
This document provides information required to install ROCprofiler-SDK from source.

Supported systems#

ROCprofiler-SDK is supported only on Linux. The following distributions are tested:

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • OpenSUSE 15.4

  • RedHat 8.8

ROCprofiler-SDK might operate as expected on other Linux distributions, but has not been tested.

Identifying the operating system#

To identify the Linux distribution and version, see the /etc/os-release and /usr/lib/os-release files:

$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"

The relevant fields are ID and the VERSION_ID.

Build requirements#

Install CMake version 3.21 (or later).


If the CMake installed on the system is too old, you can install a new version using various methods. One of the easiest options is to use PyPi (Python’s pip).

pip install --user 'cmake==3.22.0'
export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}

Building ROCprofiler-SDK#

git clone https://[email protected]:ROCm/rocprofiler-sdk.git rocprofiler-sdk-source  
cmake                                         \
      -B rocprofiler-sdk-build                \
      -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocm       \

cmake --build rocprofiler-sdk-build --target all --parallel 8  

Installing ROCprofiler-SDK#

To install ROCprofiler-SDK from the rocprofiler-sdk-build directory, run:

cmake --build rocprofiler-sdk-build --target install

Testing ROCprofiler-SDK#

To run the built tests, cd into the rocprofiler-sdk-build directory and run:

ctest --output-on-failure -O ctest.all.log