Installing ROCTracer#


apt install python3 python3-pip gcc g++ libatomic1 make \
cmake doxygen graphviz texlive-full
yum install -y python3 python3-pip gcc gcc-g++ make \
cmake libatomic doxygen graphviz texlive \
texlive-xtab texlive-multirow texlive-sectsty \
texlive-tocloft texlive-tabu texlive-adjustbox
zypper in python3 python3-pip gcc gcc-g++ make \
cmake libatomic doxygen graphviz \
texlive-scheme-medium texlive-hanging texlive-stackengine \
texlive-tocloft texlive-etoc texlive-tabu
  • Install Python libraries such as CppHeaderParser and argparse for Python modules:

    pip3 install CppHeaderParser argparse

Build and test from source#

Follow these steps to build ROCTracer:

  1. Clone development branch of roctracer:

    git clone -b amd-master
  2. Build ROCTracer library:

    cd <your path>/roctracer
  3. Build and run test:

    cd <your path>/roctracer/build
    make mytest


Install using:

make install


make package && dpkg -i *.deb

Library source tree#

  • doc: documentation

  • inc: include header files

    • roctracer.h: ROCTracer library public API header

    • roctx.h: ROC-TX library public API header

  • src: library sources

    • roctracer: ROCTracer library API sources

    • roctx: ROC-TX library API sources

    • util: library util sources

  • test: test suit

    • MatrixTranspose: test based on HIP MatrixTranspose sample.

Code examples#