
This check replaces deprecated dynamic exception specifications with the appropriate noexcept specification (introduced in C++11). By default this check will replace throw() with noexcept, and throw(<exception>[,...]) or throw(...) with noexcept(false).


void foo() throw();
void bar() throw(int) {}

transforms to:

void foo() noexcept;
void bar() noexcept(false) {}



Users can use ReplacementString to specify a macro to use instead of noexcept. This is useful when maintaining source code that uses custom exception specification marking other than noexcept. Fix-it hints will only be generated for non-throwing specifications.


void bar() throw(int);
void foo() throw();

transforms to:

void bar() throw(int);  // No fix-it generated.
void foo() NOEXCEPT;

if the ReplacementString option is set to NOEXCEPT.


Enabled by default, disabling will generate fix-it hints that remove throwing dynamic exception specs, e.g., throw(<something>), completely without providing a replacement text, except for destructors and delete operators that are noexcept(true) by default.


void foo() throw(int) {}

struct bar {
  void foobar() throw(int);
  void operator delete(void *ptr) throw(int);
  void operator delete[](void *ptr) throw(int);
  ~bar() throw(int);

transforms to:

void foo() {}

struct bar {
  void foobar();
  void operator delete(void *ptr) noexcept(false);
  void operator delete[](void *ptr) noexcept(false);
  ~bar() noexcept(false);

if the UseNoexceptFalse option is set to false.