- <input file>#
File to load
- --model [resnet50|inceptionv3|alexnet]#
Load model
- --onnx#
Load as onnx
- --tf#
Load as tensorflow
- --migraphx#
Load as MIGraphX
- --migraphx-json#
Load as MIGraphX JSON
- --batch [unsigned int] (Default: 1)#
For a static model, set batch size. For a dynamic batch model, sets the batch size at runtime.
- --nhwc#
Treat tensorflow format as nhwc
- --skip-unknown-operators#
Skip unknown operators when parsing and continue to parse.
- --nchw#
Treat tensorflow format as nchw
- --trim, -t [unsigned int]#
Trim instructions from the end (Default: 0)
- --input-dim [std::vector<std::string>]#
Dim of a parameter (format: “@name d1 d2 dn”)
Set dynamic dimensions of a parameter using JSON formatting (format “@name” “dynamic_dimension_json”)
Set the default dynamic dimension (format {min:x, max:y, optimals:[o1,o2,…]})
- --optimize, -O#
Optimize when reading
- --graphviz, -g#
Print out a graphviz representation.
- --brief#
Make the output brief.
- --cpp#
Print out the program as cpp program.
- --json#
Print out program as json.
- --text#
Print out program in text format.
- --binary#
Print out program in binary format.
- --output, -o [std::string]#
Output to file.