Data Structures

Data Structures#

Rocprofiler SDK Developer API: Data Structures
Rocprofiler SDK Developer API 0.5.0
ROCm Profiling API and tools
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CCodeobjAddressTranslateTranslates virtual addresses to elf file offsets
 CCodeobjMapMaps ID and offsets into instructions
 CCodeobjTableTranslatorFinds a candidate codeobj for the given vaddr
 Cis_string_type< char * >
 Cis_string_type< const char * >
 Cstring_support< const char * >
 Cperfetto_category< category ::hip_api >
 Cperfetto_category< category ::hsa_api >
 Cperfetto_category< category ::kernel_dispatch >
 Cperfetto_category< category ::marker_api >
 Cperfetto_category< category ::memory_copy >
 Crocprofiler_agent_cache_tCache information for an agent
 Crocprofiler_agent_id_tAgent Identifier
 Crocprofiler_agent_io_link_tIO link information for an agent
 Crocprofiler_agent_mem_bank_tMemory bank information for an agent
 Crocprofiler_agent_v0_tStores the properties of an agent (CPU, GPU, etc.)
 Crocprofiler_buffer_id_tBuffer ID
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_correlation_id_retirement_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Correlation ID Retirement Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_hip_api_record_tROCProfiler Buffer HIP API Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_hsa_api_record_tROCProfiler Buffer HSA API Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_kernel_dispatch_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Kernel Dispatch Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_marker_api_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Marker Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_memory_copy_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Memory Copy Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_page_migration_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Page Migration Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_buffer_tracing_scratch_memory_record_tROCProfiler Buffer Scratch Memory Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_callback_thread_tOpaque handle to an internal thread identifier which delivers callbacks for buffers
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_code_object_kernel_symbol_register_data_tROCProfiler Code Object Kernel Symbol Tracer Callback Record
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_code_object_load_data_tROCProfiler Code Object Load Tracer Callback Record
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_hip_api_data_tROCProfiler HIP runtime and compiler API Tracer Callback Data
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_hsa_api_data_tROCProfiler HSA API Callback Data
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_kernel_dispatch_data_tROCProfiler Kernel Dispatch Callback Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_marker_api_data_tROCProfiler Marker Tracer Callback Data
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_memory_copy_data_tROCProfiler Memory Copy Callback Tracer Record
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_record_tTracing record
 Crocprofiler_callback_tracing_scratch_memory_data_tROCProfiler Scratch Memory Callback Data
 Crocprofiler_client_id_tA client refers to an individual or entity engaged in the configuration of ROCprofiler services. e.g: any third party tool like PAPI or any internal tool (Omnitrace). A pointer to this data structure is provided to the client tool initialization function. The name member can be set by the client to assist with debugging (e.g. rocprofiler cannot start your context because there is a conflicting context started by <name> – at least that is the plan). The handle member is a unique identifer assigned by rocprofiler for the client and the client can store it and pass it to the rocprofiler_client_finalize_t function to force finalization (i.e. deactivate all of it's contexts) for the client
 Crocprofiler_context_id_tContext ID
 Crocprofiler_correlation_id_tROCProfiler Record Correlation ID
 Crocprofiler_counter_id_tCounter ID
 Crocprofiler_counter_info_v0_tCounter info struct version 0
 Crocprofiler_dim3_tMulti-dimensional struct of data used to describe GPU workgroup and grid sizes
 Crocprofiler_kernel_dispatch_info_tROCProfiler kernel dispatch information
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_code_object_load_marker_tMarker representing code object loading event
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_code_object_unload_marker_tMarker representing code object unloading event
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_configuration_tPC sampling configuration supported by a GPU agent
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_header_v1_tThe header of the rocprofiler_pc_sampling_record_t, indicating what fields of the rocprofiler_pc_sampling_record_t instance are meaningful for the sample
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_record_tROCProfiler PC Sampling Record corresponding to the interrupted wave
 Crocprofiler_pc_sampling_snapshot_v1_tFor future use
 Crocprofiler_profile_config_id_tProfile Configurations
 Crocprofiler_profile_counting_dispatch_data_tKernel dispatch data for profile counting callbacks
 Crocprofiler_profile_counting_dispatch_record_tROCProfiler Profile Counting Counter Record Header Information
 Crocprofiler_queue_id_tQueue ID
 Crocprofiler_record_counter_tROCProfiler Profile Counting Counter Record per instance
 Crocprofiler_record_dimension_info_tDetails for the dimension, including its size, for a counter record
 Crocprofiler_record_header_tGeneric record with type identifier(s) and a pointer to data. This data type is used with buffered data
 Crocprofiler_spm_record_tROCProfiler SPM Record
 Crocprofiler_tool_configure_result_tData structure containing a initialization, finalization, and data
 Crocprofiler_user_data_tUser-assignable data type