rocPyDecode Python API#
The rocPyDecode API is a ROCm rocDecode Python/C++ Binding, a tool that lets you access rocDecode APIs in both Python and C/C++ languages. It works by connecting Python and C/C++ libraries, enabling function calling and data passing between the two languages. The rocpydecode
library is a wrapper API that uses the rocDecode C/C++ language APIs within a Python wrapper.

The rocPyDecode API main classes are a decoder class and a demuxer class. All rocPyDecode APIs are exposed using the API files
. You can find these files in the pyRocVideoDecode folder in the rocPyDecode github repository. The class is a python class that binds to the C++ class PyVideoDemuxer, and the class binds to the C++ PyRocVideoDecoder class. The class names are differentiated to help distinguish between the Python and C++ classes.
The decoder class#
The decoder class contains member API functions used to decode video frames.
The demuxer class#
The demuxer class contains API functions used to demux input video frames before decoding them.
rocPyDecode Structures#
The rocPyDecode generic structures described here are used in some decode or demuxer API calls to set, get or retrieve related elements.
API Functions and Features#
Parser Support: Yes
Feature: Decoding
Codec: H.264, HEVC - 8/10 bit
Format Conversion: GPU color space & pixel format conversions
Exporting GPU MEM: Yes (no copies between host & device)
OS: Linux
Scaling Support: Yes using HIP kernels
Resolution: 4K for H.264, 8K for HEVC
rocPyDecode API Usage Examples#
Examples of how to use the rocPyDecode API classes and functions can be found at rocPyDecode/samples.