
ROCmSMI: Modules
Here is a list of all modules:
 Initialization and ShutdownThese functions are used for initialization of ROCm SMI and clean up when done
 Identifier QueriesThese functions provide identification information
 PCIe QueriesThese functions provide information about PCIe
 PCIe ControlThese functions provide some control over PCIe
 Power QueriesThese functions provide information about power usage
 Power ControlThese functions provide ways to control power usage
 Memory QueriesThese functions provide information about memory systems
 Physical State QueriesThese functions provide information about the physical characteristics of the device
 Physical State ControlThese functions provide control over the physical state of a device
 Clock, Power and Performance QueriesThese functions provide information about clock frequencies and performance
 Clock, Power and Performance ControlThese functions provide control over clock frequencies, power and performance
 Version QueriesThese functions provide version information about various subsystems
 Error QueriesThese functions provide error information about RSMI calls as well as device errors
 Performance Counter FunctionsThese functions are used to configure, query and control performance counting
 System Information FunctionsThese functions are used to configure, query and control performance counting
 XGMI FunctionsThese functions are used to configure, query and control XGMI
 Hardware Topology FunctionsThese functions are used to query Hardware topology
 Compute Partition FunctionsThese functions are used to configure and query the device's compute parition setting
 Supported FunctionsAPI function support varies by both GPU type and the version of the installed ROCm stack. The functions described in this section can be used to determine, up front, which functions are supported for a given device on a system. If such "up front" knowledge of support for a function is not needed, alternatively, one can call a device related function and check the return code
 Event Notification FunctionsThese functions are used to configure for and get asynchronous event notifications