
Thrust has its own versioning system for releases, independent of the versioning scheme of the NVIDIA HPC SDK or the CUDA Toolkit.

Today, Thrust version numbers have a specific semantic meaning. Releases prior to 1.10.0 largely, but not strictly, followed these semantic meanings.

The version number for a Thrust release uses the following format:, where:

  • THRUST_VERSION_MAJOR/MMM: Major version, up to 3 decimal digits. It is incremented when changes that are API-backwards-incompatible are made.

  • THRUST_VERSION_MINOR/mmm: Minor version, up to 3 decimal digits. It is incremented when breaking API, ABI, or semantic changes are made.

  • THRUST_VERSION_SUBMINOR/ss: Subminor version, up to 2 decimal digits. It is incremented when notable new features or bug fixes or features that are API-backwards-compatible are made.

  • THRUST_PATCH_NUMBER/ppp: Patch number, up to 3 decimal digits. This is no longer used and will be zero for all future releases.

The <thrust/version.h> header defines THRUST_* macros for all of the version components mentioned above. Additionally, a THRUST_VERSION macro is defined, which is an integer literal containing all of the version components except for THRUST_PATCH_NUMBER.

Trunk Based Development#

Thrust uses trunk based development. There is a single long-lived branch called main, which is public and the “source of truth”. All other branches are downstream from main. Engineers may create branches for feature development. Such branches always merge into main. There are no release branches. Releases are produced by taking a snapshot of main (“snapping”). After a release has been snapped from main, it will never be changed.

Branches and Tags#

The following tag names are used in the Thrust project:

  • nvhpc-X.Y: the tag that directly corresponds to what has been shipped in the NVIDIA HPC SDK release X.Y.

  • cuda-X.Y: the tag that directly corresponds to what has been shipped in the CUDA Toolkit release X.Y.

  • A.B.C: the tag that directly corresponds to Thrust version A.B.C.

  • A.B.C-rcN: the tag that directly corresponds to Thrust version A.B.C release candidate N.

The following branch names are used in the Thrust project:

  • main: the “source of truth” development branch of Thrust.

  • old-master: the old “source of truth” branch, before unification of public and internal repositories.

  • feature/<name>: feature branch for a feature under development.

  • bug/<bug-system>/<bug-description>-<bug-id>: bug fix branch, where bug-system is github or nvidia.

On the rare occasion that we cannot do work in the open, for example when developing a change specific to an unreleased product, these branches may exist on an internal NVIDIA GitLab instance instead of the public GitHub. By default, everything should be in the open on GitHub unless there is a strong motivation for it to not be open.