This page contains changes for a test release of ROCm. Read the latest Linux release of ROCm documentation for your production environments.

Installing ROCm Validation Suite#

You can obtain ROCm Validation Suite (RVS) by building it from:

  • the source code base

  • a pre-built package

Building from source code#

RVS has been developed as an open source solution. You can find the source code and related documentation here.

Package manager installation#

Based on the OS, use the appropriate package manager to install the rocm-validation-suite package.

For more details, refer to ROCm Validation Suite GitHub site.

RVS package components are installed in /opt/rocm. The package contains:

  • executable binary (located in _install-base_/bin/rvs)

  • public shared libraries (located in _install-base_/lib)

  • module specific shared libraries (located in _install-base_/lib/rvs)

  • configuration files (located in _install-base_/share/rocm-validation-suite/conf)

  • testscripts (located in _install-base_/share/rocm-validation-suite/testscripts)

  • user guide (located in _install-base_/share/rocm-validation-suite/userguide)

  • man page (located in _install-base_/share/man)


Ensure you review the following prerequisites carefully for each operating system before compiling/installing the ROCm Validation Suite (RVS) package.

sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get install -y libpci3 libpci-dev doxygen unzip cmake git libyaml-cpp-dev
sudo yum install -y cmake3 doxygen rpm rpm-build git gcc-c++ yaml-cpp-devel


sudo rpm -ivh pciutils-devel-3.5.1-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-desktop-applications/15.1/x86_64

sudo SUSEConnect --product sle-module-development-tools/15.1/x86_64

sudo zypper  install -y cmake doxygen pciutils-devel libpci3 rpm git rpm-build gcc-c++ yaml-cpp-devel
sudo yum install -y cmake3 doxygen pciutils-devel rpm rpm-build git gcc-c++ yaml-cpp-devel

Install ROCm stack, rocBLAS, and ROCm-SMI-lib#

  1. Install the ROCm software tack for Ubuntu/CentOS/SLES/RHEL. Refer to the ROCm installation guide for more details.


The rocm_smi64 package has been renamed to rocm-smi-lib64 from >= ROCm3.0. If you are using ROCm release < 3.0 , install the package as “rocm_smi64”. The rocm-smi-lib64 package has been renamed to rocm-smi-lib from >= ROCm4.1.

  1. Install rocBLAS and rocm-smi-lib.

sudo apt-get install rocblas rocm-smi-lib
sudo yum install --nogpgcheck rocblas rocm-smi-lib
sudo zypper install rocblas rocm-smi-lib

If rocm-smi-lib is already installed but /opt/rocm/lib/ doesn’t exist, perform the following steps:

sudo dpkg -r rocm-smi-lib && sudo apt install rocm-smi-lib
sudo rpm -e  rocm-smi-lib && sudo yum install  rocm-smi-lib
sudo rpm -e  rocm-smi-lib && sudo zypper install  rocm-smi-lib

Building from source#

This section explains how to get and compile current development stream of RVS.

  1. Clone the repository.

git clone
  1. Use the following instruction to configure.

cd ROCmValidationSuite
cmake -B ./build -DROCM_PATH=<rocm_installed_path> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<rocm_installed_path> -DCPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX=<rocm_installed_path>

For example, if ROCm 5.5 was installed, use the following instruction,

cmake -B ./build -DROCM_PATH=/opt/rocm-5.5.0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocm-5.5.0 -DCPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocm-5.5.0
  1. Build the binary.

make -C ./build
  1. Build the package.

cd ./build
make package

Based on your OS, only DEB or RPM package will be built.

You may ignore an error for unrelated configurations.

  1. Install the built package.

sudo dpkg -i rocm-validation-suite*.deb
sudo rpm -i --replacefiles --nodeps rocm-validation-suite*.rpm

RVS is getting packaged as part of ROCm release starting from 3.0. You can install the pre-compiled package as indicated below. Ensure Prerequisites, ROCm stack, rocblas and rocm-smi-lib64 are already installed.

  1. Install package packaged with ROCm release.

sudo apt install rocm-validation-suite
sudo yum install rocm-validation-suite
sudo zypper install rocm-validation-suite


Test results, errors, and verbose logs are printed as terminal output. To enable JSON logging use “-j” command line option. The json output file is stored in /var/tmp folder and the name of the file will be printed.

You can build RVS from the source code base or by installing from a pre-built package. See the preceding sections for more details.

Running RVS#

Run version built from source code#

cd <source folder>/build/bin

Command examples
./rvs --help ; Lists all options to run RVS test suite
./rvs -g ; Lists supported GPUs available in the machine
./rvs -d 3 ; Run set of RVS sanity tests (in rvs.conf) with verbose level 3
./rvs -c conf/gst_single.conf ; Run GST module tests

Run version pre-complied and packaged with ROCm release#

cd /opt/rocm/bin

Command examples
./rvs --help ; Lists all options to run RVS test suite
./rvs -g ; Lists supported GPUs available in the machine
./rvs -d 3 ; Run set of RVS sanity tests (in rvs.conf) with verbose level 3
./rvs -c conf/gst_single.conf ; Run GST module tests

Similarly, you can run all RVS module tests using scripts in the “/opt/rocm/share/rocm-validation-suite/testscripts/” folder.

Building documentation#

Run the steps below to build documentation locally.

cd docs

pip3 install -r .sphinx/requirements.txt

python3 -m sphinx -T -E -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html