Previous: GDB/MI Input Syntax, Up: GDB/MI Command Syntax [Contents][Index]
The output from GDB/MI consists of zero or more out-of-band records followed, optionally, by a single result record. This result record is for the most recent command. The sequence of output records is terminated by ‘(gdb)’.
If an input command was prefixed with a token
then the
corresponding output for that command will also be prefixed by that same
output →
( out-of-band-record )* [ result-record ] "(gdb)" nl
result-record →
[ token ] "^" result-class ( "," result )* nl
out-of-band-record →
async-record | stream-record
async-record →
exec-async-output | status-async-output | notify-async-output
exec-async-output →
[ token ] "*" async-output nl
status-async-output →
[ token ] "+" async-output nl
notify-async-output →
[ token ] "=" async-output nl
async-output →
async-class ( "," result )*
result-class →
"done" | "running" | "connected" | "error" | "exit"
async-class →
"stopped" | "running" | others
(where others will be added
depending on the needs—this is still in development).
result →
variable "=" value
variable →
value →
const | tuple | list
const →
tuple →
"{}" | "{" result ( "," result )* "}"
list →
"[]" | "[" value ( "," value )* "]" | "["
result ( "," result )* "]"
stream-record →
console-stream-output | target-stream-output | log-stream-output
console-stream-output →
"~" c-string nl
target-stream-output →
"@" c-string nl
log-stream-output →
"&" c-string nl
nl →
token →
any sequence of digits.
is from the corresponding request. Note that
for all async output, while the token is allowed by the grammar and
may be output by future versions of ROCGDB for select async
output messages, it is generally omitted. Frontends should treat
all async output as reporting general changes in the state of the
target and there should be no need to associate async output to any
prior command.
See GDB/MI Stream Records, for more details about the various output records.
Previous: GDB/MI Input Syntax, Up: GDB/MI Command Syntax [Contents][Index]