rvs [-h|-g|-t|–version|–help|–listTests|–listGpus] rvs [[[-d|–debugLevel] 0|–quiet] | [[-d|–debugLevel] 1|2|3|4] | [[-d|–debugLevel] 5|–verbose|-v]] [-c path/config_file] [-l path/log_file [-a] [-j]] [-m module_path]
-a --appendLog When generating a debug logfile, do not overwrite the contents
of a current log. Used in conjuction with the -d and -l options
-c --config Specify the configuration file to be used.
The default is <install base>/conf/RVS.conf
--configless Run RVS in a configless mode. Executes a "long" test on all
supported GPUs.
-d --debugLevel Specify the debug level for the output log. The range is
0 to 5 with 5 being the most verbose.
Used in conjunction with the -l flag.
-g --listGpus List the GPUs available and exit. This will only list GPUs
that are supported by RVS.
-i --indexes Comma separated list of indexes devices to run RVS on. This will
override the device values specified in the configuration file for
every action in the configuration file, including the ‘all’ value.
-j --json Output should use the JSON format.
-l --debugLogFile Specify the logfile for debug information. This will produce a log
file intended for post-run analysis after an error.
--quiet No console output given. See logs and return code for errors.
-m --modulepath Specify a custom path for the RVS modules.
--specifiedtest Run a specific test in a configless mode. Multiple word tests
should be in quotes. This action will default to all devices,
unless the indexes option is specifie.
-t --listTests List the modules available to be executed through RVS and exit.
This will list only the readily loadable modules
given the current path and library conditions.
-v --verbose Enable verbose reporting. This is equivalent to
specifying the -d 5 option.
--version Displays the version information and exits.
-h --help Display usage information and exit.
Exit Status#
0 - if OK
non-zero - otherwise
rvs Runs rvs with the default test configuration file [install_base]/conf/rvs.conf
rvs -c conf/gpup1.conf -d 3 -j -l mylog.txt Runs rvs with configuration file conf/gpup1.conf and writes output into log file mylog.txt using logging level 3 (INFO) in JSON format
For more details consult the User Guide located in: [install_base]/userguide/html/index.html