Namespace List#
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
Ndetail | |
▼Nhipcub | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | Internal namespace (to prevent ADL mishaps between static functions when mixing different CUB installations) |
CDeviceHistogram | |
CDeviceMergeSort | |
CDevicePartition | |
CDeviceRadixSort | |
CDeviceReduce | |
CDeviceRunLengthEncode | |
CDeviceScan | |
CDeviceSegmentedRadixSort | |
CDeviceSegmentedReduce | |
CDeviceSegmentedSort | |
CDeviceSelect | |
▼CDeviceSpmv | |
CSpmvParams | < Signed integer type for sequence offsets |
CGridBarrierLifetime | GridBarrierLifetime extends GridBarrier to provide lifetime management of the temporary device storage needed for cooperation |
▼CCachingDeviceAllocator | |
CBlockDescriptor | |
CTotalBytes | |
CBlockAdjacentDifference | |
CBlockDiscontinuity | |
CBlockExchange | |
CBlockLoad | |
▼CBlockMergeSortStrategy | Generalized merge sort algorithm |
CTempStorage | \smemstorage{BlockMergeSort} |
CBlockMergeSort | The BlockMergeSort class provides methods for sorting items partitioned across a CUDA thread block using a merge sorting method |
▼CBlockRadixRank | BlockRadixRank provides operations for ranking unsigned integer types within a CUDA thread block |
CTempStorage | \smemstorage{BlockScan} |
▼CBlockRadixRankMatch | |
CTempStorage | \smemstorage{BlockScan} |
CBlockRadixSort | |
▼Cblock_raking_layout | BlockRakingLayout provides a conflict-free shared memory layout abstraction for 1D raking across thread block data |
CTempStorage | Alias wrapper allowing storage to be unioned |
▼CBlockRunLengthDecode | The BlockRunLengthDecode class supports decoding a run-length encoded array of items. That is, given the two arrays run_value[N] and run_lengths[N], run_value[i] is repeated run_lengths[i] many times in the output array. Due to the nature of the run-length decoding algorithm ("decompression"), the output size of the run-length decoded array is runtime-dependent and potentially without any upper bound. To address this, BlockRunLengthDecode allows retrieving a "window" from the run-length decoded array. The window's offset can be specified and BLOCK_THREADS * DECODED_ITEMS_PER_THREAD (i.e., referred to as window_size) decoded items from the specified window will be returned |
CTempStorage | |
CBlockScan | |
CBlockShuffle | |
CBlockStore | |
CRadixSortTwiddle | Twiddling keys for radix sort |
CBaseDigitExtractor | Base struct for digit extractor. Contains common code to provide special handling for floating-point -0.0 |
CBFEDigitExtractor | A wrapper type to extract digits. Uses the BFE intrinsic to extract a key from a digit |
CShiftDigitExtractor | A wrapper type to extract digits. Uses a combination of shift and bitwise and to extract digits |
CGridBarrier | GridBarrier implements a software global barrier among thread blocks within a hip grid |
CGridEvenShare | GridEvenShare is a descriptor utility for distributing input among CUDA thread blocks in an "even-share" fashion. Each thread block gets roughly the same number of input tiles |
CGridQueue | GridQueue is a descriptor utility for dynamic queue management |
CCacheModifiedInputIterator | |
CCacheModifiedOutputIterator | |
CDiscardOutputIterator | A discard iterator |
CTexObjInputIterator | |
CTexRefInputIterator | |
CEquality | |
CInequality | |
CInequalityWrapper | |
CSum | |
CMax | |
CMin | |
CArgMax | |
CArgMin | |
CIf | |
CIsPointer | |
CIsVolatile | |
CRemoveQualifiers | |
CPowerOfTwo | |
CLog2 | |
CDoubleBuffer | |
CInt2Type | |
CUninitialized | A storage-backing wrapper that allows types with non-trivial constructors to be aliased in unions |
▼CWarpExchange | |
CTempStorage | |
▼CWarpLoad | |
CTempStorage | |
CWarpMergeSort | The WarpMergeSort class provides methods for sorting items partitioned across a CUDA warp using a merge sorting method |
CWarpReduce | |
CWarpScan | |
▼CWarpStore | |
CTempStorage | |
Ninternal | Internal namespace (to prevent ADL mishaps between static functions when mixing different CUB installations) |