Using hipSOLVER#

hipSOLVER is an open-source marshalling library for LAPACK routines on the GPU. It sits between a backend library and the user application, marshalling inputs to and outputs from the backend library so that the user application remains unchanged when using different backends. Currently, two backend libraries are supported by hipSOLVER: NVIDIA’s cuSOLVER library and AMD’s open-source rocSOLVER library.

The regular hipSOLVER API is a thin wrapper layer around the different backends. As such, it is not expected to introduce significant overhead. However, its main purpose is portability, so when performance is critical directly using the library backend is recommended.

Once installed, hipSOLVER can be used just like any other library with a C API. The header file will need to be included in the user code, and the shared library will become link-time and run-time dependencies for the user application. The user code can be ported, with no changes, to any system with hipSOLVER installed regardless of the backend library.

For more details on how to use the API methods, see the code samples on hipSOLVER’s clients’ GitHub page, or the documentation of the corresponding backend libraries.

Porting cuSOLVER applications to hipSOLVER#

Another purpose of hipSOLVER is to facilitate the translation of cuSOLVER applications to AMD’s open-source ROCm platform ecosystem. hipSOLVER is designed to make it easy for users of cuSOLVER to port their existing applications to hipSOLVER, and provides two separate but interchangeable API patterns in order to facilitate a two-stage transition process. Users are encouraged to start with hipSOLVER’s compatibility APIs, which use the hipsolverDn, hipsolverSp, and hipsolverRf prefixes and have method signatures that are fully consistent with cuSOLVER functions.

However, the compatibility APIs may introduce some performance drawbacks, especially when using the rocSOLVER backend. So, as a second stage, it is recommended to begin the switch to hipSOLVER’s regular API when possible. The regular API uses the hipsolver prefix and introduces minor adjustments to the API in order to get the best performance out of the rocSOLVER backend. In most cases, switching to the regular API is as simple as removing Dn from the hipsolverDn prefix (methods with the hipsolverSp and hipsolverRf prefixes are not currently supported by the regular API).

No matter which API is used, a hipSOLVER application can be executed, without modifications to the code, in systems with cuSOLVER or rocSOLVER installed. However, using the regular API ensures the best performance out of both backends.

Some considerations when using the hipsolverDn API#

The hipsolverDn API is intended as a 1:1 translation of the cusolverDn API, but not all functionality is equally supported in rocSOLVER. Keep in mind the following considerations when using this compatibility API.

Arguments not referenced by rocSOLVER#

  • Unlike cuSOLVER, rocSOLVER functions do not provide information on invalid arguments in the info parameter, though they will provide info on singularities and algorithm convergence. Hence, when using the rocSOLVER backend, info will always return a value >= 0. In those cases where a rocSOLVER function does not accept info as an argument, hipSOLVER will set it to zero.

  • The niters argument of hipsolverDnXXgels and hipsolverDnXXgesv is not referenced by the rocSOLVER backend; there is no iterative refinement currently implemented in rocSOLVER.

  • The hRnrmF argument of hipsolverDnXgesvdaStridedBatched is not referenced by the rocSOLVER backend.

Performance implications of the hipsolverDn API#

  • To calculate the workspace required by function gesvd in rocSOLVER, the values of jobu and jobv are needed, however, the function hipsolverDnXgesvd_bufferSize does not accept these arguments. So, when using the rocSOLVER backend, hipsolverDnXgesvd_bufferSize has to calculate internally the workspace for all possible values of jobu and jobv, and return the maximum.

    (hipsolverDnXgesvd_bufferSize is slower than hipsolverXgesvd_bufferSize, and its returned workspace size could be slightly larger than what is actually needed).

  • To properly use a user-provided workspace, rocSOLVER requires both the allocated pointer and its size. However, the function hipsolverDnXgetrf does not accept lwork as an argument. In consequence, when using the rocSOLVER backend, hipsolverDnXgetrf has to call internally hipsolverDnXgetrf_bufferSize to know the size of the workspace.

    (hipsolverDnXgetrf_bufferSize will be called twice in practice, once by the user before allocating the workspace, and once by hipSOLVER internally when executing the hipsolverDnXgetrf function. hipsolverDnXgetrf could be slightly slower than hipsolverXgetrf because of the extra call to the bufferSize helper).

  • The functions hipsolverDnXgetrs, hipsolverDnXpotrs, hipsolverDnXpotrsBatched, and hipsolverDnXpotrfBatched do not accept work and lwork as arguments. However, this functionality does require a non-zero workspace in rocSOLVER. As a result, when using the rocSOLVER backend, these functions will switch to the automatic workspace management model (see here).

    (Users must keep in mind that even if the compatibility API does not have bufferSize helpers for the mentioned functions, these functions do require workspace when using rocSOLVER, and it will be automatically managed. This may imply device memory reallocations with corresponding overheads).

Some considerations when using the hipsolverSp API#

The hipsolverSp API is intended as a 1:1 translation of the cusolverSp API, but not all functionality is equally supported in rocSOLVER. Keep in mind the following considerations when using this compatibility API.

Unsupported methods#

  • RCM reordering is currently not supported by rocSOLVER, rocSPARSE, and SuiteSparse. The following methods will instead use AMD reordering when RCM is requested.

  • The function hipsolverSpScsrlsvqr is currently implemented by converting the sparse input matrix to a dense matrix, and therefore does not support any reordering method. The host path is also currently unsupported.

Arguments not referenced by rocSOLVER#

  • The reorder and tolerance arguments of hipsolverSpScsrlsvqr are not referenced by the rocSOLVER backend.

Performance implications of the hipsolverSp API#

  • The third-party SuiteSparse library is used to provide host-side functionality for hipsolverSpXcsrlsvchol when using the rocSOLVER backend. At present, SuiteSparse does not support single precision arrays, therefore hipSOLVER must allocate temporary double precision arrays and copy the values one-by-one to and from the user-provided arguments.

    (Single precision hipsolverSpScsrlsvchol is expected to perform slower and require more memory usage than the double precision version.)

  • A fully-featured, GPU-accelerated Cholesky factorization for sparse matrices has not yet been implemented in either rocSOLVER or rocSPARSE. Therefore, we rely on SuiteSparse to provide this functionality. The functions hipsolverSpXcsrlsvchol will allocate space for sparse matrices on the host, copy the data to the host, use SuiteSparse to perform the symbolic factorization, and then copy the resulting data back to the device.

    (hipsolverSpXcsrlsvchol might perform slower and will require more memory usage than hipsolverSpXcsrlsvcholHost.)

  • The function hipsolverSpScsrlsvqr is currently implemented by converting the sparse input matrix to a dense matrix, and then running the dense factorization and linear solver on the result. This might result in slower-than-expected performance and significant memory usage for large matrices.

    (hipsolverSpXcsrlsvqr must allocate enough memory to hold a dense matrix, and will have similar performance to hipsolverXXgels)

Some considerations when using the hipsolverRf API#

The hipsolverRf API is intended as a 1:1 translation of the cusolverRf API, but not all functionality is equally supported in rocSOLVER. Keep in mind the following considerations when using this compatibility API.

Unsupported methods#

Some considerations when using the regular hipSOLVER API#

hipSOLVER’s regular API is similar to cuSOLVER; however, due to differences in the implementation and design between cuSOLVER and rocSOLVER, some minor adjustments were introduced to ensure the best performance out of both backends.

Different signatures and additional API methods#

  • The methods to obtain the size of the workspace needed by functions gels and gesv in cuSOLVER require dwork as an argument; however, it is never used and can be null. On the rocSOLVER side, dwork is not needed to calculate the workspace size. In consequence:

    (These wrappers pass dwork = nullptr when calling cuSOLVER).

  • To calculate the workspace required by function gesvd in rocSOLVER, the values of jobu and jobv are needed. As a result,

    (These arguments are ignored when the wrapper calls cuSOLVER, as they are not needed).

  • To properly use a user-provided workspace, rocSOLVER requires both the allocated pointer and its size. Consequently:

    (lwork is ignored when the wrapper calls cuSOLVER, as it is not needed).

  • All rocSOLVER functions called by hipSOLVER require a workspace. To allow the user to specify one,

    (These arguments are ignored when these wrappers call cuSOLVER, as they are not needed).

    In order to support these changes, the regular API adds the following functions as well:

    (These methods return lwork = 0 when using the cuSOLVER backend, as the corresponding functions in cuSOLVER do not need workspace).

Arguments not referenced by rocSOLVER#

  • Unlike cuSOLVER, rocSOLVER functions do not provide information on invalid arguments in the info parameter, though they will provide info on singularities and algorithm convergence. Hence, when using the rocSOLVER backend, info will always return a value >= 0. In those cases where a rocSOLVER function does not accept info as an argument, hipSOLVER will set it to zero.

  • The niters argument of hipsolverXXgels and hipsolverXXgesv is not referenced by the rocSOLVER backend; there is no iterative refinement currently implemented in rocSOLVER.

Using rocSOLVER’s memory model#

Most hipSOLVER functions take a workspace pointer and size as arguments, allowing the user to manage the device memory used internally by the backends. rocSOLVER, however, can maintain the device workspace automatically by default (see rocSOLVER’s memory model for more details). In order to take advantage of this feature, users may pass a null pointer for the work argument or a zero size for the lwork argument of any function when using the rocSOLVER backend, and the workspace will be automatically managed behind-the-scenes. It is recommended, however, to use a consistent strategy for workspace management, as performance issues may arise if the internal workspace is made to flip-flop between user-provided and automatically allocated workspaces.


This feature should not be used with the cuSOLVER backend; hipSOLVER does not guarantee a defined behavior when passing a null workspace to cuSOLVER functions that require one.

Using rocSOLVER’s in-place functions#

The solvers gesv and gels in cuSOLVER are out-of-place in the sense that the solution vectors X do not overwrite the input matrix B. In rocSOLVER this is not the case; when hipsolverXXgels or hipsolverXXgesv call rocSOLVER, some data movements must be done internally to restore B and copy the results back to X. These copies could introduce noticeable overhead depending on the size of the matrices. To avoid this potential problem, users can pass X = B to hipsolverXXgels or hipsolverXXgesv when using the rocSOLVER backend; in this case, no data movements will be required, and the solution vectors can be retrieved using either B or X.


This feature should not be used with the cuSOLVER backend; hipSOLVER does not guarantee a defined behavior when passing X = B to the mentioned functions in cuSOLVER.