hipfort.f File Reference#
hipfort.f File Reference
Data Types | |
interface | hipfort::hipinit |
interface | hipfort::hipdrivergetversion |
Returns the approximate HIP driver version. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipruntimegetversion |
Returns the approximate HIP Runtime version. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceget |
Returns a handle to a compute device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicecomputecapability |
Returns the compute capability of the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetname |
Returns an identifer string for the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetp2pattribute |
Returns a value for attr of link between two devices. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetpcibusid |
Returns a PCI Bus Id string for the device, overloaded to take int device ID. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetbypcibusid |
Returns a handle to a compute device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicetotalmem |
Returns the total amount of memory on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicesynchronize |
Waits on all active streams on current device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicereset |
The state of current device is discarded and updated to a fresh state. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipsetdevice |
Set default device to be used for subsequent hip API calls from this thread. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetdevice |
Return the default device id for the calling host thread. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetdevicecount |
Return number of compute-capable devices. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetattribute |
Query for a specific device attribute. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicesetcacheconfig |
Set L1/Shared cache partition. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetcacheconfig |
Set Cache configuration for a specific function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetlimit |
Get Resource limits of current device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetsharedmemconfig |
Returns bank width of shared memory for current device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetdeviceflags |
Gets the flags set for current device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicesetsharedmemconfig |
The bank width of shared memory on current device is set. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipsetdeviceflags |
The current device behavior is changed according the flags passed. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipchoosedevice |
Device which matches hipDeviceProp_t is returned. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextgetlinktypeandhopcount |
Returns the link type and hop count between two devices. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipipcgetmemhandle |
Gets an interprocess memory handle for an existing device memory allocation. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipipcopenmemhandle |
Opens an interprocess memory handle exported from another process and returns a device pointer usable in the local process. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipipcclosememhandle |
Close memory mapped with hipIpcOpenMemHandle. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipipcgeteventhandle |
Gets an opaque interprocess handle for an event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipipcopeneventhandle |
Opens an interprocess event handles. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfuncsetattribute |
Set attribute for a specific function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfuncsetcacheconfig |
Set Cache configuration for a specific function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfuncsetsharedmemconfig |
Set shared memory configuation for a specific function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetlasterror |
Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call and resets the stored error code to hipSuccess. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hippeekatlasterror |
Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamcreate |
Create an asynchronous stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamcreatewithflags |
Create an asynchronous stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamcreatewithpriority |
Create an asynchronous stream with the specified priority. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicegetstreampriorityrange |
Returns numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priority. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamdestroy |
Destroys the specified stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamquery |
Return hipSuccess if all of the operations in the specified stream have completed, or hipErrorNotReady if not. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamsynchronize |
Wait for all commands in stream to complete. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamwaitevent |
Make the specified compute stream wait for an event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamgetflags |
Return flags associated with this stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamgetpriority |
Query the priority of a stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextstreamcreatewithcumask |
Create an asynchronous stream with the specified CU mask. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextstreamgetcumask |
Get CU mask associated with an asynchronous stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamaddcallback |
Adds a callback to be called on the host after all currently enqueued items in the stream have completed. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamwritevalue32 |
Enqueues a write command to the stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamwritevalue64 |
Enqueues a write command to the stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventcreatewithflags |
Create an event with the specified flags. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventcreate |
Create an event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventrecord |
Record an event in the specified stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventdestroy |
Destroy the specified event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventsynchronize |
Wait for an event to complete. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventelapsedtime |
Return the elapsed time between two events. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipeventquery |
Query event status. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hippointergetattributes |
Return attributes for the specified pointer. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hippointergetattribute |
Returns information about the specified pointer. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdrvpointergetattributes |
Returns information about the specified pointer. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipsignalexternalsemaphoresasync |
Signals a set of external semaphore objects. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipwaitexternalsemaphoresasync |
Waits on a set of external semaphore objects. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdestroyexternalsemaphore |
Destroys an external semaphore object and releases any references to the underlying resource. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipexternalmemorygetmappedbuffer |
Maps a buffer onto an imported memory object. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdestroyexternalmemory |
Destroys an external memory object. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextmallocwithflags |
Allocate memory on the default accelerator. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmallochost |
interface | hipfort::hipmemallochost |
interface | hipfort::hipmemprefetchasync |
Prefetches memory to the specified destination device using HIP. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemadvise |
Advise about the usage of a given memory range to HIP. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemrangegetattribute |
Query an attribute of a given memory range in HIP. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemrangegetattributes |
Query attributes of a given memory range in HIP. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamattachmemasync |
Attach memory to a stream asynchronously in HIP. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiphostalloc |
interface | hipfort::hipmallocpitch |
Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory Padding may occur to ensure alighnment requirements are met for the given row The change in width size due to padding will be returned in *pitch. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemallocpitch |
Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory Padding may occur to ensure alighnment requirements are met for the given row The change in width size due to padding will be returned in *pitch. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfreehost |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpywithstream |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyhtod |
Copy data from Host to Device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpydtoh |
Copy data from Device to Host. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpydtod |
Copy data from Device to Device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyhtodasync |
Copy data from Host to Device asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpydtohasync |
Copy data from Device to Host asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpydtodasync |
Copy data from Device to Device asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmodulegetglobal |
Returns a global pointer from a module. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetsymboladdress |
interface | hipfort::hipgetsymbolsize |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpytosymbol |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpytosymbolasync |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyfromsymbol |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyfromsymbolasync |
interface | hipfort::hipmemset |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd8 |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd8async |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd16 |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant short value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd16async |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant short value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd32 |
Fills the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant integer value for specified number of times. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetasync |
Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dev with the ant byte value value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemsetd32async |
Fills the memory area pointed to by dev with the ant integer value for specified number of times. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemset2d |
Fills the memory area pointed to by dst with the ant value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemset2dasync |
Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by dst with the ant value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemset3d |
Fills synchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the ant value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemset3dasync |
Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the ant value. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemgetinfo |
Query memory info. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemptrgetinfo |
interface | hipfort::hipmallocarray |
Allocate an array on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiparraycreate |
interface | hipfort::hiparraydestroy |
interface | hipfort::hiparray3dcreate |
interface | hipfort::hipmalloc3d |
interface | hipfort::hipfreearray |
Frees an array on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfreemipmappedarray |
Frees a mipmapped array on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmalloc3darray |
Allocate an array on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmallocmipmappedarray |
Allocate a mipmapped array on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgetmipmappedarraylevel |
Gets a mipmap level of a HIP mipmapped array. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyparam2d |
Copies memory for 2D arrays. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyparam2dasync |
Copies memory for 2D arrays. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy2dtoarray |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy2dtoarrayasync |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpytoarray |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyfromarray |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy2dfromarray |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy2dfromarrayasync |
Copies data between host and device asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyatoh |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpyhtoa |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy3d |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpy3dasync |
Copies data between host and device asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdrvmemcpy3d |
Copies data between host and device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdrvmemcpy3dasync |
Copies data between host and device asynchronously. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicecanaccesspeer |
Determine if a device can access a peer's memory. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceenablepeeraccess |
Enable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdevicedisablepeeraccess |
Disable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemgetaddressrange |
Get information on memory allocations. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpypeer |
Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmemcpypeerasync |
Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipctxcreate |
interface | hipfort::hipctxdestroy |
interface | hipfort::hipctxpopcurrent |
interface | hipfort::hipctxpushcurrent |
interface | hipfort::hipctxsetcurrent |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetcurrent |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetdevice |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetapiversion |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetcacheconfig |
interface | hipfort::hipctxsetcacheconfig |
interface | hipfort::hipctxsetsharedmemconfig |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetsharedmemconfig |
interface | hipfort::hipctxsynchronize |
interface | hipfort::hipctxgetflags |
interface | hipfort::hipctxenablepeeraccess |
interface | hipfort::hipctxdisablepeeraccess |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceprimaryctxgetstate |
Get the state of the primary context. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceprimaryctxrelease |
Release the primary context on the GPU. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceprimaryctxretain |
Retain the primary context on the GPU. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceprimaryctxreset |
Resets the primary context on the GPU. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdeviceprimaryctxsetflags |
Set flags for the primary context. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleload |
Loads code object from file into a hipModule_t. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleunload |
Frees the module. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmodulegetfunction |
Function with kname will be extracted if present in module. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfuncgetattributes |
Find out attributes for a given function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipfuncgetattribute |
Find out a specific attribute for a given function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmodulegettexref |
returns the handle of the texture reference with the name from the module. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleloaddata |
builds module from code object which resides in host memory. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleloaddataex |
builds module from code object which resides in host memory. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmodulelaunchkernel |
launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiplaunchcooperativekernel |
launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra, where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiplaunchcooperativekernelmultidevice |
Launches kernels on multiple devices where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextlaunchmultikernelmultidevice |
Launches kernels on multiple devices and guarantees all specified kernels are dispatched on respective streams before enqueuing any other work on the specified streams from any other threads. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleoccupancymaxpotentialblocksize |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleoccupancymaxpotentialblocksizewithflags |
interface | hipfort::hipmoduleoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessor |
Returns occupancy for a device function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessor |
Returns occupancy for a device function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessorwithflags |
Returns occupancy for a device function. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipoccupancymaxpotentialblocksize |
determine the grid and block sizes to achieves maximum occupancy for a kernel More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipprofilerstart |
interface | hipfort::hipprofilerstop |
interface | hipfort::hipconfigurecall |
Configure a kernel launch. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipsetupargument |
Set a kernel argument. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiplaunchbyptr |
Launch a kernel. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hiplaunchkernel |
C compliant kernel launch API. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipdrvmemcpy2dunaligned |
Copies memory for 2D arrays. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipextlaunchkernel |
Launches kernel from the pointer address, with arguments and shared memory on stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipbindtexture |
interface | hipfort::hipbindtexture2d |
interface | hipfort::hipbindtexturetoarray |
interface | hipfort::hipgettexturealignmentoffset |
interface | hipfort::hipunbindtexture |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetaddress |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetaddressmode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetfiltermode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetflags |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetformat |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetmaxanisotropy |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetmipmapfiltermode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetmipmaplevelbias |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetmipmaplevelclamp |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefgetmipmappedarray |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetaddress |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetaddress2d |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetmaxanisotropy |
interface | hipfort::hipbindtexturetomipmappedarray |
interface | hipfort::hipcreatetextureobject |
interface | hipfort::hipdestroytextureobject |
interface | hipfort::hipgetchanneldesc |
interface | hipfort::hipgettextureobjectresourcedesc |
interface | hipfort::hipgettextureobjectresourceviewdesc |
interface | hipfort::hipgettextureobjecttexturedesc |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetaddressmode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetarray |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetfiltermode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetflags |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetformat |
interface | hipfort::hiptexobjectcreate |
interface | hipfort::hiptexobjectdestroy |
interface | hipfort::hiptexobjectgetresourcedesc |
interface | hipfort::hiptexobjectgetresourceviewdesc |
interface | hipfort::hiptexobjectgettexturedesc |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetbordercolor |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetmipmapfiltermode |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetmipmaplevelbias |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetmipmaplevelclamp |
interface | hipfort::hiptexrefsetmipmappedarray |
interface | hipfort::hipmipmappedarraycreate |
interface | hipfort::hipmipmappedarraydestroy |
interface | hipfort::hipmipmappedarraygetlevel |
interface | hipfort::hipregisterapicallback |
interface | hipfort::hipremoveapicallback |
interface | hipfort::hipregisteractivitycallback |
interface | hipfort::hipremoveactivitycallback |
interface | hipfort::hipstreambegincapture |
Begins graph capture on a stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamendcapture |
Ends capture on a stream, returning the captured graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamgetcaptureinfo |
Get capture status of a stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamgetcaptureinfo_v2 |
Get stream's capture state. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamiscapturing |
Get stream's capture state. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipstreamupdatecapturedependencies |
Update the set of dependencies in a capturing stream. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphcreate |
Creates a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphdestroy |
Destroys a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphadddependencies |
Adds dependency edges to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphremovedependencies |
Removes dependency edges from a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphgetedges |
Returns a graph's dependency edges. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphgetnodes |
Returns graph nodes. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphgetrootnodes |
Returns graph's root nodes. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphnodegetdependencies |
Returns a node's dependencies. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphnodegetdependentnodes |
Returns a node's dependent nodes. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphnodegettype |
Returns a node's type. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphdestroynode |
Remove a node from the graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphclone |
Clones a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphnodefindinclone |
Finds a cloned version of a node. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphinstantiate |
Creates an executable graph from a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphinstantiatewithflags |
Creates an executable graph from a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphlaunch |
launches an executable graph in a stream More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecdestroy |
Destroys an executable graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecupdate |
Check whether an executable graph can be updated with a graph and perform the update if * possible. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddkernelnode |
Creates a kernel execution node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphkernelnodegetparams |
Gets kernel node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphkernelnodesetparams |
Sets a kernel node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexeckernelnodesetparams |
Sets the parameters for a kernel node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddmemcpynode |
Creates a memcpy node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemcpynodegetparams |
Gets a memcpy node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemcpynodesetparams |
Sets a memcpy node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparams |
Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddmemcpynode1d |
Creates a 1D memcpy node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemcpynodesetparams1d |
Sets a memcpy node's parameters to perform a 1-dimensional copy. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparams1d |
Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to perform a 1-dimensional copy. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddmemcpynodefromsymbol |
Creates a memcpy node to copy from a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemcpynodesetparamsfromsymbol |
Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy from a symbol on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparamsfromsymbol |
Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy from a symbol on the. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddmemcpynodetosymbol |
Creates a memcpy node to copy to a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemcpynodesetparamstosymbol |
Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy to a symbol on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparamstosymbol |
Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy to a symbol on the device. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddmemsetnode |
Creates a memset node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemsetnodegetparams |
Gets a memset node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphmemsetnodesetparams |
Sets a memset node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecmemsetnodesetparams |
Sets the parameters for a memset node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddhostnode |
Creates a host execution node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphhostnodegetparams |
Returns a host node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphhostnodesetparams |
Sets a host node's parameters. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexechostnodesetparams |
Sets the parameters for a host node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddchildgraphnode |
Creates a child graph node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphchildgraphnodegetgraph |
Gets a handle to the embedded graph of a child graph node. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexecchildgraphnodesetparams |
Updates node parameters in the child graph node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddemptynode |
Creates an empty node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddeventrecordnode |
Creates an event record node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgrapheventrecordnodegetevent |
Returns the event associated with an event record node. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgrapheventrecordnodesetevent |
Sets an event record node's event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexeceventrecordnodesetevent |
Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphaddeventwaitnode |
Creates an event wait node and adds it to a graph. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgrapheventwaitnodegetevent |
Returns the event associated with an event wait node. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgrapheventwaitnodesetevent |
Sets an event wait node's event. More... | |
interface | hipfort::hipgraphexeceventwaitnodesetevent |
Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec. More... | |
Modules | |
module | hipfort |