Building and testing RDC#

RDC is open source and available under the MIT License. This section is helpful for open source developers. Third-party integrators may also find this information useful.

Prerequisites for Building RDC#


RDC is tested on the following software versions. Earlier versions may not work.

  • CMake 3.15

  • g++ (5.4.0)

  • AMD ROCm, which includes AMD AMDSMI Library

  • gRPC and protoc

The following components are required to build the latest documentation:

  • Doxygen (1.8.11)

  • Latex (pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16)

$ sudo apt install libcap-dev
$ sudo apt install -y doxygen

Build and Install RDC#

To build and install, clone the RDC source code from GitHub and use CMake.

$ git clone <GitHub for RDC>
$ cd rdc
$ mkdir -p build; cd build
$ cmake -DROCM_DIR=/opt/rocm -DGRPC_ROOT="$GRPC_PROTOC_ROOT"..
$ make
#Install library file and header and the default location is /opt/rocm
$ make install

Build Documentation#

You can generate PDF documentation after a successful build. The reference manual, refman.pdf, appears in the latex directory.

$ make doc
$ cd latex
$ make

Build Unit Tests for RDC Tool#

$ cd rdc/tests/rdc_tests
$ mkdir -p build; cd build
$ cmake -DROCM_DIR=/opt/rocm -DGRPC_ROOT="$GRPC_PROTOC_ROOT"..
$ make

# To run the tests

$ cd build/rdctst_tests
$ ./rdctst


# Run rdcd daemon
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/rdc_libs/  ./server/rdcd -u

# In another console run the RDC command-line
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/rdc_libs/  ./rdci/rdci discovery -l -u


RDC supports encrypted communications between clients and servers.

Generate Files for Authentication#

The communication between the client and server can be configured to be authenticated or unauthenticated. By default, authentication is enabled.

To disable authentication, when starting the server, use the “–unauth_comm” flag (or “-u” for short). You must also use “-u” in rdci to access unauth rdcd. The /lib/systemd/system/rdc.service file can be edited to pass arguments to rdcd on starting. On the client side, when calling rdc_channel_create(), the “secure” argument must be set to False.


RDC users manage their own keys and certificates. However, some scripts generate self-signed certificates in the RDC source tree in the authentication directory for test purposes. The following flowchart depicts how to generate the root certificates using the openssl command in

A picture containing sign, drawing Description automatically generated


Fig. 2 Generation of root certificates using openssl command#

The section where the default responses to openssl questions can be specified is included in openssl.conf. To locate the section look for the following comment line:


It is helpful to modify this section with values appropriate for your organization if you expect to call this script many times. Additionally, you must replace the dummy values and update the alt_names section for your environment.

To generate the keys and certificates using these scripts, make the following calls:

# provide answers to posed questions
# provide answers to posed questions

At this point, the keys and certificates are in the newly created CA/artifacts directory.


You must delete this directory if you need to rerun the scripts.

To install the keys and certificates, access the artifacts directory and run the script as root, specifying the install location. By default, RDC expects this to be in /etc/rdc:

$ cd CA/artifacts
$ sudo install_<client|server>.sh /etc/rdc

These files must be copied to and installed on all client and server machines that are expected to communicate with one another.

Known Limitation#

RDC has the following authentication limitations:

The client and server are hardcoded to look for the openssl certificate and key files in /etc/rdc. There is no workaround available currently.

Verify Files for Authentication#

Several SSL keys and certificates must be generated and installed on clients and servers for authentication to work properly. By default, the RDC server will look in the /etc/rdc folder for the following keys and certificates:


$ sudo tree /etc/rdc
|-- client
|-- certs
| |-- rdc_cacert.pem
| |-- rdc_client_cert.pem
|-- private
|-- rdc_client_cert.key


Machines that are clients and servers consist of both directory structures.


$ sudo tree /etc/rdc
|-- server
|-- certs
| |-- rdc_cacert.pem
| |-- rdc_server_cert.pem
|-- private
|-- rdc_server_cert.key