Programmer’s Guide#

Library Source Code Organization#

The hipTensor code is split into four major parts:

  • The library directory contains all source code for the library.

  • The samples directory contains real-world use-cases of the hipTensor API.

  • The test directory contains all validation tests of hipTensor API.

  • Infrastructure

The library directory#


Contains C++ include files for the hipTensor API. These files also contain Doxygen comments that document the API.


Internal include files for:

  • Utility Code

  • Generate Tensor Utility


Contains logger, device and performance functions.


Contains hipTensor core composable kernel header functions and contraction initialization functions.


Contains hipTensor Bilinear and Scale instance functions

The samples directory#


sample code for calling bilinear contraction for fp32 input, output and compute types


sample code for calling scale contraction for fp32 input, output and compute types

The test directory#


Test code for testing logger API Functions of hipTensor


Test code for testing the bilinear contraction functionality and log metrics for F32 types.


Test code for testing the bilinear contraction functionality and log metrics for F64 types.


Test code for testing the scale contraction functionality and log metrics for F32 types.


Test code for testing the scale contraction functionality and log metrics for F64 types.


  • CMake is used to build and package hipTensor. There are CMakeLists.txt files throughout the code.

  • Doxygen/Breathe/Sphinx/ReadTheDocs are used to produce documentation. Content for the documentation is from:

    • Doxygen comments in include files in the directory library/include

    • files in the directory docs/

  • Jenkins is used to automate Continuous Integration testing.

  • clang-format is used to format C++ code.