/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-rocrand/checkouts/docs-6.1.1/library/include/rocrand/rocrand.hpp Source File#
API library
1159 constexpr typename philox4x32_10_engine<DefaultSeed>::seed_type philox4x32_10_engine<DefaultSeed>::default_seed;
1327 constexpr typename xorwow_engine<DefaultSeed>::seed_type xorwow_engine<DefaultSeed>::default_seed;
1668 constexpr typename mrg32k3a_engine<DefaultSeed>::seed_type mrg32k3a_engine<DefaultSeed>::default_seed;
1832 constexpr typename mtgp32_engine<DefaultSeed>::seed_type mtgp32_engine<DefaultSeed>::default_seed;
1865 lfsr113_engine(seed_type seed_value = {DefaultSeedX, DefaultSeedY, DefaultSeedZ, DefaultSeedW},
2011 constexpr typename lfsr113_engine<DefaultSeedX, DefaultSeedY, DefaultSeedZ, DefaultSeedW>::seed_type
2160 constexpr typename mt19937_engine<DefaultSeed>::seed_type mt19937_engine<DefaultSeed>::default_seed;
2434 scrambled_sobol32_engine(scrambled_sobol32_engine&& rhs) noexcept : m_generator(rhs.m_generator)
2842 scrambled_sobol64_engine(scrambled_sobol64_engine&& rhs) noexcept : m_generator(rhs.m_generator)
error_type error_code() const noexcept
Returns the numeric error code.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:65
std::string error_string() const noexcept
Returns a string description of the error.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:71
friend bool operator!=(const error &l, const error &r)
Compares two error objects for inequality.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:129
static std::string to_string(error_type error)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:88
const char * what() const noexcept override
Returns a C-string description of the error.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:77
rocrand_status error_type
rocRAND error code type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:53
friend bool operator==(const error &l, const error &r)
Compares two error objects for equality.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:122
Random number engine based on the LFSR113 algorithm.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1845
lfsr113_engine & operator=(lfsr113_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1905
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1958
lfsr113_engine(lfsr113_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1899
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1968
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1980
void seed(unsigned long long value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1941
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1949
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1855
lfsr113_engine(seed_type seed_value={DefaultSeedX, DefaultSeedY, DefaultSeedZ, DefaultSeedW}, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1865
lfsr113_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1885
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1925
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1974
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1933
~lfsr113_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1917
The type of the distribution parameter set.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:574
RealType m() const
Returns the deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:594
param_type(RealType m=0.0, RealType s=1.0)
Constructs a param_type object with the given distribution parameters.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:583
bool operator!=(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:614
RealType s() const
Returns the deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:602
param_type(const param_type ¶ms)=default
Copy constructor.
bool operator==(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:608
Produces positive random numbers according to a log-normal distribution.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:559
void param(const param_type ¶ms)
Sets the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:666
RealType result_type
See description for RealType template parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:565
bool operator==(const lognormal_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:714
RealType min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:673
static void reset()
Resets distribution's internal state if there is any.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:639
RealType max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:679
RealType m() const
Returns the mean distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:646
void operator()(Generator &g, RealType *output, size_t size)
Fills output with log-normally distributed random floating-point values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:704
lognormal_distribution(RealType m=0.0, RealType s=1.0)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:626
RealType s() const
Returns the standard deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:654
bool operator!=(const lognormal_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:722
lognormal_distribution(const param_type ¶ms)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:633
param_type param() const
Returns the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:660
Pseudorandom number engine based MRG31k3p CMRG.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1337
mrg31k3p_engine(mrg31k3p_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1390
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1449
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1465
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1432
mrg31k3p_engine & operator=(mrg31k3p_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1396
mrg31k3p_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1351
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1459
~mrg31k3p_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1408
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1424
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1348
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1416
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1471
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1440
mrg31k3p_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1376
Pseudorandom number engine based MRG32k3a CMRG.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1510
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1634
mrg32k3a_engine(mrg32k3a_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1563
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1628
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1640
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1604
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1611
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1596
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1521
~mrg32k3a_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1581
mrg32k3a_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1548
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1589
mrg32k3a_engine & operator=(mrg32k3a_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1569
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1619
mrg32k3a_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1524
Random number engine based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2023
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2126
mt19937_engine & operator=(mt19937_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2073
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2101
~mt19937_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2085
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2110
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2093
mt19937_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2053
mt19937_engine(mt19937_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2067
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2132
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2030
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2120
mt19937_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2035
Random number engine based on the Mersenne Twister for Graphic Processors algorithm.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1679
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1792
~mtgp32_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1752
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1775
mtgp32_engine & operator=(mtgp32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1740
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1804
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1798
mtgp32_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1719
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1760
mtgp32_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1700
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1767
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1690
mtgp32_engine(mtgp32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1734
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1783
The type of the distribution parameter set.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:372
param_type(const param_type ¶ms)=default
Copy constructor.
RealType mean() const
Returns the deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:392
param_type(RealType mean=0.0, RealType stddev=1.0)
Constructs a param_type object with the given distribution parameters.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:381
bool operator==(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:406
RealType stddev() const
Returns the standard deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:400
bool operator!=(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:412
Produces random numbers according to a normal distribution.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:357
RealType max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:465
normal_distribution(const param_type ¶ms)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:431
void param(const param_type ¶ms)
Sets the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:477
static void reset()
Resets distribution's internal state if there is any.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:437
param_type param() const
Returns the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:471
RealType mean() const
Returns the mean distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:444
void operator()(Generator &g, RealType *output, size_t size)
Fills output with normally distributed random floating-point values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:501
bool operator==(const normal_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:511
RealType result_type
See description for RealType template parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:363
RealType min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:459
normal_distribution(RealType mean=0.0, RealType stddev=1.0)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:424
RealType stddev() const
Returns the standard deviation distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:452
bool operator!=(const normal_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:519
Pseudorandom number engine based Philox algorithm.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:921
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1131
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1125
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:945
philox4x32_10_engine(philox4x32_10_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1005
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1074
philox4x32_10_engine & operator=(philox4x32_10_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1016
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:938
philox4x32_10_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:985
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1039
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1090
~philox4x32_10_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1030
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1119
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1110
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1056
philox4x32_10_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:954
The type of the distribution parameter set.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:775
double mean() const
Returns the mean distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:795
param_type(double mean=1.0)
Constructs a param_type object with the given mean.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:783
param_type(const param_type ¶ms)=default
Copy constructor.
bool operator==(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:801
bool operator!=(const param_type &other) const
Returns true if the param_type is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:807
Produces random non-negative integer values distributed according to Poisson distribution.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:762
double mean() const
Returns the mean distribution parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:839
bool operator==(const poisson_distribution< IntType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:898
IntType result_type
See description for IntType template parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:766
static void reset()
Resets distribution's internal state if there is any.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:831
param_type param() const
Returns the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:858
void operator()(Generator &g, IntType *output, size_t size)
Fills output with random non-negative integer values distributed according to Poisson distribution.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:888
poisson_distribution(const param_type ¶ms)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:825
IntType max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:852
poisson_distribution(double mean=1.0)
Constructs a new distribution object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:818
void param(const param_type ¶ms)
Sets the distribution parameter object.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:864
bool operator!=(const poisson_distribution< IntType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:906
IntType min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:846
Sobol's scrambled quasi-random sequence generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2372
unsigned int result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2375
scrambled_sobol32_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2420
unsigned int dimensions_num_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2384
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2468
scrambled_sobol32_engine(scrambled_sobol32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2434
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2533
scrambled_sobol32_engine(dimensions_num_type num_of_dimensions=DefaultNumDimensions, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_QUASI_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2395
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2377
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2460
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2527
~scrambled_sobol32_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2452
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2476
static constexpr dimensions_num_type default_num_dimensions
The default number of dimenstions, equal to DefaultNumDimensions.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2386
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2379
scrambled_sobol32_engine & operator=(scrambled_sobol32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2440
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2539
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2517
void dimensions(dimensions_num_type value)
Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2493
Sobol's scrambled quasi-random sequence generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2780
unsigned int dimensions_num_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2792
scrambled_sobol64_engine(scrambled_sobol64_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2842
scrambled_sobol64_engine(dimensions_num_type num_of_dimensions=DefaultNumDimensions, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_QUASI_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2803
unsigned long long int offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2787
unsigned long long int result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2783
void dimensions(dimensions_num_type value)
Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2901
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2884
static constexpr dimensions_num_type default_num_dimensions
The default number of dimenstions, equal to DefaultNumDimensions.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2794
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2941
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2785
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2935
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2925
scrambled_sobol64_engine & operator=(scrambled_sobol64_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2848
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2876
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2868
~scrambled_sobol64_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2860
scrambled_sobol64_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2828
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2947
sobol32_engine(sobol32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2232
sobol32_engine(dimensions_num_type num_of_dimensions=DefaultNumDimensions, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_QUASI_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2193
void dimensions(dimensions_num_type value)
Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2289
sobol32_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2217
~sobol32_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2250
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2265
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2273
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2312
sobol32_engine & operator=(sobol32_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2238
unsigned int dimensions_num_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2182
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2333
static constexpr dimensions_num_type default_num_dimensions
The default number of dimenstions, equal to DefaultNumDimensions.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2184
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2321
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2327
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2258
void dimensions(dimensions_num_type value)
Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2697
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2681
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2673
unsigned long long int result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2581
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2741
sobol64_engine(dimensions_num_type num_of_dimensions=DefaultNumDimensions, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_QUASI_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2601
unsigned int dimensions_num_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2590
static constexpr dimensions_num_type default_num_dimensions
The default number of dimenstions, equal to DefaultNumDimensions.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2592
sobol64_engine & operator=(sobol64_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2646
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2666
unsigned long long int offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2583
sobol64_engine(sobol64_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2640
sobol64_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2625
~sobol64_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2658
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2720
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2735
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2729
Pseudorandom number engine based on 2 state ThreeFry.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2985
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3107
unsigned int result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2988
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3064
threefry2x32_20_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3024
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3119
threefry2x32_20_engine & operator=(threefry2x32_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3044
threefry2x32_20_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2999
~threefry2x32_20_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3056
unsigned long long seed_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2994
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3097
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3088
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3080
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2996
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2990
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:2992
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3113
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3072
threefry2x32_20_engine(threefry2x32_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3038
Pseudorandom number engine based 2 state ThreeFry.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3157
unsigned long long seed_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3166
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3168
threefry2x64_20_engine & operator=(threefry2x64_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3216
unsigned long long result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3160
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3260
~threefry2x64_20_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3228
threefry2x64_20_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3171
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3162
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3291
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3252
threefry2x64_20_engine(threefry2x64_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3210
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3269
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3285
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3244
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3279
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3164
threefry2x64_20_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3196
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3236
Pseudorandom number engine based on 2 state ThreeFry.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3329
threefry4x32_20_engine & operator=(threefry4x32_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3388
~threefry4x32_20_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3400
unsigned long long seed_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3338
threefry4x32_20_engine(threefry4x32_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3382
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3457
threefry4x32_20_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3343
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3408
unsigned int result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3332
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3451
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3424
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3432
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3334
threefry4x32_20_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3368
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3336
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3441
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3463
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3340
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3416
Pseudorandom number engine based 2 state ThreeFry.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3501
threefry4x64_20_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3515
threefry4x64_20_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3540
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3512
unsigned long long seed_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3510
threefry4x64_20_engine & operator=(threefry4x64_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3560
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3596
~threefry4x64_20_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3572
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3635
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3580
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3623
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3588
unsigned long long offset_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3508
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3613
threefry4x64_20_engine(threefry4x64_20_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3554
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3629
unsigned long long result_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3504
rocrand_ordering order_type
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3506
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3604
Produces random integer values uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 2^(sizeof(IntType)*8) - 1].
Definition: rocrand.hpp:146
IntType max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:176
bool operator!=(const uniform_int_distribution< IntType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:214
IntType min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:170
void operator()(Generator &g, IntType *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:199
IntType result_type
See description for IntType template parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:152
bool operator==(const uniform_int_distribution< IntType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:207
Default constructor.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:159
static void reset()
Resets distribution's internal state if there is any.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:164
Produces random floating-point values uniformly distributed on the interval (0, 1].
Definition: rocrand.hpp:252
RealType min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:276
static void reset()
Resets distribution's internal state if there is any.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:270
RealType result_type
See description for RealType template parameter.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:258
RealType max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:287
Default constructor.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:265
bool operator!=(const uniform_real_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is different from other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:325
void operator()(Generator &g, RealType *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random floating-point values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:310
bool operator==(const uniform_real_distribution< RealType > &other) const
Returns true if the distribution is the same as other.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:318
Pseudorandom number engine based XORWOW algorithm.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1169
void order(order_type value)
Sets the order of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1255
void stream(hipStream_t value)
Sets the random number engine's hipStream for kernel launches.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1248
static constexpr rocrand_rng_type type()
Returns type of the rocRAND pseudo-random number generator associated with the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1299
result_type min() const
Returns the smallest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1287
void seed(seed_type value)
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1270
xorwow_engine(xorwow_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move construct from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1222
xorwow_engine(seed_type seed_value=DefaultSeed, offset_type offset_value=0, order_type order_value=ROCRAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1183
xorwow_engine(rocrand_generator &generator)
Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1207
xorwow_engine & operator=(xorwow_engine &&rhs) noexcept
Move assign from an other engine, moving the state over.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1228
~xorwow_engine() noexcept(false)
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1240
void operator()(result_type *output, size_t size)
Fills output with uniformly distributed random integer values.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1278
result_type max() const
Returns the largest possible value that can be generated by the engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1293
void offset(offset_type value)
Sets the offset of a random number engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1263
static constexpr seed_type default_seed
The default seed equal to DefaultSeed.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:1180
Default Y seed for LFSR113 PRNG.
Definition: rocrand_lfsr113.h:39
Default W seed for LFSR113 PRNG.
Definition: rocrand_lfsr113.h:45
Default Z seed for LFSR113 PRNG.
Definition: rocrand_lfsr113.h:42
Default X seed for LFSR113 PRNG.
Definition: rocrand_lfsr113.h:36
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_short(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned short *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed 16-bit unsigned integers.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_normal(rocrand_generator generator, float *output_data, size_t n, float mean, float stddev)
Generates normally distributed float values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_offset(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned long long offset)
Sets the offset of a random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_normal_double(rocrand_generator generator, double *output_data, size_t n, double mean, double stddev)
Generates normally distributed double values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_char(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned char *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed 8-bit unsigned integers.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_log_normal(rocrand_generator generator, float *output_data, size_t n, float mean, float stddev)
Generates log-normally distributed float values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_create_generator(rocrand_generator *generator, rocrand_rng_type rng_type)
Creates a new random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_long_long(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned long long int *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed 64-bit unsigned integers.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_uniform_half(rocrand_generator generator, half *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed half-precision floating-point values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_stream(rocrand_generator generator, hipStream_t stream)
Sets the current stream for kernel launches.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_normal_half(rocrand_generator generator, half *output_data, size_t n, half mean, half stddev)
Generates normally distributed half values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_uniform_double(rocrand_generator generator, double *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed double-precision floating-point values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_uniform(rocrand_generator generator, float *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed float values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_ordering(rocrand_generator generator, rocrand_ordering order)
Sets the ordering of a random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_poisson(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned int *output_data, size_t n, double lambda)
Generates Poisson-distributed 32-bit unsigned integers.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_quasi_random_generator_dimensions(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned int dimensions)
Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_get_version(int *version)
Returns the version number of the library.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_seed_uint4(rocrand_generator generator, uint4 seed)
Sets the seeds of a pseudo-random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned int *output_data, size_t n)
Generates uniformly distributed 32-bit unsigned integers.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_log_normal_double(rocrand_generator generator, double *output_data, size_t n, double mean, double stddev)
Generates log-normally distributed double values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_set_seed(rocrand_generator generator, unsigned long long seed)
Sets the seed of a pseudo-random number generator.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_generate_log_normal_half(rocrand_generator generator, half *output_data, size_t n, half mean, half stddev)
Generates log-normally distributed half values.
rocrand_status ROCRANDAPI rocrand_destroy_generator(rocrand_generator generator)
Destroys random number generator.
Default ordering for pseudorandom results.
Definition: rocrand.h:110
n-dimensional ordering for quasirandom results
Definition: rocrand.h:114
Generator was not created using rocrand_create_generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:63
Kernel launch failure.
Definition: rocrand.h:71
Header file and linked library version do not match.
Definition: rocrand.h:62
GPU does not have double precision.
Definition: rocrand.h:70
Internal library error.
Definition: rocrand.h:72
Argument out of range.
Definition: rocrand.h:66
Memory allocation failed during execution.
Definition: rocrand.h:64
Generator type is wrong.
Definition: rocrand.h:65
Sobol64 quasirandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:99
LFSR113 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:86
ThreeFry 64 bit state size 2 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:90
XORWOW pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:81
ThreeFry 32 bit state size 4 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:92
MRG31k3p pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:85
Mersenne Twister MT19937 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:87
PHILOX-4x32-10 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:84
ThreeFry 32 bit state size 2 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:88
ThreeFry 64 bit state size 4 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:94
Mersenne Twister MTGP32 pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:83
Sobol32 quasirandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:97
Scrambled Sobol32 quasirandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:98
Scrambled Sobol64 quasirandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:100
MRG32k3a pseudorandom generator.
Definition: rocrand.h:82
threefry2x32_20_engine threefry2x32
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::threefry2x32_20_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3691
mrg31k3p_engine mrg31k3p
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::mrg31k3p_engine PRNG engine with default seed (ROCRAND_MRG31K3P_DEFAULT_SEED)...
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3675
mrg32k3a_engine mrg32k3a
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::mrg32k3a_engine PRNG engine with default seed (ROCRAND_MRG32K3A_DEFAULT_SEED)...
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3678
scrambled_sobol64_engine scrambled_sobol64
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::scrambled_sobol64_engine QRNG engine with default number of dimensions (1).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3712
scrambled_sobol32_engine scrambled_sobol32
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::scrambled_sobol32_engine QRNG engine with default number of dimensions (1).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3706
sobol64_engine sobol64
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::sobol64_engine QRNG engine with default number of dimensions (1).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3709
mt19937_engine mt19937
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::mt19937_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3688
sobol32_engine sobol32
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::sobol32_engine QRNG engine with default number of dimensions (1).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3703
lfsr113_engine lfsr113
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::lfsr113_engine PRNG engine with default seed (ROCRAND_LFSR113_DEFAULT_SEED_X,...
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3685
threefry4x64_20_engine threefry4x64
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::threefry4x64_20_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3700
xorwow_engine xorwow
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::xorwow_engine PRNG engine with default seed (ROCRAND_XORWOW_DEFAULT_SEED).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3672
threefry4x32_20_engine threefry4x32
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::threefry4x32_20_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3697
threefry2x64_20_engine threefry2x64
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::threefry2x64_20_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3694
xorwow default_random_engine
Default random engine.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3716
philox4x32_10_engine philox4x32_10
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::philox4x32_10_engine PRNG engine with default seed (ROCRAND_PHILOX4x32_DEFAUL...
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3669
mtgp32_engine mtgp32
Typedef of rocrand_cpp::mtgp32_engine PRNG engine with default seed (0).
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3681
std::random_device random_device
A non-deterministic uniform random number generator.
Definition: rocrand.hpp:3745
Generated by