Reordering Functions#

This module holds all sparse reordering routines.

The sparse reordering routines describe algorithm for reordering sparse matrices.

The routines in this module do not support execution in a hipGraph context.


rocsparse_status rocsparse_scsrcolor(rocsparse_handle handle, rocsparse_int m, rocsparse_int nnz, const rocsparse_mat_descr descr, const float *csr_val, const rocsparse_int *csr_row_ptr, const rocsparse_int *csr_col_ind, const float *fraction_to_color, rocsparse_int *ncolors, rocsparse_int *coloring, rocsparse_int *reordering, rocsparse_mat_info info)#
rocsparse_status rocsparse_dcsrcolor(rocsparse_handle handle, rocsparse_int m, rocsparse_int nnz, const rocsparse_mat_descr descr, const double *csr_val, const rocsparse_int *csr_row_ptr, const rocsparse_int *csr_col_ind, const double *fraction_to_color, rocsparse_int *ncolors, rocsparse_int *coloring, rocsparse_int *reordering, rocsparse_mat_info info)#
rocsparse_status rocsparse_ccsrcolor(rocsparse_handle handle, rocsparse_int m, rocsparse_int nnz, const rocsparse_mat_descr descr, const rocsparse_float_complex *csr_val, const rocsparse_int *csr_row_ptr, const rocsparse_int *csr_col_ind, const float *fraction_to_color, rocsparse_int *ncolors, rocsparse_int *coloring, rocsparse_int *reordering, rocsparse_mat_info info)#
rocsparse_status rocsparse_zcsrcolor(rocsparse_handle handle, rocsparse_int m, rocsparse_int nnz, const rocsparse_mat_descr descr, const rocsparse_double_complex *csr_val, const rocsparse_int *csr_row_ptr, const rocsparse_int *csr_col_ind, const double *fraction_to_color, rocsparse_int *ncolors, rocsparse_int *coloring, rocsparse_int *reordering, rocsparse_mat_info info)#

Coloring of the adjacency graph of the matrix \(A\) stored in the CSR format.

rocsparse_csrcolor performs the coloring of the undirected graph represented by the (symmetric) sparsity pattern of the matrix \(A\) stored in CSR format. Graph coloring is a way of coloring the nodes of a graph such that no two adjacent nodes are of the same color. The fraction_to_color is a parameter to only color a given percentage of the graph nodes, the remaining uncolored nodes receive distinct new colors. The optional reordering array is a permutation array such that unknowns of the same color are grouped. The matrix \(A\) must be stored as a general matrix with a symmetric sparsity pattern, and if the matrix \(A\) is non-symmetric then the user is responsible to provide the symmetric part \(\frac{A+A^T}{2}\).


This function is blocking with respect to the host.


This routine does not support execution in a hipGraph context.

  • handle[in] handle to the rocsparse library context queue.

  • m[in] number of rows of sparse matrix \(A\).

  • nnz[in] number of non-zero entries of sparse matrix \(A\).

  • descr[in] sparse matrix descriptor.

  • csr_val[in] array of nnz elements of the sparse CSR matrix.

  • csr_row_ptr[in] array of m+1 elements that point to the start of every row of the sparse CSR matrix.

  • csr_col_ind[in] array of nnz elements containing the column indices of the sparse CSR matrix.

  • fraction_to_color[in] fraction of nodes to be colored, which should be in the interval [0.0,1.0], for example 0.8 implies that 80 percent of nodes will be colored.

  • ncolors[out] resulting number of distinct colors.

  • coloring[out] resulting mapping of colors.

  • reordering[out] optional resulting reordering permutation if reordering is a non-null pointer.

  • info[inout] structure that holds the information collected during the coloring algorithm.

Return values:
  • rocsparse_status_success – the operation completed successfully.

  • rocsparse_status_invalid_handle – the library context was not initialized.

  • rocsparse_status_invalid_sizem or nnz is invalid.

  • rocsparse_status_invalid_pointerdescr, csr_val, csr_row_ptr, csr_col_ind, fraction_to_color, ncolors, coloring or info pointer is invalid.