Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMDGPU installer installation#
6 min read time
is a tool that helps you install and update AMDGPU, ROCm, and ROCm components.
ROCm doesn’t support integrated graphics. If your system has an AMD IGP installed, disable it in the BIOS prior to using ROCm. If the driver can enumerate the IGP, the ROCm runtime might crash the system, even if told to omit it via HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
Ensure that the Installation prerequisites are met before installing.
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf install
Use cases#
Instead of installing individual applications or libraries, the installer script groups packages into specific use cases that match typical workflows and runtimes.
To display a list of available use cases, run:
sudo amdgpu-install --list-usecase
The available use-cases are printed in a format similar to:
If --usecase option is not present, the default selection is "graphics,opencl,hip"
Available use cases:
dkms (to only install the kernel mode driver)
- Kernel mode driver (included in all usecases)
graphics (for users of graphics applications)
- Open source Mesa 3D graphics and multimedia libraries
multimedia (for users of open source multimedia)
- Open source Mesa 3D multimedia libraries
multimediasdk (for developers of open source multimedia)
- Open source Mesa 3D multimedia libraries
- Development headers for multimedia libraries
workstation (for users of legacy WS applications)
- Open source multimedia libraries
- Closed source (legacy) OpenGL
rocm (for users and developers requiring full ROCm stack)
- OpenCL (ROCr/KMD based) runtime
- HIP runtimes
- Machine learning framework
- All ROCm libraries and applications
rocmdev (for developers requiring ROCm runtime and
profiling/debugging tools)
- HIP runtimes
- OpenCL runtime
- Profiler, Tracer and Debugger tools
rocmdevtools (for developers requiring ROCm profiling/debugging tools)
- Profiler, Tracer and Debugger tools
amf (for users of AMF based multimedia)
- AMF closed source multimedia library
lrt (for users of applications requiring ROCm runtime)
- ROCm Compiler and device libraries
- ROCr runtime and thunk
opencl (for users of applications requiring OpenCL on Vega or later
- ROCr based OpenCL
- ROCm Language runtime
openclsdk (for application developers requiring ROCr based OpenCL)
- ROCr based OpenCL
- ROCm Language runtime
- development and SDK files for ROCr based OpenCL
hip (for users of HIP runtime on AMD products)
- HIP runtimes
hiplibsdk (for application developers requiring HIP on AMD products)
- HIP runtimes
- ROCm math libraries
- HIP development libraries
openmpsdk (for users of openmp/flang on AMD products)
- OpenMP runtime and devel packages
mllib (for users executing machine learning workloads)
- MIOpen hip/tensile libraries
- Clang OpenCL
- MIOpen kernels
mlsdk (for developers executing machine learning workloads)
- MIOpen development libraries
- Clang OpenCL development libraries
- MIOpen kernels
asan (for users of ASAN enabled ROCm packages)
- ASAN enabled OpenCL (ROCr/KMD based) runtime
- ASAN enabled HIP runtimes
- ASAN enabled Machine learning framework
- ASAN enabled ROCm libraries
Install amdgpu-dkms#
In order to install only the DKMS, which is a minimal requirement for launching containers with GPU
access, use the dkms
use case:
amdgpu-install --usecase=dkms
To verify the kernel installation, use this command:
sudo dkms status
If the installation of the kernel module was successful, the command displays the output in the following format:
amdgpu, 4.3-52.el7, 3.10.0-1160.11.1.el7.x86_64, x86_64: installed (original_module exists)
Upgrading ROCm#
The upgrade procedure with the installer script is the same as installing it for first-time use.
Installing ROCm packages#
To install use cases specific to your requirements, use the installer (amdgpu-install
) as follows:
To install a single use case, add it with the
option:sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=rocm
For multiple use cases, separate them with commas:
sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=hiplibsdk,rocm
For graphical workloads using the open-source driver, add
. For example:sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=graphics,rocm
For graphical workloads using the proprietary driver, add
. For example:sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=workstation,rocm
To install LLVM AddressSanitizer (ASAN) instrumented binaries (for packages that support it), add
. For example:sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=rocm,asan
To list all possible use cases, use the
option:sudo amdgpu-install --list-usecase
option displays all available options for theamdgpu-install
script:sudo amdgpu-install --help
Uninstalling ROCm#
To uninstall all ROCm packages and the kernel-mode driver, use the following commands.
Uninstalling single-version install
sudo amdgpu-install --uninstall
Uninstalling a specific ROCm release
sudo amdgpu-install --uninstall --rocmrelease=<release-number>
Uninstalling all ROCm releases
sudo amdgpu-install --uninstall --rocmrelease=all
Uninstalling amdgpu-install#
After uninstalling ROCm, remove the amdgpu-install package from system.
sudo dnf remove amdgpu-install
Remove ROCm and AMDGPU repositories#
# Remove the repositories
sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/rocm.repo*
sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/amdgpu.repo*
# Clear the cache and clean the system
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/dnf
sudo dnf clean all
# Restart the system
sudo reboot
Additional options#
Unattended installation.
as a parameter toamdgpu-install
skips user prompts (for automation). For example:amdgpu-install -y --usecase=rocm
Skipping kernel mode driver installation.
The installer script tries to install the kernel mode driver and the requested use cases. This might be unnecessary (as in the case of Docker containers). You might want to keep a specific version when using multi-version installation, and not have the last installed version overwrite the kernel mode driver.
To skip the installation of the kernel-mode driver, add the
option when calling the installer script.