/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-rocal/checkouts/docs-6.2.1/rocAL/include/api/rocal_api_augmentation.h Source File

/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-rocal/checkouts/docs-6.2.1/rocAL/include/api/rocal_api_augmentation.h Source File#

rocAL: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-rocal/checkouts/docs-6.2.1/rocAL/include/api/rocal_api_augmentation.h Source File
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1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2019 - 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
6 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
7 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
8 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
12 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 */
25 #include "rocal_api_types.h"
45 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSequenceRearrange(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input,
46  std::vector<unsigned int> &new_order,
47  bool is_output);
67 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
68  unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height,
69  bool is_output,
71  std::vector<unsigned> max_size = {},
72  unsigned resize_shorter = 0,
73  unsigned resize_longer = 0,
75  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
76  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
98 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeMirrorNormalize(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, unsigned dest_width,
99  unsigned dest_height, std::vector<float> &mean, std::vector<float> &std_dev,
100  bool is_output,
102  std::vector<unsigned> max_size = {}, unsigned resize_shorter = 0,
103  unsigned resize_longer = 0,
105  RocalIntParam mirror = NULL,
106  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
107  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
125 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropResize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
126  unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height,
127  bool is_output,
128  RocalFloatParam area = NULL,
129  RocalFloatParam aspect_ratio = NULL,
130  RocalFloatParam x_center_drift = NULL,
131  RocalFloatParam y_center_drift = NULL,
132  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
133  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
151 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropResizeFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
152  unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height,
153  bool is_output,
154  float area, float aspect_ratio,
155  float x_center_drift, float y_center_drift,
156  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
157  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
173 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRotate(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
174  RocalFloatParam angle = NULL, unsigned dest_width = 0,
175  unsigned dest_height = 0,
177  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
178  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
193 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRotateFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float angle,
194  bool is_output, unsigned dest_width = 0, unsigned dest_height = 0,
196  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
197  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
210 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBrightness(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
211  RocalFloatParam alpha = NULL, RocalFloatParam beta = NULL,
212  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
213  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
226 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBrightnessFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
227  float alpha, float beta,
228  bool is_output,
229  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
230  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
242 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGamma(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
243  bool is_output,
244  RocalFloatParam gamma = NULL,
245  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
246  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
258 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGammaFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
259  float gamma,
260  bool is_output,
261  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
262  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
275 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalContrast(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
276  bool is_output,
277  RocalFloatParam contrast_factor = NULL, RocalFloatParam contrast_center = NULL,
278  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
279  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
292 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalContrastFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
293  float contrast_factor, float contrast_center,
294  bool is_output,
295  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
296  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
309 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFlip(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
310  RocalIntParam horizonal_flag = NULL, RocalIntParam vertical_flag = NULL,
311  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
312  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
325 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFlipFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
326  int horizonal_flag, int vertical_flag, bool is_output,
327  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
328  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
340 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlur(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
341  bool is_output,
342  RocalIntParam kernel_size = NULL,
343  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
344  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
356 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlurFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
357  int kernel_size, bool is_output,
358  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
359  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
372 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlend(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input1, RocalTensor input2,
373  bool is_output,
374  RocalFloatParam ratio = NULL,
375  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
376  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
389 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlendFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input1, RocalTensor input2,
390  float ratio, bool is_output,
391  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
392  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
412 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalWarpAffine(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
413  unsigned dest_height = 0, unsigned dest_width = 0,
414  RocalFloatParam x0 = NULL, RocalFloatParam x1 = NULL,
415  RocalFloatParam y0 = NULL, RocalFloatParam y1 = NULL,
416  RocalFloatParam o0 = NULL, RocalFloatParam o1 = NULL,
418  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
419  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
439 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalWarpAffineFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float x0, float x1,
440  float y0, float y1, float o0, float o1, bool is_output,
441  unsigned int dest_height = 0, unsigned int dest_width = 0,
443  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
444  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
455 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFishEye(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
456  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
457  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
470 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalVignette(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
471  bool is_output, RocalFloatParam sdev = NULL,
472  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
473  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
486 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalVignetteFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
487  float sdev, bool is_output,
488  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
489  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
502 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalJitter(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
503  bool is_output,
504  RocalIntParam kernel_size = NULL,
505  int seed = 0,
506  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
507  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
520 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalJitterFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
521  int kernel_size, bool is_output, int seed = 0,
522  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
523  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
539 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnPNoise(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
540  bool is_output,
541  RocalFloatParam noise_prob = NULL, RocalFloatParam salt_prob = NULL,
542  RocalFloatParam salt_val = NULL, RocalFloatParam pepper_val = NULL,
543  int seed = 0,
544  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
545  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
561 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnPNoiseFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
562  float noise_prob, float salt_prob,
563  float salt_val, float pepper_val,
564  bool is_output, int seed = 0,
565  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
566  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
578 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnow(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
579  bool is_output,
580  RocalFloatParam snow = NULL,
581  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
582  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
594 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnowFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
595  float snow, bool is_output,
596  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
597  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
612 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRain(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
613  bool is_output,
614  RocalFloatParam rain_value = NULL,
615  RocalIntParam rain_width = NULL,
616  RocalIntParam rain_height = NULL,
617  RocalFloatParam rain_transparency = NULL,
618  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
619  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
634 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRainFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
635  float rain_value,
636  int rain_width,
637  int rain_height,
638  float rain_transparency,
639  bool is_output,
640  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
641  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
653 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTemp(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
654  bool is_output,
655  RocalIntParam adjustment = NULL,
656  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
657  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
669 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTempFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
670  int adjustment, bool is_output,
671  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
672  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
684 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFog(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
685  bool is_output,
686  RocalFloatParam fog_value = NULL,
687  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
688  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
700 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFogFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
701  float fog_value, bool is_output,
702  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
703  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
716 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalLensCorrection(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
717  RocalFloatParam strength = NULL,
718  RocalFloatParam zoom = NULL,
719  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
720  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
733 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalLensCorrectionFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
734  float strength, float zoom, bool is_output,
735  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
736  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
747 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalPixelate(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
748  bool is_output,
749  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
750  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
762 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalExposure(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
763  bool is_output,
764  RocalFloatParam exposure_factor = NULL,
765  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
766  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
778 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalExposureFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
779  float exposure_factor, bool is_output,
780  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
781  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
793 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalHue(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
794  bool is_output,
795  RocalFloatParam hue = NULL,
796  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
797  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
809 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalHueFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
810  float hue,
811  bool is_output,
812  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
813  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
825 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSaturation(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
826  bool is_output,
827  RocalFloatParam saturation = NULL,
828  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
829  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
841 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSaturationFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
842  float saturation, bool is_output,
843  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
844  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
853 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCopy(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output);
862 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output);
877 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTwist(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
878  bool is_output,
879  RocalFloatParam alpha = NULL,
880  RocalFloatParam beta = NULL,
881  RocalFloatParam hue = NULL,
882  RocalFloatParam sat = NULL,
883  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
884  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
899 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTwistFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
900  float alpha,
901  float beta,
902  float hue,
903  float sat,
904  bool is_output,
905  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
906  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
924 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropMirrorNormalize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
925  unsigned crop_height,
926  unsigned crop_width,
927  float start_x,
928  float start_y,
929  std::vector<float> &mean,
930  std::vector<float> &std_dev,
931  bool is_output,
932  RocalIntParam mirror = NULL,
933  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
934  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
951 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output,
952  RocalFloatParam crop_width = NULL,
953  RocalFloatParam crop_height = NULL,
954  RocalFloatParam crop_depth = NULL,
955  RocalFloatParam crop_pox_x = NULL,
956  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y = NULL,
957  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_z = NULL,
958  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
959  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
976 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
977  unsigned crop_width,
978  unsigned crop_height,
979  unsigned crop_depth,
980  bool is_output,
981  float crop_pox_x,
982  float crop_pos_y,
983  float crop_pos_z,
984  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
985  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
999 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropCenterFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1000  unsigned crop_width,
1001  unsigned crop_height,
1002  unsigned crop_depth,
1003  bool is_output,
1004  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
1005  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
1021 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeCropMirrorFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1022  unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height,
1023  bool is_output,
1024  unsigned crop_h,
1025  unsigned crop_w,
1026  RocalIntParam mirror,
1027  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
1028  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
1044 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeCropMirror(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1045  unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height,
1046  bool is_output, RocalFloatParam crop_height = NULL,
1047  RocalFloatParam crop_width = NULL, RocalIntParam mirror = NULL,
1048  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
1049  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
1065 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRandomCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1066  bool is_output,
1067  RocalFloatParam crop_area_factor = NULL,
1068  RocalFloatParam crop_aspect_ratio = NULL,
1069  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_x = NULL,
1070  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y = NULL,
1071  int num_of_attempts = 20,
1072  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
1073  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
1090 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSSDRandomCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1091  bool is_output,
1092  RocalFloatParam threshold = NULL,
1093  RocalFloatParam crop_area_factor = NULL,
1094  RocalFloatParam crop_aspect_ratio = NULL,
1095  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_x = NULL,
1096  RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y = NULL,
1097  int num_of_attempts = 20,
1098  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NONE,
1099  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_UINT8);
1111 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalPreEmphasisFilter(RocalContext context,
1112  RocalTensor input,
1113  bool is_output,
1114  RocalFloatParam preemph_coeff = NULL,
1116  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1134 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSpectrogram(RocalContext context,
1135  RocalTensor input,
1136  bool is_output,
1137  std::vector<float> &window_fn,
1138  bool center_windows,
1139  bool reflect_padding,
1140  int power,
1141  int nfft,
1142  int window_length = 512,
1143  int window_step = 256,
1144  RocalTensorLayout output_layout = ROCAL_NFT,
1145  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1158 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalToDecibels(RocalContext p_context,
1159  RocalTensor p_input,
1160  bool is_output,
1161  float cutoff_db,
1162  float multiplier,
1163  float reference_magnitude,
1164  RocalTensorOutputType rocal_tensor_output_type);
1177 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResample(RocalContext p_context,
1178  RocalTensor p_input,
1179  RocalTensor p_output_resample_rate,
1180  bool is_output,
1181  float sample_hint,
1182  float quality = 50.0,
1183  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1193 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalUniformDistribution(RocalContext p_context,
1194  RocalTensor p_input,
1195  bool is_output,
1196  std::vector<float> &range);
1206 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNormalDistribution(RocalContext p_context,
1207  RocalTensor p_input,
1208  bool is_output,
1209  float mean = 0.0,
1210  float stddev = 0.0);
1220 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalTensorMulScalar(RocalContext p_context,
1221  RocalTensor p_input,
1222  bool is_output,
1223  float scalar = 0.0,
1224  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1234 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalTensorAddTensor(RocalContext p_context,
1235  RocalTensor p_input1,
1236  RocalTensor p_input2,
1237  bool is_output,
1238  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1251 extern "C" std::pair<RocalTensor, RocalTensor> ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNonSilentRegionDetection(RocalContext context,
1252  RocalTensor input,
1253  bool is_output,
1254  float cutoff_db,
1255  float reference_power,
1256  int reset_interval,
1257  int window_length);
1271 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSlice(RocalContext context,
1272  RocalTensor input,
1273  bool is_output,
1274  RocalTensor anchor,
1275  RocalTensor shape,
1276  std::vector<float> fill_values,
1278  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1293 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNormalize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input,
1294  std::vector<unsigned> &axes,
1295  std::vector<float> &mean,
1296  std::vector<float> &std_dev,
1297  bool is_output,
1298  float scale = 1.0, float shift = 0.0,
1299  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype = ROCAL_FP32);
1316 extern "C" RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalMelFilterBank(RocalContext p_context,
1317  RocalTensor p_input,
1318  bool is_output,
1319  float freq_high,
1320  float freq_low,
1321  RocalMelScaleFormula mel_formula,
1322  int nfilter,
1323  bool normalize,
1324  float sample_rate,
1325  RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype);
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalLensCorrection(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam strength=NULL, RocalFloatParam zoom=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies lens correction effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalContrastFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float contrast_factor, float contrast_center, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts contrast of the image with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSlice(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalTensor anchor, RocalTensor shape, std::vector< float > fill_values, RocalOutOfBoundsPolicy policy=RocalOutOfBoundsPolicy::ROCAL_ERROR, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Extracts the sub-tensor from a given input tensor.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSequenceRearrange(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, std::vector< unsigned int > &new_order, bool is_output)
Rearranges the order of the frames in the sequences with respect to new_order. new_order can have val...
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFishEye(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies fish eye effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlend(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input1, RocalTensor input2, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam ratio=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Blends two input images given the ratio: output = input1*ratio + input2*(1-ratio)
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalHue(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam hue=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the hue in images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlendFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input1, RocalTensor input2, float ratio, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Blends two input images given the fixed ratio: output = input1*ratio + input2*(1-ratio)
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSpectrogram(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, std::vector< float > &window_fn, bool center_windows, bool reflect_padding, int power, int nfft, int window_length=512, int window_step=256, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NFT, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Produces a spectrogram from a 1D audio signal.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlur(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalIntParam kernel_size=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies blur effect to images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBlurFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, int kernel_size, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies blur effect to images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropResize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam area=NULL, RocalFloatParam aspect_ratio=NULL, RocalFloatParam x_center_drift=NULL, RocalFloatParam y_center_drift=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which perrforms crop and resize on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropMirrorNormalize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned crop_height, unsigned crop_width, float start_x, float start_y, std::vector< float > &mean, std::vector< float > &std_dev, bool is_output, RocalIntParam mirror=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which performs crop, normalize and flip on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalJitter(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalIntParam kernel_size=NULL, int seed=0, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies jitter effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, bool is_output, RocalResizeScalingMode scaling_mode=ROCAL_SCALING_MODE_STRETCH, std::vector< unsigned > max_size={}, unsigned resize_shorter=0, unsigned resize_longer=0, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Resize images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalMelFilterBank(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, bool is_output, float freq_high, float freq_low, RocalMelScaleFormula mel_formula, int nfilter, bool normalize, float sample_rate, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype)
Applies mel-filter bank augmentation on the given input tensor.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalPreEmphasisFilter(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam preemph_coeff=NULL, RocalAudioBorderType preemph_border_type=RocalAudioBorderType::ROCAL_CLAMP, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Applies preemphasis filter to the input data.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSaturationFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float saturation, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the saturation in images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRain(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam rain_value=NULL, RocalIntParam rain_width=NULL, RocalIntParam rain_height=NULL, RocalFloatParam rain_transparency=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies rain effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalUniformDistribution(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, bool is_output, std::vector< float > &range)
Creates and returns rocALTensor generated from an uniform distribution.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalExposureFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float exposure_factor, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the exposure in images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalExposure(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam exposure_factor=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the exposure in images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnowFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float snow, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies snow effect on images with fixed parameter.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalLensCorrectionFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float strength, float zoom, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies lens correction effect on images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalContrast(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam contrast_factor=NULL, RocalFloatParam contrast_center=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts contrast of the image.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalVignetteFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float sdev, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies vignette effect on images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSaturation(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam saturation=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the saturation in images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalWarpAffineFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float o0, float o1, bool is_output, unsigned int dest_height=0, unsigned int dest_width=0, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies affine transformation to images with fixed affine matrix.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned crop_width, unsigned crop_height, unsigned crop_depth, bool is_output, float crop_pox_x, float crop_pos_y, float crop_pos_z, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Crops images with fixed coordinates.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalToDecibels(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, bool is_output, float cutoff_db, float multiplier, float reference_magnitude, RocalTensorOutputType rocal_tensor_output_type)
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnPNoise(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam noise_prob=NULL, RocalFloatParam salt_prob=NULL, RocalFloatParam salt_val=NULL, RocalFloatParam pepper_val=NULL, int seed=0, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies salt and pepper noise effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResample(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, RocalTensor p_output_resample_rate, bool is_output, float sample_hint, float quality=50.0, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Applies resample augmentation to input tensors.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRotateFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float angle, bool is_output, unsigned dest_width=0, unsigned dest_height=0, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Rotates images with fixed angle value.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGammaFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float gamma, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies gamma correction on image with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalVignette(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam sdev=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies vignette effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRandomCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam crop_area_factor=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_aspect_ratio=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_x=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y=NULL, int num_of_attempts=20, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Crops images randomly.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTemp(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalIntParam adjustment=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the color temperature in images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTwist(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam alpha=NULL, RocalFloatParam beta=NULL, RocalFloatParam hue=NULL, RocalFloatParam sat=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the brightness, hue and saturation of the images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCopy(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output)
Copies input tensor to output tensor.
std::pair< RocalTensor, RocalTensor > ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNonSilentRegionDetection(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, float cutoff_db, float reference_power, int reset_interval, int window_length)
Performs silence detection in the input audio tensor.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRotate(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam angle=NULL, unsigned dest_width=0, unsigned dest_height=0, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Rotates images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeMirrorNormalize(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, std::vector< float > &mean, std::vector< float > &std_dev, bool is_output, RocalResizeScalingMode scaling_mode=ROCAL_SCALING_MODE_STRETCH, std::vector< unsigned > max_size={}, unsigned resize_shorter=0, unsigned resize_longer=0, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalIntParam mirror=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which performs resize, normalize and flip on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalRainFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float rain_value, int rain_width, int rain_height, float rain_transparency, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies rain effect on images with fixed parameter.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalPixelate(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies pixelate effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnow(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam snow=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies snow effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSnPNoiseFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float noise_prob, float salt_prob, float salt_val, float pepper_val, bool is_output, int seed=0, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies salt and pepper noise on images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalSSDRandomCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam threshold=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_area_factor=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_aspect_ratio=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_x=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y=NULL, int num_of_attempts=20, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Crops images randomly used for SSD training.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output)
Performs no operation.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalWarpAffine(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, unsigned dest_height=0, unsigned dest_width=0, RocalFloatParam x0=NULL, RocalFloatParam x1=NULL, RocalFloatParam y0=NULL, RocalFloatParam y1=NULL, RocalFloatParam o0=NULL, RocalFloatParam o1=NULL, RocalResizeInterpolationType interpolation_type=ROCAL_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies affine transformation to images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalHueFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float hue, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the hue in images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFlip(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalIntParam horizonal_flag=NULL, RocalIntParam vertical_flag=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Flip images horizontally and/or vertically based on inputs.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTwistFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float alpha, float beta, float hue, float sat, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the brightness, hue and saturation of the images with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeCropMirror(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam crop_height=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_width=NULL, RocalIntParam mirror=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which performs resize, crop and flip on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropResizeFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, bool is_output, float area, float aspect_ratio, float x_center_drift, float y_center_drift, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which perrforms crop and resize on images with fixed crop coordinates.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCrop(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam crop_width=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_height=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_depth=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pox_x=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_y=NULL, RocalFloatParam crop_pos_z=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Crops images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalColorTempFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, int adjustment, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts the color temperature in images with fixed value.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFlipFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, int horizonal_flag, int vertical_flag, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Flip images horizontally and/or vertically with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGamma(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam gamma=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies gamma correction on image.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNormalize(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, std::vector< unsigned > &axes, std::vector< float > &mean, std::vector< float > &std_dev, bool is_output, float scale=1.0, float shift=0.0, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Performs mean-stddev normalization on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBrightness(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam alpha=NULL, RocalFloatParam beta=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts brightness of the image.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalJitterFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, int kernel_size, bool is_output, int seed=0, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies jitter effect on images with fixed kernel size.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFogFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float fog_value, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies fog effect on images with fixed parameter.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCropCenterFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned crop_width, unsigned crop_height, unsigned crop_depth, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Crops images at the center with fixed coordinates.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBrightnessFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, float alpha, float beta, bool is_output, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Adjusts brightness of the image with fixed parameters.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalFog(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, bool is_output, RocalFloatParam fog_value=NULL, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Applies fog effect on images.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalResizeCropMirrorFixed(RocalContext context, RocalTensor input, unsigned dest_width, unsigned dest_height, bool is_output, unsigned crop_h, unsigned crop_w, RocalIntParam mirror, RocalTensorLayout output_layout=ROCAL_NONE, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_UINT8)
Fused function which performs resize, crop and flip on images with fixed crop.
rocAL Resize Scaling Mode enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:315
rocAL Tensor Layout enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:208
rocAL MelScale formula enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:430
rocAL Tensor Output Type enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:240
void * RocalIntParam
typedef void* rocAL Int Param
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:58
rocAL Out Of Bounds Policy Type enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:415
rocAL Audio Border Type enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:400
void * RocalFloatParam
typedef void* Float Param
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:53
void * RocalContext
typedef void* rocAL Context
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:63
rocAL Resize Interpolation Type enum
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:337
scales wrt specified size, if only resize width/height is provided the other dimension is not scaled
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:321
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:234
AMD ROCAL_NFT Spectrogram Layout FT.
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:227
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:243
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:249
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:424
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:406
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:343
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalTensorMulScalar(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, bool is_output, float scalar=0.0, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Multiples a tensor and a scalar and returns the output.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalTensorAddTensor(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input1, RocalTensor p_input2, bool is_output, RocalTensorOutputType output_datatype=ROCAL_FP32)
Adds two tensors and returns the output.
RocalTensor ROCAL_API_CALL rocalNormalDistribution(RocalContext p_context, RocalTensor p_input, bool is_output, float mean=0.0, float stddev=0.0)
Creates and returns rocALTensor generated from an normal distribution.
The AMD rocAL Library - Types.
Definition: rocal_api_types.h:35