Distributed transforms#

rocFFT can optionally distribute FFTs across multiple devices in a single process, or across multiple MPI ranks. To perform distributed transforms, users must describe their input and output data layouts as fields.

Multiple devices in a single process#

A transform may be distributed across multiple devices in a single process by passing distinct device IDs to rocfft_brick_create() for bricks in the input and output fields.

Support for single-process multi-device transforms was introduced in ROCm 6.0 with rocFFT 1.0.25.

Message Passing Interface (MPI)#

MPI allows for distributing the transform across multiple processes, organized into MPI ranks.

Support for MPI transforms was introduced in ROCm 6.3 with rocFFT 1.0.29.


rocFFT MPI support is only available when the library is built with the ROCFFT_MPI_ENABLE CMake option enabled. By default it is off.

Additionally, rocFFT MPI support requires a GPU-aware MPI library with support for transferring data to/from HIP devices.

Finally, rocFFT API calls made on different ranks may return different values. Users must take care to ensure that all ranks have successfully created their plans before attempting to execute a distributed transform, and it is possible for one rank to fail to create/execute a plan while the others succeed.

To perform a transform across multiple MPI ranks, additional steps are required to distribute the computation:

  1. Each rank calls rocfft_plan_description_set_comm() to add an MPI communicator to an allocated plan description. rocFFT will distribute the computation across all ranks in the communicator.

  2. Each rank allocates the same fields and calls rocfft_plan_description_add_infield() and rocfft_plan_description_add_outfield() on the plan description. However, each rank must only call rocfft_brick_create() and rocfft_field_add_brick() for bricks that reside on that rank.

    A brick resides on exactly one rank, but each rank may have zero or more bricks on it.

  3. Each rank in the communicator calls rocfft_plan_create(). At this time rocFFT will distribute the supplied brick information between all of the ranks.

  4. Each rank in the communicator calls rocfft_execute(). This function accepts arrays of pointers for input and output. The arrays contain pointers to each brick in the input or output of the current rank.

    The pointers must be provided in the same order in which the bricks were added to the field (via calls to rocfft_field_add_brick()), and must point to memory on the device that was specified at that time.

    For in-place transforms, only pass input pointers and pass an empty array of output pointers.