External Intersphinx Project Mapping

External Intersphinx Project Mapping#


3 min read time

Projects should be defined in projects.yaml and should set which key they correspond to by setting external_projects_current_project to this key.


Given the following projects.yaml file:

  python: https://docs.python.org/3/
  rtd: https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
  sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/
  rocm-docs-core: https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/rocm-docs-core/en/${version}

The conf.py from rocm-docs-core should contain:

external_projects_current_project = "rocm-docs-core"

Adds support for specifying the “development” branch for each project defined in projects.yaml. This is achieved by setting the development_branch key for the project:

    target: <target-url>
    development_branch: master

With this the mapping between projects is changed to the following:

Development branches map between each other. Essentially, links on project A’s develop branch point to the project B’s master branch. Vice-versa if A has set its development_branch to develop and B sets it to master.

Symbolic versions “latest” and “stable” map to themselves in other projects.

Any other branch maps to “latest”.

Explicitly list external projects#

By default the inventories of all external projects defined in projects.yaml will be downloaded. This can take a long time as it requires a network request for each external project.

The external_projects configuration option can be set to a list with the names of remote projects to fetch inventories from & enable links to. The list must be a subset of the project names defined in projects.yaml. The default value of "all" means to fetch all projects.

Intersphinx references to projects that are not in external_projects will not be resolved. References in the the TOC like ${project:project_name} will continue to be resolved to the URL of project_name, even if project_name is not set in external_projects (but it’s defined in projects.yaml).