ROCprofiler-SDK samples

ROCprofiler-SDK samples#

The samples are provided to help you see the profiler in action.

Finding samples#

The ROCm installation provides sample programs and rocprofv3 tool.

  • Sample programs are installed here:

  • rocprofv3 tool is installed here:


Building Samples#

To build samples from any directory, run:

cmake -B build-rocprofiler-sdk-samples /opt/rocm/share/rocprofiler-sdk/samples -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/rocm
cmake --build build-rocprofiler-sdk-samples --target all --parallel 8

Running samples#

To run the built samples, cd into the build-rocprofiler-sdk-samples directory and run:

ctest -V


Running a few of these tests require you to install pandas and pytest first.

/usr/local/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt