
There are 3 client executables that can be used with hipBLASLt.

  1. hipblaslt-test

  2. hipblaslt-bench

  3. example_hipblaslt_preference

These clients can be built by following the instructions in the Build and Install hipBLASLt github page . After building the hipBLASLt clients, they can be found in the directory hipBLASLt/build/release/clients/staging. The next section will cover a brief explanation and the usage of each hipBLASLt clients.


hipblaslt-test is the main regression gtest for hipBLASLt. All test items should pass.

Run full test items:


Run partial test items with filter:

./hipblaslt-test --gtest_filter=<test pattern>

Demo “quick” test:

./hipblaslt-test --gtest_filter=*quick*


hipblaslt-bench is used to measure performance and to verify the correctness of hipBLASLt functions.

It has a command line interface.

For example, run fp32 GEMM with validation:

./hipblaslt-bench --precision f32_r -v 1
N,N,128,128,128,1,128,16384,0,128,16384,128,16384,128,16384,f32_r,f32_r,none,0, 415.278, 10.

For more information:

./hipblaslt-bench --help
--sizem |-m <value>        Specific matrix size: the number of rows or columns in matrix.                      (Default value is: 128)
--sizen |-n <value>        Specific matrix the number of rows or columns in matrix                             (Default value is: 128)
--sizek |-k <value>        Specific matrix size: the number of columns in A and rows in B.                     (Default value is: 128)
--lda <value>              Leading dimension of matrix A.
--ldb <value>              Leading dimension of matrix B.
--ldc <value>              Leading dimension of matrix C.
--ldd <value>              Leading dimension of matrix D.
--any_stride               Do not modify input strides based on leading dimensions
--stride_a <value>         Specific stride of strided_batched matrix A, second dimension * leading dimension.
--stride_b <value>         Specific stride of strided_batched matrix B, second dimension * leading dimension.
--stride_c <value>         Specific stride of strided_batched matrix C, second dimension * leading dimension.
--stride_d <value>         Specific stride of strided_batched matrix D, second dimension * leading dimension.
--alpha <value>            specifies the scalar alpha                                                          (Default value is: 1)
--beta <value>             specifies the scalar beta                                                           (Default value is: 0)
--function |-f <value>     BLASLt function to test. Options: matmul                                            (Default value is: matmul)
--precision |-r <value>    Precision of matrix A,B,C,D  Options: f32_r,f16_r,bf16_r                            (Default value is: f16_r)
--compute_type <value>     Precision of computation. Options: s,f32_r                                          (Default value is: f32_r)
--scale_type <value>       Precision of scalar. Options: f16_r,bf16_r
--initialization <value>   Intialize matrix data.Options: rand_int, trig_float, hpl(floating)                  (Default value is: hpl)
--transA <value>           N = no transpose, T = transpose, C = conjugate transpose                            (Default value is: N)
--transB <value>           N = no transpose, T = transpose, C = conjugate transpose                            (Default value is: N)
--batch_count <value>      Number of matrices. Only applicable to batched and strided_batched routines         (Default value is: 1)
--HMM                      Parameter requesting the use of HipManagedMemory
--verify |-v <value>       Validate GPU results with CPU? 0 = No, 1 = Yes (default: No)                        (Default value is: )
--iters |-i <value>        Iterations to run inside timing loop                                                (Default value is: 10)
--cold_iters |-j <value>   Cold Iterations to run before entering the timing loop                              (Default value is: 2)
--algo <value>             Reserved.                                                                           (Default value is: 0)
--solution_index <value>   Reserved.                                                                           (Default value is: 0)
--activation_type <value>  Options: None, gelu, relu                                                           (Default value is: none)
--activation_arg1 <value>  Reserved.                                                                           (Default value is: 0)
--activation_arg2 <value>  Reserved.                                                                           (Default value is: inf)
--bias_type <value>        Precision of bias vector.Options: f16_r,bf16_r,f32_r,default(same with D type)
--bias_vector              Apply bias vector
--scaleD_vector            Apply scaleD vector
--device <value>           Set default device to be used for subsequent program runs                           (Default value is: 0)
--c_noalias_d              C and D are stored in separate memory
--workspace <value>        Set fixed workspace memory size instead of using hipblaslt managed memory           (Default value is: 0)
--log_function_name        Function name precedes other itmes.
--function_filter <value>  Simple strstr filter on function name only without wildcards
--help |-h                 produces this help message
--version <value>          Prints the version number


example_hipblaslt_preference is a basic sample hipBLASLt app. Beginner can get start from its sample source code.

For more information:

./example_hipblaslt_preference --help
Usage: ./example_hipblaslt_preference <options>
     -h, --help                              Show this help message
     -v, --verbose                           Verbose output
     -V, --validate                          Verify results
     -m                      m               GEMM_STRIDED argument m
     -n                      n               GEMM_STRIDED argument n
     -k                      k               GEMM_STRIDED argument k
     --lda                   lda             GEMM_STRIDED argument lda
     --ldb                   ldb             GEMM_STRIDED argument ldb
     --ldc                   ldc             GEMM_STRIDED argument ldc
     --ldd                   ldd             GEMM_STRIDED argument ldd
     --trans_a               trans_a         GEMM_STRIDED argument trans_a
     --trans_b               trans_b         GEMM_STRIDED argument trans_b
     --datatype              datatype        GEMM_STRIDED argument in out datatype:fp32
     --stride_a              stride_a        GEMM_STRIDED argument stride_a
     --stride_b              stride_b        GEMM_STRIDED argument stride_b
     --stride_c              stride_c        GEMM_STRIDED argument stride_c
     --stride_d              stride_d        GEMM_STRIDED argument stride_d
     --alpha                 alpha           GEMM_STRIDED argument alpha
     --beta                  beta            GEMM_STRIDED argument beta
     --act                   act             GEMM_STRIDED set activation type: relu or gelu
     --bias                  bias            GEMM_STRIDED enable bias: 0 or 1 (default is 0)
     --scaleD                scaleD          GEMM_STRIDED enable scaleD: 0 or 1 (default is 0)
     --header                header          Print header for output (default is enabled)
     --timing                timing          Bechmark GPU kernel performance:0 or 1 (default is 1)

For example, to measure performance of fp32 gemm:

./example_hipblaslt_preference --datatype fp32 --trans_a N --trans_b N -m 4096 -n 4096 -k 4096 --alpha 1 --beta 1

On a mi210 machine the above command outputs a performance of 13509 Gflops below:

transAB, M, N, K, lda, ldb, ldc, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, batch_count, alpha, beta, bias, activationType, ms, tflops
NN, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 16777216, 16777216, 16777216, 1, 1, 1, 0, none, 10.173825, 13.509074

The user can copy and change the above command. For example, to change the datatype to IEEE-16 bit and the size to 2048:

./example_hipblaslt_preference --datatype fp16 --trans_a N --trans_b N -m 2048 -n 2048 -k 2048 --alpha 1 --beta 1

Note that example_hipblaslt_preference also has the flag -V for correctness checks.