This page contains changes for a test release of ROCm. Read the latest Linux release of ROCm documentation for your production environments.

Contributing to hipTensor#

This document provides the coding guidelines to be followed while contributing to the hipTensor APIs.

License agreement#

  1. The code I am contributing is mine and I have the right to license it.

  2. By submitting a pull request for this project I am granting you a license to distribute said code under the MIT License for the project.

Pull-request guidelines#

Our code contribution guidelines closely follows the model of GitHub pull-requests. The hipTensor repository follows a workflow which dictates a /master branch where releases are cut, and a /develop branch which serves as an integration branch for new code. Follow the guidelines below while creating a pull request:

  • Target the develop branch for integration

  • Ensure that the code builds successfully

  • Do not break existing test cases

  • Be informed that a new functionality is only merged with new unit tests

  • Ensure that new unit tests integrate within the existing GoogleTest framework

  • Design the tests with good code coverage

  • Ensure that the code contains benchmark tests and performance approaches the compute bound limit or memory bound limit

Style guide#

This project follows the CPP Core guidelines, with few modifications and additions as given below. We encourage you to follow the below-mentioned guidelines while creating the pull requests.


  • Use C++17 for the library code

  • Avoid camel case

  • The above-given rules apply specifically to publicly visible APIs, but is also encouraged (not mandated) for internal code


  • Write in ISO Standard C++14 (especially to support Windows, Linux and macOS platforms )

  • Prefer compile-time check to run-time check


  • Use a .cpp suffix for code files and an .hpp suffix for interface files if your project doesn’t already follow another convention

  • Ensure that a .cpp file mandatorily includes the .hpp file(s) that defines its interface

  • Don’t put a global using -directive in a header file

  • Use #include guards for all .hpp files

  • Don’t use an unnamed (anonymous) namespace in a header

  • Prefer using std::array or std::vector instead of a C array

  • Minimize the exposure of class members

  • Keep functions short and simple

  • To return multiple ‘out’ values, prefer returning a std::tuple

  • Manage resources automatically using RAII ( includes std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr)

  • Use auto to avoid redundant repetition of type names

  • Always initialize an object

  • Prefer the {} initializer syntax

  • Expect your code to run as part of a multi-threaded program

  • Avoid global variables


C++ code is formatted using clang-format. To run clang-format, use the version in the /opt/rocm/llvm/bin directory. Don’t use your system’s built-in clang-format, which could be an older version leading to different results.

To format a file, use:

/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang-format -style=file -i <path-to-source-file>

To format all files, run the following script in the hipTensor directory:

git ls-files -z *.cc *.cpp *.h *.hpp *.cl * * * | xargs -0 /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang-format -style=file -i

Also, to install githooks to format the code per-commit, use:



  1. Create and track a hipTensor fork.

  2. Clone your fork:

git clone -b develop<your_fork>/hipTensor.git .
git checkout -b <new_branch>
git add <new_work>
git commit -m "What was changed"
git push origin <new_branch>
  1. Create a pull request to ROCmSoftwarePlatform/hipTensor targeting develop branch.

  2. Make sure to respond to code reviews.

  3. Await CI and approval feedback.

  4. Once approved, await for dev team to merge!


Please don’t forget to install the githooks via .githooks/install as there are triggers for clang formatting in commits.