
This document provides information required to build and install ROCm debugger.


  • A system supporting ROCm. See the supported operating systems.

  • A C++11 compiler such as GCC 4.8 or Clang 3.3.

  • AMD Debugger API Library (ROCdbgapi) that can be installed as part of the ROCm release using the rocm-dbgapi package.

  • Install the required packages according to the OS.

    • For Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04:

      apt install bison flex gcc make ncurses-dev texinfo g++ zlib1g-dev \
      libexpat-dev python3-dev liblzma-dev libgmp-dev libbabeltrace-dev \
      libbabeltrace-ctf-dev libmpfr-dev
    • For CentOS 8.1 and RHEL 8.1:

      yum install -y epel-release centos-release-scl bison flex gcc make \
      texinfo texinfo-tex gcc-c++ zlib-devel expat-devel python3-devel \
      xz-devel gmp-devel libbabeltrace-devel ncurses-devel mpfr-devel
      wget \
      && rpm -ivh --nodeps libbabeltrace-devel-1.5.4-2.el8.x86_64.rpm
    • For SLES 15 Service Pack 1:

      zypper in bison flex gcc make texinfo gcc-c++ zlib-devel libexpat-devel \
      python3-devel xz-devel gmp-devel babeltrace-devel ncurses-devel mpfr-devel


An example command-line to build ROCgdb on Linux:

cd rocgdb
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --program-prefix=roc \
  --enable-64-bit-bfd --enable-targets="x86_64-linux-gnu,amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" \
  --disable-ld --disable-gas --disable-gdbserver --disable-sim --enable-tui \
  --disable-gdbtk --disable-gprofng --disable-shared --with-expat \
  --with-system-zlib --without-guile --with-babeltrace --with-lzma \

If ROCdbgapi is not installed in the system default location, specify PKG_CONFIG_PATH to make the correct build configuration available to pkg-config. If ROCdbgapi is installed in /opt/rocm-$ROCM_VERSION (default for ROCm packages), use PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/rocm-$ROCM_VERSION/share/pkgconfig.

If the system’s dynamic linker is not configured to locate ROCdbgapi where it is installed, ROCgdb can be configured and built using LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/rocm-$ROCM_VERSION/lib". Alternatively, you can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime to indicate where ROCdbgapi is installed.

You can find the built ROCgdb executable in build/gdb/gdb and the User Manual in build/gdb/doc/


To install ROCgdb, use:

make install

This installs ROCgdb in <prefix>/bin/rocgdb.

Install libraries#

To execute ROCgdb, you must install the ROCdbgapi library and its dependent ROCcomgr library. These can be installed as part of the ROCm release using the rocm-dbgapi package:



To generate the User Manual PDF, use:

make pdf

This generates the PDF in build/gdb/doc/gdb.pdf.