDevice (int deviceId) |
| Set default device to be used for subsequent hip API calls from this thread.
hipError_t | hipGetDevice (int *deviceId) |
| Return the default device id for the calling host thread.
hipError_t | hipGetDeviceCount (int *count) |
| Return number of compute-capable devices.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetAttribute (int *pi, hipDeviceAttribute_t attr, int deviceId) |
| Query for a specific device attribute.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetDefaultMemPool (hipMemPool_t *mem_pool, int device) |
| Returns the default memory pool of the specified device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSetMemPool (int device, hipMemPool_t mem_pool) |
| Sets the current memory pool of a device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetMemPool (hipMemPool_t *mem_pool, int device) |
| Gets the current memory pool for the specified device.
hipError_t | hipGetDeviceProperties (hipDeviceProp_t *prop, int deviceId) |
| Returns device properties.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSetCacheConfig (hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) |
| Set L1/Shared cache partition.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetCacheConfig (hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) |
| Get Cache configuration for a specific Device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetLimit (size_t *pValue, enum hipLimit_t limit) |
| Gets resource limits of current device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSetLimit (enum hipLimit_t limit, size_t value) |
| Sets resource limits of current device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetSharedMemConfig (hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) |
| Returns bank width of shared memory for current device.
hipError_t | hipGetDeviceFlags (unsigned int *flags) |
| Gets the flags set for current device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSetSharedMemConfig (hipSharedMemConfig config) |
| The bank width of shared memory on current device is set.
hipError_t | hipSetDeviceFlags (unsigned flags) |
| The current device behavior is changed according the flags passed.
hipError_t | hipChooseDevice (int *device, const hipDeviceProp_t *prop) |
| Device which matches hipDeviceProp_t is returned.
hipError_t | hipExtGetLinkTypeAndHopCount (int device1, int device2, uint32_t *linktype, uint32_t *hopcount) |
| Returns the link type and hop count between two devices.
hipError_t | hipIpcGetMemHandle (hipIpcMemHandle_t *handle, void *devPtr) |
| Gets an interprocess memory handle for an existing device memory allocation.
hipError_t | hipIpcOpenMemHandle (void **devPtr, hipIpcMemHandle_t handle, unsigned int flags) |
| Opens an interprocess memory handle exported from another process and returns a device pointer usable in the local process.
hipError_t | hipIpcCloseMemHandle (void *devPtr) |
| Close memory mapped with hipIpcOpenMemHandle.
hipError_t | hipIpcGetEventHandle (hipIpcEventHandle_t *handle, hipEvent_t event) |
| Gets an opaque interprocess handle for an event.
hipError_t | hipIpcOpenEventHandle (hipEvent_t *event, hipIpcEventHandle_t handle) |
| Opens an interprocess event handles.
hipError_t | hipFuncSetAttribute (const void *func, hipFuncAttribute attr, int value) |
| Set attribute for a specific function.
hipError_t | hipFuncSetCacheConfig (const void *func, hipFuncCache_t config) |
| Set Cache configuration for a specific function.
hipError_t | hipFuncSetSharedMemConfig (const void *func, hipSharedMemConfig config) |
| Set shared memory configuation for a specific function.
hipError_t | hipGetLastError (void) |
| Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call and resets the stored error code to hipSuccess.
hipError_t | hipPeekAtLastError (void) |
| Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call.
const char * | hipGetErrorName (hipError_t hip_error) |
| Return hip error as text string form.
const char * | hipGetErrorString (hipError_t hipError) |
| Return handy text string message to explain the error which occurred.
hipError_t | hipDrvGetErrorName (hipError_t hipError, const char **errorString) |
| Return hip error as text string form.
hipError_t | hipDrvGetErrorString (hipError_t hipError, const char **errorString) |
| Return handy text string message to explain the error which occurred.
hipError_t | hipStreamCreate (hipStream_t *stream) |
| Create an asynchronous stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamCreateWithFlags (hipStream_t *stream, unsigned int flags) |
| Create an asynchronous stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamCreateWithPriority (hipStream_t *stream, unsigned int flags, int priority) |
| Create an asynchronous stream with the specified priority.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange (int *leastPriority, int *greatestPriority) |
| Returns numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priority.
hipError_t | hipStreamDestroy (hipStream_t stream) |
| Destroys the specified stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamQuery (hipStream_t stream) |
| Return hipSuccess if all of the operations in the specified stream have completed, or hipErrorNotReady if not.
hipError_t | hipStreamSynchronize (hipStream_t stream) |
| Wait for all commands in stream to complete.
hipError_t | hipStreamWaitEvent (hipStream_t stream, hipEvent_t event, unsigned int flags) |
| Make the specified compute stream wait for an event.
hipError_t | hipStreamGetFlags (hipStream_t stream, unsigned int *flags) |
| Return flags associated with this stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamGetPriority (hipStream_t stream, int *priority) |
| Query the priority of a stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamGetDevice (hipStream_t stream, hipDevice_t *device) |
| Get the device assocaited with the stream.
hipError_t | hipExtStreamCreateWithCUMask (hipStream_t *stream, uint32_t cuMaskSize, const uint32_t *cuMask) |
| Create an asynchronous stream with the specified CU mask.
hipError_t | hipExtStreamGetCUMask (hipStream_t stream, uint32_t cuMaskSize, uint32_t *cuMask) |
| Get CU mask associated with an asynchronous stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamAddCallback (hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCallback_t callback, void *userData, unsigned int flags) |
| Adds a callback to be called on the host after all currently enqueued items in the stream have completed. For each hipStreamAddCallback call, a callback will be executed exactly once. The callback will block later work in the stream until it is finished.
hipError_t | hipStreamWaitValue32 (hipStream_t stream, void *ptr, uint32_t value, unsigned int flags, uint32_t mask __dparm(0xFFFFFFFF)) |
| Enqueues a wait command to the stream.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipStreamWaitValue64 (hipStream_t stream, void *ptr, uint64_t value, unsigned int flags, uint64_t mask __dparm(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) |
| Enqueues a wait command to the stream.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipStreamWriteValue32 (hipStream_t stream, void *ptr, uint32_t value, unsigned int flags) |
| Enqueues a write command to the stream.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipStreamWriteValue64 (hipStream_t stream, void *ptr, uint64_t value, unsigned int flags) |
| Enqueues a write command to the stream.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipEventCreateWithFlags (hipEvent_t *event, unsigned flags) |
| Create an event with the specified flags.
hipError_t | hipEventCreate (hipEvent_t *event) |
hipError_t | hipEventRecord (hipEvent_t event, hipStream_t stream) |
| Record an event in the specified stream.
hipError_t | hipEventDestroy (hipEvent_t event) |
| Destroy the specified event.
hipError_t | hipEventSynchronize (hipEvent_t event) |
| Wait for an event to complete.
hipError_t | hipEventElapsedTime (float *ms, hipEvent_t start, hipEvent_t stop) |
| Return the elapsed time between two events.
hipError_t | hipEventQuery (hipEvent_t event) |
| Query event status.
hipError_t | hipPointerSetAttribute (const void *value, hipPointer_attribute attribute, hipDeviceptr_t ptr) |
| Sets information on the specified pointer.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipPointerGetAttributes (hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, const void *ptr) |
| Return attributes for the specified pointer.
hipError_t | hipPointerGetAttribute (void *data, hipPointer_attribute attribute, hipDeviceptr_t ptr) |
| Returns information about the specified pointer.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipDrvPointerGetAttributes (unsigned int numAttributes, hipPointer_attribute *attributes, void **data, hipDeviceptr_t ptr) |
| Returns information about the specified pointer.[BETA].
hipError_t | hipImportExternalSemaphore (hipExternalSemaphore_t *extSem_out, const hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc *semHandleDesc) |
| Imports an external semaphore.
hipError_t | hipSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync (const hipExternalSemaphore_t *extSemArray, const hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams *paramsArray, unsigned int numExtSems, hipStream_t stream) |
| Signals a set of external semaphore objects.
hipError_t | hipWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync (const hipExternalSemaphore_t *extSemArray, const hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams *paramsArray, unsigned int numExtSems, hipStream_t stream) |
| Waits on a set of external semaphore objects.
hipError_t | hipDestroyExternalSemaphore (hipExternalSemaphore_t extSem) |
| Destroys an external semaphore object and releases any references to the underlying resource. Any outstanding signals or waits must have completed before the semaphore is destroyed.
hipError_t | hipImportExternalMemory (hipExternalMemory_t *extMem_out, const hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc *memHandleDesc) |
| Imports an external memory object.
hipError_t | hipExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer (void **devPtr, hipExternalMemory_t extMem, const hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc *bufferDesc) |
| Maps a buffer onto an imported memory object.
hipError_t | hipDestroyExternalMemory (hipExternalMemory_t extMem) |
| Destroys an external memory object.
hipError_t | hipMalloc (void **ptr, size_t size) |
| Allocate memory on the default accelerator.
hipError_t | hipExtMallocWithFlags (void **ptr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) |
| Allocate memory on the default accelerator.
hipError_t | hipMallocHost (void **ptr, size_t size) |
| Allocate pinned host memory [Deprecated].
hipError_t | hipMemAllocHost (void **ptr, size_t size) |
| Allocate pinned host memory [Deprecated].
hipError_t | hipHostMalloc (void **ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags) |
| Allocates device accessible page locked (pinned) host memory.
hipError_t | hipMallocManaged (void **dev_ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags __dparm(hipMemAttachGlobal)) |
| Allocates memory that will be automatically managed by HIP.
hipError_t | hipMemPrefetchAsync (const void *dev_ptr, size_t count, int device, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Prefetches memory to the specified destination device using HIP.
hipError_t | hipMemAdvise (const void *dev_ptr, size_t count, hipMemoryAdvise advice, int device) |
| Advise about the usage of a given memory range to HIP.
hipError_t | hipMemRangeGetAttribute (void *data, size_t data_size, hipMemRangeAttribute attribute, const void *dev_ptr, size_t count) |
| Query an attribute of a given memory range in HIP.
hipError_t | hipMemRangeGetAttributes (void **data, size_t *data_sizes, hipMemRangeAttribute *attributes, size_t num_attributes, const void *dev_ptr, size_t count) |
| Query attributes of a given memory range in HIP.
hipError_t | hipStreamAttachMemAsync (hipStream_t stream, void *dev_ptr, size_t length __dparm(0), unsigned int flags __dparm(hipMemAttachSingle)) |
| Attach memory to a stream asynchronously in HIP.
hipError_t | hipMallocAsync (void **dev_ptr, size_t size, hipStream_t stream) |
| Allocates memory with stream ordered semantics.
hipError_t | hipFreeAsync (void *dev_ptr, hipStream_t stream) |
| Frees memory with stream ordered semantics.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolTrimTo (hipMemPool_t mem_pool, size_t min_bytes_to_hold) |
| Releases freed memory back to the OS.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolSetAttribute (hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemPoolAttr attr, void *value) |
| Sets attributes of a memory pool.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolGetAttribute (hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemPoolAttr attr, void *value) |
| Gets attributes of a memory pool.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolSetAccess (hipMemPool_t mem_pool, const hipMemAccessDesc *desc_list, size_t count) |
| Controls visibility of the specified pool between devices.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolGetAccess (hipMemAccessFlags *flags, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemLocation *location) |
| Returns the accessibility of a pool from a device.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolCreate (hipMemPool_t *mem_pool, const hipMemPoolProps *pool_props) |
| Creates a memory pool.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolDestroy (hipMemPool_t mem_pool) |
| Destroys the specified memory pool.
hipError_t | hipMallocFromPoolAsync (void **dev_ptr, size_t size, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipStream_t stream) |
| Allocates memory from a specified pool with stream ordered semantics.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolExportToShareableHandle (void *shared_handle, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemAllocationHandleType handle_type, unsigned int flags) |
| Exports a memory pool to the requested handle type.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle (hipMemPool_t *mem_pool, void *shared_handle, hipMemAllocationHandleType handle_type, unsigned int flags) |
| Imports a memory pool from a shared handle.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolExportPointer (hipMemPoolPtrExportData *export_data, void *dev_ptr) |
| Export data to share a memory pool allocation between processes.
hipError_t | hipMemPoolImportPointer (void **dev_ptr, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemPoolPtrExportData *export_data) |
| Import a memory pool allocation from another process.
hipError_t | hipHostAlloc (void **ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags) |
| Allocate device accessible page locked host memory [Deprecated].
hipError_t | hipHostGetDevicePointer (void **devPtr, void *hstPtr, unsigned int flags) |
| Get Device pointer from Host Pointer allocated through hipHostMalloc.
hipError_t | hipHostGetFlags (unsigned int *flagsPtr, void *hostPtr) |
| Return flags associated with host pointer.
hipError_t | hipHostRegister (void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags) |
| Register host memory so it can be accessed from the current device.
hipError_t | hipHostUnregister (void *hostPtr) |
| Un-register host pointer.
hipError_t | hipMallocPitch (void **ptr, size_t *pitch, size_t width, size_t height) |
hipError_t | hipMemAllocPitch (hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t *pitch, size_t widthInBytes, size_t height, unsigned int elementSizeBytes) |
hipError_t | hipFree (void *ptr) |
| Free memory allocated by the hcc hip memory allocation API. This API performs an implicit hipDeviceSynchronize() call. If pointer is NULL, the hip runtime is initialized and hipSuccess is returned.
hipError_t | hipFreeHost (void *ptr) |
| Free memory allocated by the hcc hip host memory allocation API [Deprecated].
hipError_t | hipHostFree (void *ptr) |
| Free memory allocated by the hcc hip host memory allocation API This API performs an implicit hipDeviceSynchronize() call. If pointer is NULL, the hip runtime is initialized and hipSuccess is returned.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copy data from src to dst.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyWithStream (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream) |
| Memory copy on the stream. It allows single or multiple devices to do memory copy on single or multiple streams.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyHtoD (hipDeviceptr_t dst, void *src, size_t sizeBytes) |
| Copy data from Host to Device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyDtoH (void *dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes) |
| Copy data from Device to Host.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyDtoD (hipDeviceptr_t dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes) |
| Copy data from Device to Device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyHtoDAsync (hipDeviceptr_t dst, void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) |
| Copy data from Host to Device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) |
| Copy data from Device to Host asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyDtoDAsync (hipDeviceptr_t dst, hipDeviceptr_t src, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream) |
| Copy data from Device to Device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipModuleGetGlobal (hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t *bytes, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) |
| Returns a global pointer from a module. Returns in *dptr and *bytes the pointer and size of the global of name name located in module hmod. If no variable of that name exists, it returns hipErrorNotFound. Both parameters dptr and bytes are optional. If one of them is NULL, it is ignored and hipSuccess is returned.
hipError_t | hipGetSymbolAddress (void **devPtr, const void *symbol) |
| Gets device pointer associated with symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipGetSymbolSize (size_t *size, const void *symbol) |
| Gets the size of the given symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyToSymbol (const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyHostToDevice)) |
| Copies data to the given symbol on the device. Symbol HIP APIs allow a kernel to define a device-side data symbol which can be accessed on the host side. The symbol can be in __constant or device space. Note that the symbol name needs to be encased in the HIP_SYMBOL macro. This also applies to hipMemcpyFromSymbol, hipGetSymbolAddress, and hipGetSymbolSize. For detail usage, see the example at
hipError_t | hipMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data to the given symbol on the device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyFromSymbol (void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset __dparm(0), hipMemcpyKind kind __dparm(hipMemcpyDeviceToHost)) |
| Copies data from the given symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t sizeBytes, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data from the given symbol on the device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyAsync (void *dst, const void *src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copy data from src to dst asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemset (void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant byte value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD8 (hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t count) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant byte value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD8Async (hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned char value, size_t count, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant byte value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD16 (hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned short value, size_t count) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant short value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD16Async (hipDeviceptr_t dest, unsigned short value, size_t count, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant short value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD32 (hipDeviceptr_t dest, int value, size_t count) |
| Fills the memory area pointed to by dest with the constant integer value for specified number of times.
hipError_t | hipMemsetAsync (void *dst, int value, size_t sizeBytes, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dev with the constant byte value value.
hipError_t | hipMemsetD32Async (hipDeviceptr_t dst, int value, size_t count, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills the memory area pointed to by dev with the constant integer value for specified number of times.
hipError_t | hipMemset2D (void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height) |
| Fills the memory area pointed to by dst with the constant value.
hipError_t | hipMemset2DAsync (void *dst, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by dst with the constant value.
hipError_t | hipMemset3D (hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent) |
| Fills synchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the constant value.
hipError_t | hipMemset3DAsync (hipPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, hipExtent extent, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the constant value.
hipError_t | hipMemGetInfo (size_t *free, size_t *total) |
| Query memory info.
hipError_t | hipMemPtrGetInfo (void *ptr, size_t *size) |
| Get allocated memory size via memory pointer.
hipError_t | hipMallocArray (hipArray **array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height __dparm(0), unsigned int flags __dparm(hipArrayDefault)) |
| Allocate an array on the device.
hipError_t | hipArrayCreate (hipArray **pHandle, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) |
| Create an array memory pointer on the device.
hipError_t | hipArrayDestroy (hipArray *array) |
| Destroy an array memory pointer on the device.
hipError_t | hipArray3DCreate (hipArray **array, const HIP_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray) |
| Create a 3D array memory pointer on the device.
hipError_t | hipMalloc3D (hipPitchedPtr *pitchedDevPtr, hipExtent extent) |
| Create a 3D memory pointer on the device.
hipError_t | hipFreeArray (hipArray *array) |
| Frees an array on the device.
hipError_t | hipMalloc3DArray (hipArray **array, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, struct hipExtent extent, unsigned int flags) |
| Allocate an array on the device.
hipError_t | hipArrayGetInfo (hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, hipExtent *extent, unsigned int *flags, hipArray *array) |
| Gets info about the specified array.
hipError_t | hipArrayGetDescriptor (HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pArrayDescriptor, hipArray *array) |
| Gets a 1D or 2D array descriptor.
hipError_t | hipArray3DGetDescriptor (HIP_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *pArrayDescriptor, hipArray *array) |
| Gets a 3D array descriptor.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2D (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyParam2D (const hip_Memcpy2D *pCopy) |
| Copies memory for 2D arrays.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyParam2DAsync (const hip_Memcpy2D *pCopy, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies memory for 2D arrays.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2DAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2DToArray (hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2DToArrayAsync (hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyToArray (hipArray *dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyFromArray (void *dst, hipArray_const_t srcArray, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2DFromArray (void *dst, size_t dpitch, hipArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, hipArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data between host and device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyAtoH (void *dst, hipArray *srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t count) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpyHtoA (hipArray *dstArray, size_t dstOffset, const void *srcHost, size_t count) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy3D (const struct hipMemcpy3DParms *p) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipMemcpy3DAsync (const struct hipMemcpy3DParms *p, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Copies data between host and device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipDrvMemcpy3D (const HIP_MEMCPY3D *pCopy) |
| Copies data between host and device.
hipError_t | hipDrvMemcpy3DAsync (const HIP_MEMCPY3D *pCopy, hipStream_t stream) |
| Copies data between host and device asynchronously.
hipError_t | hipDeviceCanAccessPeer (int *canAccessPeer, int deviceId, int peerDeviceId) |
| Determine if a device can access a peer's memory.
hipError_t | hipDeviceEnablePeerAccess (int peerDeviceId, unsigned int flags) |
| Enable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device.
hipError_t | hipDeviceDisablePeerAccess (int peerDeviceId) |
| Disable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device.
hipError_t | hipMemGetAddressRange (hipDeviceptr_t *pbase, size_t *psize, hipDeviceptr_t dptr) |
| Get information on memory allocations.
hipError_t | hipCtxCreate (hipCtx_t *ctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t device) |
| Create a context and set it as current/default context.
hipError_t | hipCtxDestroy (hipCtx_t ctx) |
| Destroy a HIP context.
hipError_t | hipCtxPopCurrent (hipCtx_t *ctx) |
| Pop the current/default context and return the popped context.
hipError_t | hipCtxPushCurrent (hipCtx_t ctx) |
| Push the context to be set as current/ default context.
hipError_t | hipCtxSetCurrent (hipCtx_t ctx) |
| Set the passed context as current/default.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetCurrent (hipCtx_t *ctx) |
| Get the handle of the current/ default context.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetDevice (hipDevice_t *device) |
| Get the handle of the device associated with current/default context.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetApiVersion (hipCtx_t ctx, int *apiVersion) |
| Returns the approximate HIP api version.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetCacheConfig (hipFuncCache_t *cacheConfig) |
| Get Cache configuration for a specific function.
hipError_t | hipCtxSetCacheConfig (hipFuncCache_t cacheConfig) |
| Set L1/Shared cache partition.
hipError_t | hipCtxSetSharedMemConfig (hipSharedMemConfig config) |
| Set Shared memory bank configuration.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetSharedMemConfig (hipSharedMemConfig *pConfig) |
| Get Shared memory bank configuration.
hipError_t | hipCtxSynchronize (void) |
| Blocks until the default context has completed all preceding requested tasks.
hipError_t | hipCtxGetFlags (unsigned int *flags) |
| Return flags used for creating default context.
hipError_t | hipCtxEnablePeerAccess (hipCtx_t peerCtx, unsigned int flags) |
| Enables direct access to memory allocations in a peer context.
hipError_t | hipCtxDisablePeerAccess (hipCtx_t peerCtx) |
| Disable direct access from current context's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer context.Disables direct access to memory allocations in a peer context and unregisters any registered allocations.
hipError_t | hipDevicePrimaryCtxGetState (hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int *flags, int *active) |
| Get the state of the primary context.
hipError_t | hipDevicePrimaryCtxRelease (hipDevice_t dev) |
| Release the primary context on the GPU.
hipError_t | hipDevicePrimaryCtxRetain (hipCtx_t *pctx, hipDevice_t dev) |
| Retain the primary context on the GPU.
hipError_t | hipDevicePrimaryCtxReset (hipDevice_t dev) |
| Resets the primary context on the GPU.
hipError_t | hipDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags (hipDevice_t dev, unsigned int flags) |
| Set flags for the primary context.
hipError_t | hipModuleLoad (hipModule_t *module, const char *fname) |
| Loads code object from file into a module the currrent context.
hipError_t | hipModuleUnload (hipModule_t module) |
| Frees the module.
hipError_t | hipModuleGetFunction (hipFunction_t *function, hipModule_t module, const char *kname) |
| Function with kname will be extracted if present in module.
hipError_t | hipFuncGetAttributes (struct hipFuncAttributes *attr, const void *func) |
| Find out attributes for a given function.
hipError_t | hipFuncGetAttribute (int *value, hipFunction_attribute attrib, hipFunction_t hfunc) |
| Find out a specific attribute for a given function.
hipError_t | hipModuleGetTexRef (textureReference **texRef, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name) |
| returns the handle of the texture reference with the name from the module.
hipError_t | hipModuleLoadData (hipModule_t *module, const void *image) |
| builds module from code object which resides in host memory. Image is pointer to that location.
hipError_t | hipModuleLoadDataEx (hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues) |
| builds module from code object which resides in host memory. Image is pointer to that location. Options are not used. hipModuleLoadData is called.
hipError_t | hipModuleLaunchKernel (hipFunction_t f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY, unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX, unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t stream, void **kernelParams, void **extra) |
| launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra
hipError_t | hipModuleLaunchCooperativeKernel (hipFunction_t f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY, unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX, unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t stream, void **kernelParams) |
| launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelParams, where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute
hipError_t | hipModuleLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice (hipFunctionLaunchParams *launchParamsList, unsigned int numDevices, unsigned int flags) |
| Launches kernels on multiple devices where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute.
hipError_t | hipLaunchCooperativeKernel (const void *f, dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDimX, void **kernelParams, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t stream) |
| launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra, where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute
hipError_t | hipLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice (hipLaunchParams *launchParamsList, int numDevices, unsigned int flags) |
| Launches kernels on multiple devices where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute.
hipError_t | hipExtLaunchMultiKernelMultiDevice (hipLaunchParams *launchParamsList, int numDevices, unsigned int flags) |
| Launches kernels on multiple devices and guarantees all specified kernels are dispatched on respective streams before enqueuing any other work on the specified streams from any other threads.
hipError_t | hipModuleOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize (int *gridSize, int *blockSize, hipFunction_t f, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk, int blockSizeLimit) |
| determine the grid and block sizes to achieves maximum occupancy for a kernel
hipError_t | hipModuleOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags (int *gridSize, int *blockSize, hipFunction_t f, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk, int blockSizeLimit, unsigned int flags) |
| determine the grid and block sizes to achieves maximum occupancy for a kernel
hipError_t | hipModuleOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor (int *numBlocks, hipFunction_t f, int blockSize, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk) |
| Returns occupancy for a device function.
hipError_t | hipModuleOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags (int *numBlocks, hipFunction_t f, int blockSize, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk, unsigned int flags) |
| Returns occupancy for a device function.
hipError_t | hipOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor (int *numBlocks, const void *f, int blockSize, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk) |
| Returns occupancy for a device function.
hipError_t | hipOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags (int *numBlocks, const void *f, int blockSize, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk, unsigned int flags __dparm(hipOccupancyDefault)) |
| Returns occupancy for a device function.
hipError_t | hipOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize (int *gridSize, int *blockSize, const void *f, size_t dynSharedMemPerBlk, int blockSizeLimit) |
| determine the grid and block sizes to achieves maximum occupancy for a kernel
hipError_t | hipProfilerStart () |
| Start recording of profiling information. When using this API, start the profiler with profiling disabled. (–startdisabled)
hipError_t | hipProfilerStop () |
| Stop recording of profiling information. When using this API, start the profiler with profiling disabled. (–startdisabled)
hipError_t | hipConfigureCall (dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm(0), hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Configure a kernel launch.
hipError_t | hipSetupArgument (const void *arg, size_t size, size_t offset) |
| Set a kernel argument.
hipError_t | hipLaunchByPtr (const void *func) |
| Launch a kernel.
hipError_t | __hipPushCallConfiguration (dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem __dparm(0), hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Push configuration of a kernel launch.
hipError_t | __hipPopCallConfiguration (dim3 *gridDim, dim3 *blockDim, size_t *sharedMem, hipStream_t *stream) |
| Pop configuration of a kernel launch.
hipError_t | hipLaunchKernel (const void *function_address, dim3 numBlocks, dim3 dimBlocks, void **args, size_t sharedMemBytes __dparm(0), hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| C compliant kernel launch API.
hipError_t | hipLaunchHostFunc (hipStream_t stream, hipHostFn_t fn, void *userData) |
| Enqueues a host function call in a stream.
hipError_t | hipDrvMemcpy2DUnaligned (const hip_Memcpy2D *pCopy) |
hipError_t | hipExtLaunchKernel (const void *function_address, dim3 numBlocks, dim3 dimBlocks, void **args, size_t sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t stream, hipEvent_t startEvent, hipEvent_t stopEvent, int flags) |
| Launches kernel from the pointer address, with arguments and shared memory on stream.
hipError_t | hipCreateTextureObject (hipTextureObject_t *pTexObject, const hipResourceDesc *pResDesc, const hipTextureDesc *pTexDesc, const struct hipResourceViewDesc *pResViewDesc) |
| Creates a texture object.
hipError_t | hipDestroyTextureObject (hipTextureObject_t textureObject) |
| Destroys a texture object.
hipError_t | hipGetChannelDesc (hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, hipArray_const_t array) |
| Gets the channel descriptor in an array.
hipError_t | hipGetTextureObjectResourceDesc (hipResourceDesc *pResDesc, hipTextureObject_t textureObject) |
| Gets resource descriptor for the texture object.
hipError_t | hipGetTextureObjectResourceViewDesc (struct hipResourceViewDesc *pResViewDesc, hipTextureObject_t textureObject) |
| Gets resource view descriptor for the texture object.
hipError_t | hipGetTextureObjectTextureDesc (hipTextureDesc *pTexDesc, hipTextureObject_t textureObject) |
| Gets texture descriptor for the texture object.
hipError_t | hipTexObjectCreate (hipTextureObject_t *pTexObject, const HIP_RESOURCE_DESC *pResDesc, const HIP_TEXTURE_DESC *pTexDesc, const HIP_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *pResViewDesc) |
| Creates a texture object.
hipError_t | hipTexObjectDestroy (hipTextureObject_t texObject) |
| Destroys a texture object.
hipError_t | hipTexObjectGetResourceDesc (HIP_RESOURCE_DESC *pResDesc, hipTextureObject_t texObject) |
| Gets resource descriptor of a texture object.
hipError_t | hipTexObjectGetResourceViewDesc (HIP_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *pResViewDesc, hipTextureObject_t texObject) |
| Gets resource view descriptor of a texture object.
hipError_t | hipTexObjectGetTextureDesc (HIP_TEXTURE_DESC *pTexDesc, hipTextureObject_t texObject) |
| Gets texture descriptor of a texture object.
hipError_t | hipMallocMipmappedArray (hipMipmappedArray_t *mipmappedArray, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, struct hipExtent extent, unsigned int numLevels, unsigned int flags __dparm(0)) |
| Allocate a mipmapped array on the device.
hipError_t | hipFreeMipmappedArray (hipMipmappedArray_t mipmappedArray) |
| Frees a mipmapped array on the device.
hipError_t | hipGetMipmappedArrayLevel (hipArray_t *levelArray, hipMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray, unsigned int level) |
| Gets a mipmap level of a HIP mipmapped array.
hipError_t | hipMipmappedArrayCreate (hipMipmappedArray_t *pHandle, HIP_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *pMipmappedArrayDesc, unsigned int numMipmapLevels) |
| Create a mipmapped array.
hipError_t | hipMipmappedArrayDestroy (hipMipmappedArray_t hMipmappedArray) |
| Destroy a mipmapped array.
hipError_t | hipMipmappedArrayGetLevel (hipArray_t *pLevelArray, hipMipmappedArray_t hMipMappedArray, unsigned int level) |
| Get a mipmapped array on a mipmapped level.
hipError_t | hipBindTextureToMipmappedArray (const textureReference *tex, hipMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc) |
| Binds a mipmapped array to a texture.
hipError_t | hipGetTextureReference (const textureReference **texref, const void *symbol) |
| Gets the texture reference related with the symbol.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetAddressMode (textureReference *texRef, int dim, enum hipTextureAddressMode am) |
| Sets address mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetArray (textureReference *tex, hipArray_const_t array, unsigned int flags) |
| Binds an array as a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetFilterMode (textureReference *texRef, enum hipTextureFilterMode fm) |
| Set filter mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetFlags (textureReference *texRef, unsigned int Flags) |
| Set flags for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetFormat (textureReference *texRef, hipArray_Format fmt, int NumPackedComponents) |
| Set format for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipBindTexture (size_t *offset, const textureReference *tex, const void *devPtr, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t size __dparm(UINT_MAX)) |
| Binds a memory area to a texture.
hipError_t | hipBindTexture2D (size_t *offset, const textureReference *tex, const void *devPtr, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch) |
| Binds a 2D memory area to a texture.
hipError_t | hipBindTextureToArray (const textureReference *tex, hipArray_const_t array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc) |
| Binds a memory area to a texture.
hipError_t | hipGetTextureAlignmentOffset (size_t *offset, const textureReference *texref) |
| Get the offset of the alignment in a texture.
hipError_t | hipUnbindTexture (const textureReference *tex) |
| Unbinds a texture.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetAddress (hipDeviceptr_t *dev_ptr, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the the address for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetAddressMode (enum hipTextureAddressMode *pam, const textureReference *texRef, int dim) |
| Gets the address mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetFilterMode (enum hipTextureFilterMode *pfm, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets filter mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetFlags (unsigned int *pFlags, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets flags for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetFormat (hipArray_Format *pFormat, int *pNumChannels, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets texture format for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy (int *pmaxAnsio, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode (enum hipTextureFilterMode *pfm, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the mipmap filter mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias (float *pbias, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp (float *pminMipmapLevelClamp, float *pmaxMipmapLevelClamp, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the minimum and maximum mipmap level clamps for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefGetMipMappedArray (hipMipmappedArray_t *pArray, const textureReference *texRef) |
| Gets the mipmapped array bound to a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetAddress (size_t *ByteOffset, textureReference *texRef, hipDeviceptr_t dptr, size_t bytes) |
| Sets an bound address for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetAddress2D (textureReference *texRef, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *desc, hipDeviceptr_t dptr, size_t Pitch) |
| Set a bind an address as a 2D texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy (textureReference *texRef, unsigned int maxAniso) |
| Sets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetBorderColor (textureReference *texRef, float *pBorderColor) |
| Sets border color for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode (textureReference *texRef, enum hipTextureFilterMode fm) |
| Sets mipmap filter mode for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias (textureReference *texRef, float bias) |
| Sets mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp (textureReference *texRef, float minMipMapLevelClamp, float maxMipMapLevelClamp) |
| Sets mipmap level clamp for a texture reference.
hipError_t | hipTexRefSetMipmappedArray (textureReference *texRef, struct hipMipmappedArray *mipmappedArray, unsigned int Flags) |
| Binds mipmapped array to a texture reference.
const char * | hipApiName (uint32_t id) |
| Returns HIP API name by ID.
const char * | hipKernelNameRef (const hipFunction_t f) |
| Returns kernel name reference by function name.
const char * | hipKernelNameRefByPtr (const void *hostFunction, hipStream_t stream) |
| Retrives kernel for a given host pointer, unless stated otherwise.
int | hipGetStreamDeviceId (hipStream_t stream) |
| Returns device ID on the stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamBeginCapture (hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCaptureMode mode) |
| Begins graph capture on a stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamEndCapture (hipStream_t stream, hipGraph_t *pGraph) |
| Ends capture on a stream, returning the captured graph.
hipError_t | hipStreamGetCaptureInfo (hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCaptureStatus *pCaptureStatus, unsigned long long *pId) |
| Get capture status of a stream.
hipError_t | hipStreamGetCaptureInfo_v2 (hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCaptureStatus *captureStatus_out, unsigned long long *id_out __dparm(0), hipGraph_t *graph_out __dparm(0), const hipGraphNode_t **dependencies_out __dparm(0), size_t *numDependencies_out __dparm(0)) |
| Get stream's capture state.
hipError_t | hipStreamIsCapturing (hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCaptureStatus *pCaptureStatus) |
| Get stream's capture state.
hipError_t | hipStreamUpdateCaptureDependencies (hipStream_t stream, hipGraphNode_t *dependencies, size_t numDependencies, unsigned int flags __dparm(0)) |
| Update the set of dependencies in a capturing stream.
hipError_t | hipThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode (hipStreamCaptureMode *mode) |
| Swaps the stream capture mode of a thread.
hipError_t | hipGraphCreate (hipGraph_t *pGraph, unsigned int flags) |
| Creates a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphDestroy (hipGraph_t graph) |
| Destroys a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddDependencies (hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *from, const hipGraphNode_t *to, size_t numDependencies) |
| Adds dependency edges to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphRemoveDependencies (hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *from, const hipGraphNode_t *to, size_t numDependencies) |
| Removes dependency edges from a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphGetEdges (hipGraph_t graph, hipGraphNode_t *from, hipGraphNode_t *to, size_t *numEdges) |
| Returns a graph's dependency edges.
hipError_t | hipGraphGetNodes (hipGraph_t graph, hipGraphNode_t *nodes, size_t *numNodes) |
| Returns graph nodes.
hipError_t | hipGraphGetRootNodes (hipGraph_t graph, hipGraphNode_t *pRootNodes, size_t *pNumRootNodes) |
| Returns graph's root nodes.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeGetDependencies (hipGraphNode_t node, hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t *pNumDependencies) |
| Returns a node's dependencies.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeGetDependentNodes (hipGraphNode_t node, hipGraphNode_t *pDependentNodes, size_t *pNumDependentNodes) |
| Returns a node's dependent nodes.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeGetType (hipGraphNode_t node, hipGraphNodeType *pType) |
| Returns a node's type.
hipError_t | hipGraphDestroyNode (hipGraphNode_t node) |
| Remove a node from the graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphClone (hipGraph_t *pGraphClone, hipGraph_t originalGraph) |
| Clones a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeFindInClone (hipGraphNode_t *pNode, hipGraphNode_t originalNode, hipGraph_t clonedGraph) |
| Finds a cloned version of a node.
hipError_t | hipGraphInstantiate (hipGraphExec_t *pGraphExec, hipGraph_t graph, hipGraphNode_t *pErrorNode, char *pLogBuffer, size_t bufferSize) |
| Creates an executable graph from a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphInstantiateWithFlags (hipGraphExec_t *pGraphExec, hipGraph_t graph, unsigned long long flags) |
| Creates an executable graph from a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphLaunch (hipGraphExec_t graphExec, hipStream_t stream) |
| launches an executable graph in a stream
hipError_t | hipGraphUpload (hipGraphExec_t graphExec, hipStream_t stream) |
| uploads an executable graph in a stream
hipError_t | hipGraphExecDestroy (hipGraphExec_t graphExec) |
| Destroys an executable graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecUpdate (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraph_t hGraph, hipGraphNode_t *hErrorNode_out, hipGraphExecUpdateResult *updateResult_out) |
| Check whether an executable graph can be updated with a graph and perform the update if * possible.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddKernelNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipKernelNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Creates a kernel execution node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphKernelNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, hipKernelNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Gets kernel node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphKernelNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, const hipKernelNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets a kernel node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, const hipKernelNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets the parameters for a kernel node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemcpyNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipMemcpy3DParms *pCopyParams) |
| Creates a memcpy node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, hipMemcpy3DParms *pNodeParams) |
| Gets a memcpy node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, const hipMemcpy3DParms *pNodeParams) |
| Sets a memcpy node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute (hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipKernelNodeAttrID attr, const hipKernelNodeAttrValue *value) |
| Sets a node attribute.
hipError_t | hipGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute (hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipKernelNodeAttrID attr, hipKernelNodeAttrValue *value) |
| Gets a node attribute.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, hipMemcpy3DParms *pNodeParams) |
| Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemcpyNode1D (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, void *dst, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Creates a 1D memcpy node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams1D (hipGraphNode_t node, void *dst, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets a memcpy node's parameters to perform a 1-dimensional copy.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams1D (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, void *dst, const void *src, size_t count, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to perform a 1-dimensional copy.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemcpyNodeFromSymbol (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Creates a memcpy node to copy from a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemcpyNodeSetParamsFromSymbol (hipGraphNode_t node, void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy from a symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParamsFromSymbol (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy from a symbol on the.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemcpyNodeToSymbol (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Creates a memcpy node to copy to a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemcpyNodeSetParamsToSymbol (hipGraphNode_t node, const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy to a symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParamsToSymbol (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind) |
| Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy to a symbol on the device.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemsetNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipMemsetParams *pMemsetParams) |
| Creates a memset node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemsetNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, hipMemsetParams *pNodeParams) |
| Gets a memset node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemsetNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, const hipMemsetParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets a memset node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, const hipMemsetParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets the parameters for a memset node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddHostNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipHostNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Creates a host execution node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphHostNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, hipHostNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Returns a host node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphHostNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, const hipHostNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets a host node's parameters.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecHostNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, const hipHostNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Sets the parameters for a host node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddChildGraphNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, hipGraph_t childGraph) |
| Creates a child graph node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphChildGraphNodeGetGraph (hipGraphNode_t node, hipGraph_t *pGraph) |
| Gets a handle to the embedded graph of a child graph node.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t node, hipGraph_t childGraph) |
| Updates node parameters in the child graph node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddEmptyNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies) |
| Creates an empty node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddEventRecordNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, hipEvent_t event) |
| Creates an event record node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphEventRecordNodeGetEvent (hipGraphNode_t node, hipEvent_t *event_out) |
| Returns the event associated with an event record node.
hipError_t | hipGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent (hipGraphNode_t node, hipEvent_t event) |
| Sets an event record node's event.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipEvent_t event) |
| Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddEventWaitNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, hipEvent_t event) |
| Creates an event wait node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphEventWaitNodeGetEvent (hipGraphNode_t node, hipEvent_t *event_out) |
| Returns the event associated with an event wait node.
hipError_t | hipGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent (hipGraphNode_t node, hipEvent_t event) |
| Sets an event wait node's event.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipEvent_t event) |
| Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemAllocNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, hipMemAllocNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Creates a memory allocation node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemAllocNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, hipMemAllocNodeParams *pNodeParams) |
| Returns parameters for memory allocation node.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddMemFreeNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, void *dev_ptr) |
| Creates a memory free node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphMemFreeNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t node, void *dev_ptr) |
| Returns parameters for memory free node.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGetGraphMemAttribute (int device, hipGraphMemAttributeType attr, void *value) |
| Get the mem attribute for graphs.
hipError_t | hipDeviceSetGraphMemAttribute (int device, hipGraphMemAttributeType attr, void *value) |
| Set the mem attribute for graphs.
hipError_t | hipDeviceGraphMemTrim (int device) |
| Free unused memory on specific device used for graph back to OS.
hipError_t | hipUserObjectCreate (hipUserObject_t *object_out, void *ptr, hipHostFn_t destroy, unsigned int initialRefcount, unsigned int flags) |
| Create an instance of userObject to manage lifetime of a resource.
hipError_t | hipUserObjectRelease (hipUserObject_t object, unsigned int count __dparm(1)) |
| Release number of references to resource.
hipError_t | hipUserObjectRetain (hipUserObject_t object, unsigned int count __dparm(1)) |
| Retain number of references to resource.
hipError_t | hipGraphRetainUserObject (hipGraph_t graph, hipUserObject_t object, unsigned int count __dparm(1), unsigned int flags __dparm(0)) |
| Retain user object for graphs.
hipError_t | hipGraphReleaseUserObject (hipGraph_t graph, hipUserObject_t object, unsigned int count __dparm(1)) |
| Release user object from graphs.
hipError_t | hipGraphDebugDotPrint (hipGraph_t graph, const char *path, unsigned int flags) |
| Write a DOT file describing graph structure.
hipError_t | hipGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes (hipGraphNode_t hSrc, hipGraphNode_t hDst) |
| Copies attributes from source node to destination node.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeSetEnabled (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, unsigned int isEnabled) |
| Enables or disables the specified node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphNodeGetEnabled (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, unsigned int *isEnabled) |
| Query whether a node in the given graphExec is enabled.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Creates a external semaphor wait node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode (hipGraphNode_t *pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t *pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, const hipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Creates a external semaphor signal node and adds it to a graph.
hipError_t | hipGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Updates node parameters in the external semaphore signal node.
hipError_t | hipGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams (hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Updates node parameters in the external semaphore wait node.
hipError_t | hipGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams *params_out) |
| Returns external semaphore signal node params.
hipError_t | hipGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeGetParams (hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams *params_out) |
| Returns external semaphore wait node params.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Updates node parameters in the external semaphore signal node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams (hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, const hipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams *nodeParams) |
| Updates node parameters in the external semaphore wait node in the given graphExec.
hipError_t | hipMemAddressFree (void *devPtr, size_t size) |
| Frees an address range reservation made via hipMemAddressReserve.
hipError_t | hipMemAddressReserve (void **ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment, void *addr, unsigned long long flags) |
| Reserves an address range.
hipError_t | hipMemCreate (hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t *handle, size_t size, const hipMemAllocationProp *prop, unsigned long long flags) |
| Creates a memory allocation described by the properties and size.
hipError_t | hipMemExportToShareableHandle (void *shareableHandle, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle, hipMemAllocationHandleType handleType, unsigned long long flags) |
| Exports an allocation to a requested shareable handle type.
hipError_t | hipMemGetAccess (unsigned long long *flags, const hipMemLocation *location, void *ptr) |
| Get the access flags set for the given location and ptr.
hipError_t | hipMemGetAllocationGranularity (size_t *granularity, const hipMemAllocationProp *prop, hipMemAllocationGranularity_flags option) |
| Calculates either the minimal or recommended granularity.
hipError_t | hipMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle (hipMemAllocationProp *prop, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle) |
| Retrieve the property structure of the given handle.
hipError_t | hipMemImportFromShareableHandle (hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t *handle, void *osHandle, hipMemAllocationHandleType shHandleType) |
| Imports an allocation from a requested shareable handle type.
hipError_t | hipMemMap (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t offset, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle, unsigned long long flags) |
| Maps an allocation handle to a reserved virtual address range.
hipError_t | hipMemMapArrayAsync (hipArrayMapInfo *mapInfoList, unsigned int count, hipStream_t stream) |
| Maps or unmaps subregions of sparse HIP arrays and sparse HIP mipmapped arrays.
hipError_t | hipMemRelease (hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle) |
| Release a memory handle representing a memory allocation which was previously allocated through hipMemCreate.
hipError_t | hipMemRetainAllocationHandle (hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t *handle, void *addr) |
| Returns the allocation handle of the backing memory allocation given the address.
hipError_t | hipMemSetAccess (void *ptr, size_t size, const hipMemAccessDesc *desc, size_t count) |
| Set the access flags for each location specified in desc for the given virtual address range.
hipError_t | hipMemUnmap (void *ptr, size_t size) |
| Unmap memory allocation of a given address range.
hipError_t | hipGLGetDevices (unsigned int *pHipDeviceCount, int *pHipDevices, unsigned int hipDeviceCount, hipGLDeviceList deviceList) |
| Queries devices associated with the current OpenGL context.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer (hipGraphicsResource **resource, GLuint buffer, unsigned int flags) |
| Registers a GL Buffer for interop and returns corresponding graphics resource.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsGLRegisterImage (hipGraphicsResource **resource, GLuint image, GLenum target, unsigned int flags) |
| Register a GL Image for interop and returns the corresponding graphic resource.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsMapResources (int count, hipGraphicsResource_t *resources, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Maps a graphics resource for access.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray (hipArray_t *array, hipGraphicsResource_t resource, unsigned int arrayIndex, unsigned int mipLevel) |
| Get an array through which to access a subresource of a mapped graphics resource.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer (void **devPtr, size_t *size, hipGraphicsResource_t resource) |
| Gets device accessible address of a graphics resource.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsUnmapResources (int count, hipGraphicsResource_t *resources, hipStream_t stream __dparm(0)) |
| Unmaps graphics resources.
hipError_t | hipGraphicsUnregisterResource (hipGraphicsResource_t resource) |
| Unregisters a graphics resource.
hipError_t | hipCreateSurfaceObject (hipSurfaceObject_t *pSurfObject, const hipResourceDesc *pResDesc) |
| Create a surface object.
hipError_t | hipDestroySurfaceObject (hipSurfaceObject_t surfaceObject) |
| Destroy a surface object.