rocPyDecode structures#
The following are the structures that are used in API calls:
Packet structure#
The packet structure contains information related to the demuxed frames from the original input video. The packet is passed to the decoder APIs for further processing, which uses and updates the information in the same structure.
end_of_stream: Boolean flag, indicates demuxing reach end of stream when ‘True’
pkt_flags: Integer value indicate the status of the packet
frame_pts: The time stamp of the current frame
frame_size: The current packet size
frame_adrs: The current YUV frame address in memory
frame_adrs_rgb: The current RGB frame address in memory, valid only when RGB conversion used
frame_adrs_resized: The current resized frame address in memory, valid only when frame is resized
packet = demuxer.DemuxFrame()
n_frame_returned = viddec.DecodeFrame(packet)
viddec.UpdateMd5ForFrame(packet.frame_adrs, surface_info)
ConfigInfo structure#
The ConfigInfo structure members are used to describe the current GPU device-related information to be obtained by the rocPyDecode APIs.
device_name: String Contains the device name
gcn_arch_name: String Contains the GPU architecture name
pci_bus_id: Integer value contains the PCIE bus ID
pci_domain_id: Integer value contains the PCIE domain ID
pci_device_id: Integer value contains the PCIE device ID
# Get GPU device information
cfg = viddec.GetGpuInfo()
# print GPU info out
print("GPU device " + str(device_id) + " \- " + cfg.device_name + "[" + cfg.gcn_arch_name + "] on PCI bus " + str(cfg.pci_bus_id) + ":" + str(cfg.pci_domain_id) + "." + str(cfg.pci_device_id))
Dim structure#
The Dim structure allows specifying the dimensions of a video frame to be used in frame scaling via the rocPyDecode APIs.
width: Integer value contains the width
height: Integer value contains the height
import rocPyDecode as rocpydec
frame_is_resized = False
resize_dim = rocpydec.Dim()
resize_dim.width = 200
resize_dim.height = 200
surface_info = viddec.GetOutputSurfaceInfo()
if(viddec.ResizeFrame(packet, resize_dim, surface_info) != 0):
frame_is_resized = True
Rect structure#
The Rect structure provides the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the area of interest to be passed to the rocPyDecode APIs.
left: Integer value contains the left column of a rectangle
top: Integer value contains the top row of a rectangle
right: Integer value contains the right column of a rectangle
bottom: Integer value contains the bottom row of a rectangle
import rocPyDecode as rocpydec
p_crop_rect = rocpydec.Rect()
p_crop_rect.left = 100 = 100
p_crop_rect.right = 300
p_crop_rect.bottom = 300