Data Structures

Data Structures#

RPP: Data Structures
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CGenericFilterRPPT Tensor GenericFilter type struct
 ChipMemROIRPP HIP 2D ROI memory
 ChipMemRpp32fRPP HIP 32-bit float memory
 ChipMemRpp32sRPP HIP 32-bit signed int memory
 ChipMemRpp32uRPP HIP 32-bit unsigned int memory
 ChipMemRpp64fRPP HIP 64-bit double memory
 ChipMemRpp8sRPP HIP 8-bit signed char memory
 ChipMemRpp8uRPP HIP 8-bit unsigned char memory
 ChipMemRpptRGBRPP HIP RGB memory
 ChipMemSizeRPP HIP 2D dimensions memory
 CInitHandleRPP initialize handle
 CmemCPURPP HOST memory type struct
 CmemGPURPP OCL memory management type struct
 CmemMgmtRPP HIP-HOST memory management
 CmemROIRPP HOST 2D ROI memory
 CmemRpp32fRPP HOST 32-bit float memory
 CmemRpp32sRPP HOST 32-bit signed int memory
 CmemRpp32uRPP HOST 32-bit unsigned int memory
 CmemRpp64fRPP HOST 64-bit double memory
 CmemRpp8sRPP HOST 8-bit signed char memory
 CmemRpp8uRPP HOST 8-bit unsigned char memory
 CmemRpptRGBRPP HOST RGB memory
 CmemSizeRPP HOST 2D dimensions memory
 CRpp32f24RPP 24 float vector
 CRpp32f6RPP 6 float vector
 CRpp32s24RPP 24 signed int vector
 CRppiPointRPPI Image 2D cartesian point type struct
 CRppiPoint3DRPPI Image 3D point type struct
 CRppiRectRPPI Image 2D Rectangle (XYWH format) type struct
 CRppiROIRPPI Image 2D ROI (XYWH format) type struct
 CRppiSizeRPPI Image size(Width/Height dimensions) type struct
 CRppLayoutParamsRPP layout params
 CRppPointPolarRPP polar point
 CRpptBilinearNbhoodLocsVecLen8RPPT Tensor 2D bilinear neighborhood 32-bit signed int 8-length-vectors type struct
 CRpptBilinearNbhoodValsVecLen8RPPT Tensor 2D bilinear neighborhood 32-bit float 8-length-vectors type struct
 CRpptChannelOffsetsRPPT Tensor Channel Offsets struct
 CRpptDescRPPT Tensor descriptor type struct
 CRpptFloatRGBRPPT Tensor 32-bit float RGB type struct
 CRpptFloatVector2DRPPT Tensor 2D 32-bit float vector type struct
 CRpptGenericDescRPPT Tensor Generic descriptor type struct
 CRpptImagePatchRPPT Tensor 2D image patch dimensions type struct
 CRpptResamplingWindowRPPT Tensor RpptResamplingWindow type struct
 CRpptRGBRPPT Tensor 8-bit uchar RGB type struct
 CRpptROIRPPT Tensor 2D ROI union
 CRpptROI3DRPPT Tensor 3D ROI union
 CRpptRoiLtfrbbRPPT Tensor 3D ROI LTFRBB struct
 CRpptRoiLtrbRPPT Tensor 2D ROI LTRB struct
 CRpptRoiXywhRPPT Tensor 2D ROI XYWH struct
 CRpptRoiXyzwhdRPPT Tensor 3D ROI XYZWHD struct
 CRpptStridesRPPT Tensor strides type struct
 CRpptUintVector2DRPPT Tensor 2D 32-bit uint vector type struct
 CRpptXorwowStateRPPT Tensor random number generator state (xorwow state) type struct
 CRpptXorwowStateBoxMullerRPPT Tensor random number generator state (xorwow box muller state) type struct