
Detects magic numbers, integer or floating point literals that are embedded in code and not introduced via constants or symbols.

Many coding guidelines advise replacing the magic values with symbolic constants to improve readability. Here are a few references:

Examples of magic values:

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct CustomType {
   T arr[N];

struct OtherType {
   CustomType<int, 30> container;
CustomType<int, 30> values;

double circleArea = 3.1415926535 * radius * radius;

double totalCharge = 1.08 * itemPrice;

int getAnswer() {
   return -3; // FILENOTFOUND

for (int mm = 1; mm <= 12; ++mm) {
   std::cout << month[mm] << '\n';

Example with magic values refactored:

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct CustomType {
   T arr[N];

const size_t NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = 30;
using containerType = CustomType<int, NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS>;

struct OtherType {
   containerType container;
containerType values;

double circleArea = M_PI * radius * radius;

const double TAX_RATE = 0.08;  // or make it variable and read from a file

double totalCharge = (1.0 + TAX_RATE) * itemPrice;

int getAnswer() {
   return E_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

for (int mm = 1; mm <= MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR; ++mm) {
   std::cout << month[mm] << '\n';

For integral literals by default only 0 and 1 (and -1) integer values are accepted without a warning. This can be overridden with the IgnoredIntegerValues option. Negative values are accepted if their absolute value is present in the IgnoredIntegerValues list.

As a special case for integral values, all powers of two can be accepted without warning by enabling the IgnorePowersOf2IntegerValues option.

For floating point literals by default the 0.0 floating point value is accepted without a warning. The set of ignored floating point literals can be configured using the IgnoredFloatingPointValues option. For each value in that set, the given string value is converted to a floating-point value representation used by the target architecture. If a floating-point literal value compares equal to one of the converted values, then that literal is not diagnosed by this check. Because floating-point equality is used to determine whether to diagnose or not, the user needs to be aware of the details of floating-point representations for any values that cannot be precisely represented for their target architecture.

For each value in the IgnoredFloatingPointValues set, both the single-precision form and double-precision form are accepted (for example, if 3.14 is in the set, neither 3.14f nor 3.14 will produce a warning).

Scientific notation is supported for both source code input and option. Alternatively, the check for the floating point numbers can be disabled for all floating point values by enabling the IgnoreAllFloatingPointValues option.

Since values 0 and 0.0 are so common as the base counter of loops, or initialization values for sums, they are always accepted without warning, even if not present in the respective ignored values list.



Semicolon-separated list of magic positive integers that will be accepted without a warning. Default values are {1, 2, 3, 4}, and 0 is accepted unconditionally.


Boolean value indicating whether to accept all powers-of-two integer values without warning. Default value is false.


Semicolon-separated list of magic positive floating point values that will be accepted without a warning. Default values are {1.0, 100.0} and 0.0 is accepted unconditionally.


Boolean value indicating whether to accept all floating point values without warning. Default value is false.


Boolean value indicating whether to accept magic numbers as bit field widths without warning. This is useful for example for register definitions which are generated from hardware specifications. Default value is true.


Boolean value indicating whether to accept magic numbers in typedef or using declarations. Default value is false.


Boolean value indicating whether to accept magic numbers in user-defined literals. Default value is false.