User Manual#
- Introduction
- Building and Installing
- Basics
- Single-node Computation
- Multi-node Computation
- Solvers
- Code Structure
- Iterative Linear Solvers
- Building and Solving Phase
- Clear Function and Destructor
- Numerical Update
- Fixed-Point Iteration
- Krylov Subspace Solvers
- Chebyshev Iteration Scheme
- Mixed-Precision Defect Correction Scheme
- MultiGrid Solvers
- Unsmoothed Aggregation AMG
- Smoothed Aggregation AMG
- Ruge-Stueben AMG
- Pairwise AMG
- Direct Linear Solvers
- Preconditioners
- Code Structure
- Jacobi Method
- (Symmetric) Gauss-Seidel / (S)SOR Method
- Incomplete Factorizations
- AI Chebyshev
- MultiColored Preconditioners
- Multi-Elimination Incomplete LU
- Diagonal Preconditioner for Saddle-Point Problems
- (Restricted) Additive Schwarz Preconditioner
- Block-Jacobi (MPI) Preconditioner
- Block Preconditioner
- Variable Preconditioner
- Backends
- Remarks
- Supported Targets