Multi-level Logging#

Similar to rocBLAS logging, rocSOLVER provides logging facilities that can be used to output information on rocSOLVER function calls. Three modes of logging are supported: trace logging, bench logging, and profile logging.

Note that performance will degrade when logging is enabled.

Logging modes#

Trace logging#

Trace logging outputs a line each time an internal rocSOLVER or rocBLAS routine is called, outputting the function name and the values of its arguments (excluding stride arguments). The maximum depth of nested function calls that can appear in the log is specified by the user.

Bench logging#

Bench logging outputs a line each time a public rocSOLVER routine is called (excluding auxiliary library functions), outputting a line that can be used with the executable rocsolver-bench to call the function with the same size arguments.

Profile logging#

Profile logging, upon calling rocsolver_log_write_profile or rocsolver_log_flush_profile, or terminating the logging session using rocsolver_log_end, will output statistics on each called internal rocSOLVER and rocBLAS routine. These include the number of times each function was called, the total program runtime occupied by the function, and the total program runtime occupied by its nested function calls. As with trace logging, the maximum depth of nested output is specified by the user. Note that, when profile logging is enabled, the stream will be synchronized after every internal function call.

Initialization and set-up#

In order to use rocSOLVER’s logging facilities, the user must first call rocsolver_log_begin in order to allocate the internal data structures used for logging and begin the logging session. The user may then specify a layer mode and max level depth, either programmatically using rocsolver_log_set_layer_mode, rocsolver_log_set_max_levels, or by setting the corresponding environment variables.

The layer mode specifies which logging type(s) are activated, and can be rocblas_layer_mode_none, rocblas_layer_mode_log_trace, rocblas_layer_mode_log_bench, rocblas_layer_mode_log_profile, or a bitwise combination of these. The max level depth specifies the default maximum depth of nested function calls that may appear in the trace and profile logging.

Both the default layer mode and max level depth can be specified using environment variables.



If these variables are not set, the layer mode will default to rocblas_layer_mode_none and the max level depth will default to 1. These defaults can be restored by calling the function rocsolver_log_restore_defaults.

ROCSOLVER_LAYER is a bitwise OR of zero or more bit masks as follows:

  • If ROCSOLVER_LAYER is not set, then there is no logging

  • If (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 1) != 0, then there is trace logging

  • If (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 2) != 0, then there is bench logging

  • If (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 4) != 0, then there is profile logging

Three environment variables can set the full path name for a log file:

  • ROCSOLVER_LOG_TRACE_PATH sets the full path name for trace logging

  • ROCSOLVER_LOG_BENCH_PATH sets the full path name for bench logging

  • ROCSOLVER_LOG_PROFILE_PATH sets the full path name for profile logging

If one of these environment variables is not set, then ROCSOLVER_LOG_PATH sets the full path for the corresponding logging, if it is set. If neither the above nor ROCSOLVER_LOG_PATH are set, then the corresponding logging output is streamed to standard error.

The results of profile logging, if enabled, can be printed using rocsolver_log_write_profile or rocsolver_log_flush_profile. Once logging facilities are no longer required (e.g. at program termination), the user must call rocsolver_log_end to free the data structures used for logging. If the profile log has not been flushed beforehand, then rocsolver_log_end will also output the results of profile logging.

For more details on the mentioned logging functions, see the Logging functions section on the rocSOLVER API document.

Example code#

Code examples that illustrate the use of rocSOLVER’s multi-level logging facilities can be found in this section or in the example_logging.cpp file in the clients/samples directory.

The following example shows some basic use: enabling trace and profile logging, and setting the max depth for their output.

// initialization
rocblas_handle handle;

// begin trace logging and profile logging (max depth = 5)
rocsolver_log_set_layer_mode(rocblas_layer_mode_log_trace | rocblas_layer_mode_log_profile);

// call rocSOLVER functions...

// terminate logging and print profile results

Alternatively, users may control which logging modes are enabled by using environment variables. The benefit of this approach is that the program does not need to be recompiled if a different logging environment is desired. This requires that rocsolver_log_set_layer_mode and rocsolver_log_set_max_levels are not called in the code, e.g.

// initialization
rocblas_handle handle;

// call rocSOLVER functions...

// termination

The user may then set the desired logging modes and max depth on the command line as follows:


Kernel logging#

Kernel launches from within rocSOLVER can be added to the trace and profile logs using an additional layer mode flag. The flag rocblas_layer_mode_ex_log_kernel can be combined with rocblas_layer_mode flags and passed to rocsolver_log_set_layer_mode in order to enable kernel logging. Alternatively, the environment variable ROCSOLVER_LAYER can be set such that (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 16) != 0:

  • If (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 17) != 0, then kernel calls will be added to the trace log

  • If (ROCSOLVER_LAYER & 20) != 0, then kernel calls will be added to the profile log

Multiple host threads#

The logging facilities for rocSOLVER assume that each rocblas_handle is associated with at most one host thread. When using rocSOLVER’s multi-level logging setup, it is recommended to create a separate rocblas_handle for each host thread.

The rocsolver_log_* functions are not thread-safe. Calling a log function while any rocSOLVER routine is executing on another host thread will result in undefined behaviour. Once enabled, logging data collection is thread-safe. However, note that trace logging will likely result in garbled trace trees if rocSOLVER routines are called from multiple host threads.