TransferBench installation#
The following software is required to install TransferBench:
ROCm stack installed on the system (HIP runtime)
libnuma installed on the system
Building TransferBench#
To build TransferBench using Makefile, use the following instruction:
$ make
To build TransferBench using CMake, use the following commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc cmake ..
$ make
If ROCm is installed in a folder other than /opt/rocm/, set ROCM_PATH appropriately.
NVIDIA platform support#
TransferBench may also be built to run on NVIDIA platforms via HIP, but requires a HIP-compatible CUDA version installed. For example, CUDA 11.5.
To build on NVIDIA platforms, use the following instruction:
CUDA_PATH=<path_to_CUDA> HIP_PLATFORM=nvidia make`