Installation on Windows#

This document provides information required to install and configure rocALUTION on Windows.


  • An AMD HIP SDK-enabled platform. For more information, refer to the ROCm documentation.

  • rocALUTION is supported on the same Windows versions and toolchains that are supported by the HIP SDK.


As the AMD HIP SDK is under continuous development, the information updated regarding the SDK’s internal contents may overrule the statements in this document on installing and building on Windows.

Installing prebuilt packages#

rocALUTION can be installed on Windows 11 or Windows 10 using the AMD HIP SDK installer.

The simplest way to use rocALUTION in your code is to use CMake that requires you to add the SDK installation location to your DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. Note that you need to use quotes as the path contains a space, e.g.,

-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.5"

After CMake configuration, in your CMakeLists.txt use:


target_link_libraries( your_exe PRIVATE roc::rocalution )

Once rocALUTION is installed, you can find rocalution.hpp in the HIP SDK \\include\\rocalution directory. Use only the installed file in the user application if needed. You must include rocalution.hpp header file in the user code to make calls into rocALUTION, so that the rocALUTION import library and dynamic link library become the respective link-time and run-time dependencies for the user application.

Building and installing rocALUTION#

Building from source is not necessary, as rocALUTION can be used after installing the pre-built packages as described above. If desired, you can follow the instructions below to build rocALUTION from source.


  • git

  • CMake 3.5 or later

  • AMD ROCm 2.9 or later (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocSPARSE (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocBLAS (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocPRIM (optional, for HIP support)

  • OpenMP (optional, for OpenMP support)

  • MPI (optional, for multi-node / multi-GPU support)

  • googletest (optional, for clients)

Download rocALUTION#

The rocALUTION source code, which is the same as for the ROCm linux distributions, is available at the rocALUTION github page. The version of the ROCm HIP SDK may be shown in the path of default installation, but you can run the HIP SDK compiler to report the version from the bin/ folder using:

hipcc --version

The HIP version has major, minor, and patch fields, possibly followed by a build-specific identifier. For example, a HIP version 5.4.22880-135e1ab4 corresponds to major = 5, minor = 4, patch = 22880, and build identifier 135e1ab4. There are GitHub branches at the rocALUTION site with names release/rocm-rel-major.minor where major and minor are the same as in the HIP version. To download rocALUTION, use:

git clone -b release/rocm-rel-x.y

Replace x.y in the above command with the version of HIP SDK installed on your machine. For example, if you have HIP 5.5 installed, then use -b release/rocm-rel-5.5. You can add the SDK tools to your path using:



Below are the steps required to build using the script. The user can build either of the following:

  • library

  • library and client

You only need (library) if you call rocALUTION from your code and want to build the library alone. The client contains testing and benchmarking tools. prints the full cmake command being used to configure rocALUTION based on your rmake command-line options. This full cmake command can be used in your own build scripts if you want to bypass the Python helper script for a fixed set of build options.

Build library#

Common uses of to build (library) are listed below:



./ -h

Help information.


Builds library.

./ -i

Builds library, then builds and installs rocALUTION package. If you want to keep rocALUTION in your local tree, don’t use -i flag.

Build library and client#

Some client executables (.exe) are listed below:

Executable name



Runs Google Tests to test the library


Executable to benchmark or test functions

./cg lap_25.mtx

Executes conjugate gradient example (must download mtx matrix file you wish to use)

Common uses of to build (library and client) are listed below:



./ -h

Help information.

./ -c

Builds library and client in your local directory.

./ -ic

Builds and installs rocALUTION package, and builds the client. If you want to keep rocALUTION in your local directory, don’t use -i flag.