Using rocJPEG#

This document provides a high-level overview of how to do common operations using the rocJPEG APIs exposed in the rocjpeg.h header file.

Creating handles#

Handles need to be created to decode and parse JPEG streams.

rocJpegCreate() returns an instance of a RocJpegHandle based on the specified backend and GPU device ID. The RocJpegHandle instance must be retained for the entire decode session.

RocJpegStatus rocJpegCreate(
  RocJpegBackend backend,
  int device_id,
  RocJpegHandle *handle);

rocJpegStreamCreate() returns a rocJpegStreamHandle, which is a pointer used to represent an instance of a JPEG stream. The instance of rocJpegStreamHandle is used to parse the JPEG stream and to store the JPEG stream parameters.

RocJpegStatus rocJpegStreamCreate(RocJpegStreamHandle *jpeg_stream_handle);

For example:

// Read the JPEG image file
std::ifstream input("mug_420.jpg", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);

// Get the JPEG image file size
std::streamsize file_size = input.tellg();
input.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

std::vector<char> file_data;
// resize if buffer is too small
if (file_data.size() < file_size) {
// Read the JPEG stream
if (!, file_size)) {
  std::cerr << "ERROR: cannot read from file: " << std::endl;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

// Initialize rocJPEG
RocJpegHandle handle;
RocJpegStatus status = rocJpegCreate(ROCJPEG_BACKEND_HARDWARE, 0, &handle);
  std::cerr << "Failed to create rocJPEG handle with error code: " << rocJpegGetErrorName(status) << std::endl;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

// Create a JPEG stream
RocJpegStreamHandle rocjpeg_stream_handle;
status = rocJpegStreamCreate(&rocjpeg_stream_handle);
  std::cerr << "Failed to create JPEG stream with error code: " << rocJpegGetErrorName(status) << std::endl;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

rocJpegGetErrorName() returns error codes in text format from rocJPEG APIs.

Parsing a stream#

rocJpegStreamParse() is used to parse a JPEG stream.

The stream data buffer is passed through the data input parameter. The length of the buffer is passed through the length input parameter. The parsed stream is returned through the jpeg_stream_handle provided. jpeg_stream_handle must have already been created with rocJpegStreamCreate().

RocJpegStatus rocJpegStreamParse(const unsigned char *data,
                                  size_t length,
                                  RocJpegStreamHandle jpeg_stream_handle);

For example:

// Parse the JPEG stream
status = rocJpegStreamParse(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, file_size, rocjpeg_stream_handle);
  std::cerr << "Failed to parse JPEG stream with error code: " << rocJpegGetErrorName(status) << std::endl;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

Getting image information#

rocJpegGetImageInfo() is used to retrieve the number of components, the chroma subsampling, and the width and height of the JPEG image.

RocJpegStatus rocJpegGetImageInfo(
  RocJpegHandle handle,
  RocJpegStreamHandle jpeg_stream_handle,
  uint8_t *num_components,
  RocJpegChromaSubsampling *subsampling,
  uint32_t *widths,
  uint32_t *heights);

For more information on rocJpegGetImageInfo(), see Retrieving image information with rocJPEG.

Decoding a stream#

rocJpegDecode() takes the image passed to it through the jpeg_stream_handle input parameter and decodes it based on the backend used to create handle input parameter.

The decode_params input parameter is used to specify the decoding parameters. Memory needs to be allocated for each channel of the destination image.

RocJpegStatus rocJpegDecode(
  RocJpegHandle handle,
  RocJpegStreamHandle jpeg_stream_handle,
  const RocJpegDecodeParams *decode_params,
  RocJpegImage *destination);

For more information on decoding streams, see Decoding a JPEG stream with rocJPEG.

Destroying handles and freeing resources#

Once the JPEG stream is decoded, resources need to be freed.

Use hipFree() to release the memory previously allocated by hipMalloc() for each channel of the destination rocJpegImage.

Use rocJpegStreamDestroy() to release the rocJpegStreamHandle and its resources, and use rocJPegDestroy() to release RocJpegHandle and destroy the session.

RocJpegStatus rocJpegStreamDestroy(RocJpegStreamHandle jpeg_stream_handle)

RocJpegStatus rocJpegDestroy(RocJpegHandle handle)

For example:

hipFree((void *)[0]);
hipFree((void *)[1]);