RDC tool feature overview#

This topic provides information related to the features of the RDC tool.


Fig. 3 RDC components and framework for describing features#


The Discovery feature enables you to locate and display information of GPUs present in the compute node.


$ rdci discovery <host_name> -l
2 GPUs found

GPU Index

Device Information


Name: AMD Radeon Instinct MI50 Accelerator


Name: AMD Radeon Instinct MI50 Accelerator

$ rdci -l : list available GPUs
$ rdci -u: No SSL authentication


This section explains the GPU and field groups features.

GPU Groups#

With the GPU groups feature, you can create, delete, and list logical groups of GPU.

$ rdci group -c GPU_GROUP
Successfully created a group with a group ID 1

$ rdci group -g 1 -a 0,1
Successfully added the GPU 0,1 to group 1

$ rdci group –l

1 group found

Group ID

Group Name

GPU Index



0, 1

$ rdci group -d 1
Successfully removed group 1

-c create; –g group id; –a add GPU index; –l list; -d delete group

Field Groups#

The Field Groups feature provides you the options to create, delete, and list field groups.

$ rdci fieldgroup -c <fgroup> -f 150,155
Successfully created a field group with a group ID 1

$ rdci fieldgroup -l

1 group found

Group ID

Group Name

Field IDs



150, 155

$ rdci fieldgroup -d 1
Successfully removed field group 1

rdci dmon –l
Supported fields Ids:
100 RDC_FI_GPU_CLOCK:  Current GPU clock freq.
150 RDC_FI_GPU_TEMP:  GPU temp. in milli Celsius.
155 RDC_FI_POWER_USAGE:  Power usage in microwatts.
203 RDC_FI_GPU_UTIL:  GPU busy percentage.
525 RDC_FI_GPU_MEMORY_USAGE: VRAM Memory usage in bytes

-c create; –g group id; –a add GPU index; –l list; -d delete group

Monitor Errors#

You can define RDC_FI_ECC_CORRECT_TOTAL or RDC_FI_ECC_UNCORRECT_TOTAL field to get the RAS Error-Correcting Code (ECC) counter:

  • 312 RDC_FI_ECC_CORRECT_TOTAL: Accumulated correctable ECC errors

  • 313 RDC_FI_ECC_UNCORRECT_TOTAL: Accumulated uncorrectable ECC errors

Device Monitoring#

The RDC tool enables you to monitor the GPU fields.

$ rdci dmon -f <field_group> -g <gpu_group> -c 5 -d 1000

1 group found

GPU Index

TEMP (m°C)





rdci dmon –l
Supported fields Ids:
100 RDC_FI_GPU_CLOCK:  Current GPU clock freq.
150 RDC_FI_GPU_TEMP:  GPU temp. in milli Celsius.
155 RDC_FI_POWER_USAGE:  Power usage in microwatts.
203 RDC_FI_GPU_UTIL:  GPU busy percentage.
525 RDC_FI_GPU_MEMORY_USAGE: VRAM Memory usage in bytes

-e field ids; -i GPU index; -c count; -d delay; -l list; -f fieldgroup id

Job Stats#

You can display GPU statistics for any given workload.

  $ rdci stats -s 2 -g 1
Successfully started recording job 2 with a group ID 1

$ rdci stats -j 2


Executive Status

Start time


End time


Total execution time


Energy Consumed (Joules)


Power Usage (Watts)

Max: 49 Min: 13 Avg: 34

GPU Clock (MHz)

Max: 1000 Min: 300 Avg: 903

GPU Utilization (%)

Max: 69 Min: 0 Avg: 2

Max GPU Memory Used (bytes)


Memory Utilization (%)

Max: 12 Min: 11 Avg: 12

$ rdci stats -x 2
Successfully stopped recording job 2

-s start recording on job id; -g group id; -j display job stats; –x stop recording.

Job Stats Use Case#

A common use case is to record GPU statistics associated with any job or workload. The following example shows how all these features can be put together for this use case:


Fig. 4 An example showing how job statistics can be recorded#

rdci commands#

$ rdci group -c group1

successfully created a group with a group ID 1

$ rdci group -g 1 -a 0,1

GPU 0,1 is added to group 1 successfully.

rdci stats -s 123 -g 1

job 123 recorded successfully with the group ID

rdci stats -x 123

job 123 stops recording successfully

rdci stats -j 123

job stats printed

Error-Correcting Code Output#

In the job output, this feature prints out the Error-Correcting Code (ECC) errors while running the job.


You can run diagnostic on a GPU group as shown below:

$ rdci diag -g <gpu_group>

No compute process:  Pass
Node topology check:  Pass
GPU parameters check:  Pass
Compute Queue ready:  Pass
System memory check:  Pass
=============== Diagnostic Details ==================
No compute process:  No processes running on any devices.
Node topology check:  No link detected.
GPU parameters check:  GPU 0 Critical Edge temperature in range.
Compute Queue ready:  Run binary search task on GPU 0 Pass.
System memory check:  Max Single Allocation Memory Test for GPU 0 Pass. CPUAccessToGPUMemoryTest for GPU 0 Pass. GPUAccessToCPUMemoryTest for GPU 0 Pass.