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Release Notes#

Applies to Linux


3 min read time

The release notes for the ROCm platform.

ROCm 5.3.3#

Fixed Defects#

Issue with rocTHRUST and rocPRIM Libraries#

There was a known issue with rocTHRUST and rocPRIM libraries supporting iterator and types in ROCm v5.3.x releases.

  • thrust::merge no longer correctly supports different iterator types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

  • rocprim::device_merge no longer correctly supports using different types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

This issue is resolved with the following fixes to compilation failures:

  • rocPRIM: in device_merge if the two key iterators do not match.

  • rocTHRUST: in thrust::merge if the two key iterators do not match.