Package Manager Integration#
6 min read time
This section provides information about the required meta-packages for the following AMD ROCm programming models:
Heterogeneous-Computing Interface for Portability (HIP)
ROCm Package Naming Conventions#
A meta-package is a grouping of related packages and dependencies used to support a specific use case.
Example: Running HIP applications
All meta-packages exist in both versioned and non-versioned forms.
Non-versioned packages – For a single-version installation of the ROCm stack
Versioned packages – For multi-version installations of the ROCm stack

Fig. 2 ROCm Release Package Naming#
Fig. 2 demonstrates the single and multi-version ROCm packages’ naming structure, including examples for various Linux distributions. See terms below:
Module - It is the part of the package that represents the name of the ROCm component.
Example: The examples mentioned in the image represent the ROCm HIP module.
Module version - It is the version of the library released in that package. It should increase with a newer release.
Release version - It shows the ROCm release version when the package was released.
Example: 50400
points to the ROCm 5.4.0 release.
Build id - It represents the Jenkins build number for that release.
Arch - It shows the architecture for which the package was created.
Distro - It describes the distribution for which the package was created. It is valid only for rpm packages.
Example: el8
represents RHEL 8.x packages.
Components of ROCm Programming Models#
Fig. 3 demonstrates the high-level layered architecture of ROCm programming models and their meta-packages. All meta-packages are a combination of required packages and libraries.
is used to deploy on supported machines to execute HIP applications.rocm-hip-sdk
contains runtime components to deploy and execute HIP applications.

Fig. 3 ROCm Meta Packages#
is not a meta-package but a single package that installs the ROCm
clang compiler files.
Meta-packages |
Description |
The ROCm runtime |
Run HIP applications written for the AMD platform |
Run OpenCL-based applications on the AMD platform |
Develop applications on HIP or port from CUDA |
Develop applications in OpenCL for the AMD platform |
HIP libraries optimized for the AMD platform |
Develop or port HIP applications and libraries for the AMD platform |
Debug and profile HIP applications |
Develop and run Machine Learning applications with optimized for AMD |
Key Machine Learning libraries, specifically MIOpen |
Develop OpenMP-based applications for the AMD platform |
Run OpenMP-based applications for the AMD platform |
Packages in ROCm Programming Models#
This section discusses the available meta-packages and their packages. The following image visualizes the meta-packages and their associated packages in a ROCm programming model.

Fig. 4 Associated Packages#
Meta-packages can include another meta-package.
package is common across all the meta-packages.Meta-packages and associated packages are represented in the same color.
Fig. 4 is for informational purposes only, as the individual packages in a meta-package are subject to change. Install meta-packages, and not individual packages, to avoid conflicts.