interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandcreategenerator |
| Creates a new random number generator. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandcreategeneratorhost |
| Creates a new random number generator on host. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hipranddestroygenerator |
| Destroys random number generator. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgenerate |
| Generates uniformly distributed 32-bit unsigned integers. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratechar |
| Generates uniformly distributed 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgenerateshort |
| Generates uniformly distributed 16-bit unsigned integers. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgenerateuniform |
| Generates uniformly distributed floats. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgenerateuniformdouble |
| Generates uniformly distributed double-precision floating-point values. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratenormal |
| Generates normally distributed floats. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratenormaldouble |
| Generates normally distributed doubles. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratelognormal |
| Generates log-normally distributed floats. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratelognormaldouble |
| Generates log-normally distributed doubles. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgeneratepoisson |
| Generates Poisson-distributed 32-bit unsigned integers. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgenerateseeds |
| Initializes the generator's state on GPU or host. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandsetstream |
| Sets the current stream for kernel launches. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandsetpseudorandomgeneratorseed |
| Sets the seed of a pseudo-random number generator. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandsetgeneratoroffset |
| Sets the offset of a random number generator. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandsetquasirandomgeneratordimensions |
| Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandgetversion |
| Returns the version number of the cuRAND or rocRAND library. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hiprandcreatepoissondistribution |
| Construct the histogram for a Poisson distribution. More...
interface | hipfort_hiprand::hipranddestroydistribution |
| Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution. More...