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Architected Queuing Language#

enum hsa_packet_type_t#

Packet type.



Vendor-specific packet.


The packet has been processed in the past, but has not been reassigned to the packet processor. A packet processor must not process a packet of this type. All queues support this packet type.


Packet used by agents for dispatching jobs to kernel agents. Not all queues support packets of this type (see hsa_queue_feature_t).


Packet used by agents to delay processing of subsequent packets, and to express complex dependencies between multiple packets. All queues support this packet type.


Packet used by agents for dispatching jobs to agents. Not all queues support packets of this type (see hsa_queue_feature_t).


Packet used by agents to delay processing of subsequent packets, and to express complex dependencies between multiple packets. All queues support this packet type.

enum hsa_fence_scope_t#

Scope of the memory fence operation associated with a packet.



No scope (no fence is applied). The packet relies on external fences to ensure visibility of memory updates.


The fence is applied with agent scope for the global segment.


The fence is applied across both agent and system scope for the global segment.

enum hsa_packet_header_t#

Sub-fields of the header field that is present in any AQL packet. The offset (with respect to the address of header) of a sub-field is identical to its enumeration constant. The width of each sub-field is determined by the corresponding value in hsa_packet_header_width_t. The offset and the width are expressed in bits.



Packet type. The value of this sub-field must be one of hsa_packet_type_t. If the type is HSA_PACKET_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC, the packet layout is vendor-specific.


Barrier bit. If the barrier bit is set, the processing of the current packet only launches when all preceding packets (within the same queue) are complete.


Acquire fence scope. The value of this sub-field determines the scope and type of the memory fence operation applied before the packet enters the active phase. An acquire fence ensures that any subsequent global segment or image loads by any unit of execution that belongs to a dispatch that has not yet entered the active phase on any queue of the same kernel agent, sees any data previously released at the scopes specified by the acquire fence. The value of this sub-field must be one of hsa_fence_scope_t.





Release fence scope, The value of this sub-field determines the scope and type of the memory fence operation applied after kernel completion but before the packet is completed. A release fence makes any global segment or image data that was stored by any unit of execution that belonged to a dispatch that has completed the active phase on any queue of the same kernel agent visible in all the scopes specified by the release fence. The value of this sub-field must be one of hsa_fence_scope_t.




enum hsa_packet_header_width_t#

Width (in bits) of the sub-fields in hsa_packet_header_t.








enum hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_setup_t#

Sub-fields of the kernel dispatch packet setup field. The offset (with respect to the address of setup) of a sub-field is identical to its enumeration constant. The width of each sub-field is determined by the corresponding value in hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_setup_width_t. The offset and the width are expressed in bits.



Number of dimensions of the grid. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3.

enum hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_setup_width_t#

Width (in bits) of the sub-fields in hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_setup_t.


enum hsa_amd_packet_type_t#

AMD vendor specific packet type.



Packet used by agents to delay processing of subsequent packets until a configurable condition is satisfied by an HSA signal. Only kernel dispatch queues created from AMD GPU Agents support this packet.

typedef struct hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_s hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t#

AQL kernel dispatch packet.

typedef struct hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_s hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_t#

Agent dispatch packet.

typedef struct hsa_barrier_and_packet_s hsa_barrier_and_packet_t#

Barrier-AND packet.

typedef struct hsa_barrier_or_packet_s hsa_barrier_or_packet_t#

Barrier-OR packet.

typedef uint32_t hsa_signal_condition32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_signal_condition_t constants.

typedef uint8_t hsa_amd_packet_type8_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_amd_packet_type_t constants.

typedef struct hsa_amd_packet_header_s hsa_amd_vendor_packet_header_t#

AMD vendor specific AQL packet header.

typedef struct hsa_amd_barrier_value_packet_s hsa_amd_barrier_value_packet_t#

AMD barrier value packet. Halts packet processing and waits for (signal_value & ::mask) ::cond ::value to be satisfied, where signal_value is the value of the signal ::signal.

__inline__ uint32_t bit  {unsigned int index = bit / 8
unsigned int subBit = bit % 8#
static __inline__ __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool hsa_flag_isset64(uint8_t *value

Macro to use to determine that a flag is set when querying flags within uint8_t[8] types.

return ((uint8_t *) value)[index] &(1<< subBit)
struct hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_s#
#include <hsa.h>

AQL kernel dispatch packet.

struct hsa_agent_dispatch_packet_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Agent dispatch packet.

struct hsa_barrier_and_packet_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Barrier-AND packet.

struct hsa_barrier_or_packet_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Barrier-OR packet.

struct hsa_amd_packet_header_s#
#include <hsa_ext_amd.h>

AMD vendor specific AQL packet header.

struct hsa_amd_barrier_value_packet_s#
#include <hsa_ext_amd.h>

AMD barrier value packet. Halts packet processing and waits for (signal_value & ::mask) ::cond ::value to be satisfied, where signal_value is the value of the signal ::signal.

Code Objects [DEPRECATED]#

enum hsa_code_object_type_t#

Code object type.




Produces code object that contains ISA for all kernels and indirect functions in HSA source.

enum hsa_code_object_info_t#

Code object attributes.




The version of the code object. The type of this attribute is a NUL-terminated char[64]. The name must be at most 63 characters long (not including the NUL terminator) and all array elements not used for the name must be NUL.


Type of code object. The type of this attribute is hsa_code_object_type_t.


Instruction set architecture this code object is produced for. The type of this attribute is hsa_isa_t.


Machine model this code object is produced for. The type of this attribute is hsa_machine_model_t.


Profile this code object is produced for. The type of this attribute is hsa_profile_t.


Default floating-point rounding mode used when the code object is produced. The type of this attribute is hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t.

enum hsa_code_symbol_info_t#

Code object symbol attributes.




The type of the symbol. The type of this attribute is hsa_symbol_kind_t.


The length of the symbol name in bytes, not including the NUL terminator. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


The name of the symbol. The type of this attribute is character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_CODE_SYMBOL_INFO_NAME_LENGTH attribute.


The length of the module name in bytes (not including the NUL terminator) to which this symbol belongs if this symbol has module linkage, otherwise 0 is returned. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


The module name to which this symbol belongs if this symbol has module linkage, otherwise an empty string is returned. The type of this attribute is character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_CODE_SYMBOL_INFO_MODULE_NAME_LENGTH attribute.


The linkage kind of the symbol. The type of this attribute is hsa_symbol_linkage_t.


Indicates whether the symbol corresponds to a definition. The type of this attribute is bool.


The allocation kind of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is hsa_variable_allocation_t.


The segment kind of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is hsa_variable_segment_t.


Alignment of the symbol in memory. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

The current alignment of the variable in memory may be greater than the value specified in the source program variable declaration.


Size of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

A size of 0 is returned if the variable is an external variable and has an unknown dimension.


Indicates whether the variable is constant. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is bool.


Size of kernarg segment memory that is required to hold the values of the kernel arguments, in bytes. Must be a multiple of 16. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Alignment (in bytes) of the buffer used to pass arguments to the kernel, which is the maximum of 16 and the maximum alignment of any of the kernel arguments. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Size of static group segment memory required by the kernel (per work-group), in bytes. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

The reported amount does not include any dynamically allocated group segment memory that may be requested by the application when a kernel is dispatched.


Size of static private, spill, and arg segment memory required by this kernel (per work-item), in bytes. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

If the value of HSA_CODE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_DYNAMIC_CALLSTACK is true, the kernel may use more private memory than the reported value, and the application must add the dynamic call stack usage to private_segment_size when populating a kernel dispatch packet.


Dynamic callstack flag. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is bool.

If this flag is set (the value is true), the kernel uses a dynamically sized call stack. This can happen if recursive calls, calls to indirect functions, or the HSAIL alloca instruction are present in the kernel.


Call convention of the kernel. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Call convention of the indirect function. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not an indirect function. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Wavefront size used by the kernel. The value of this attribute is either 32 or 64. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

typedef struct hsa_code_object_s hsa_code_object_t#

Struct containing an opaque handle to a code object, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with information about the global or readonly segment variables they reference.


typedef struct hsa_callback_data_s hsa_callback_data_t#

Application data handle that is passed to the serialization and deserialization functions.


typedef struct hsa_code_symbol_s hsa_code_symbol_t#

Code object symbol handle.


The lifetime of a code object symbol matches that of the code object associated with it. An operation on a symbol whose associated code object has been destroyed results in undefined behavior.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_serialize (hsa_code_object_t code_object, hsa_status_t(*alloc_callback)(size_t size, hsa_callback_data_t data, void **address), hsa_callback_data_t callback_data, const char *options, void **serialized_code_object, size_t *serialized_code_object_size)

Serialize a code object. Can be used for offline finalization, install-time finalization, disk code caching, etc.


  • code_object[in] Code object.

  • alloc_callback[in] Callback function for memory allocation. Must not be NULL. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the allocation size, the application data, and a pointer to a memory location where the application stores the allocation result. The HSA runtime invokes alloc_callback once to allocate a buffer that contains the serialized version of code_object. If the callback returns a status code other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS, this function returns the same code.

  • callback_data[in] Application data that is passed to alloc_callback. May be NULL.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • serialized_code_object[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores a pointer to the serialized code object. Must not be NULL.

  • serialized_code_object_size[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the size (in bytes) of serialized_code_object. The returned value matches the allocation size passed by the HSA runtime to alloc_callback. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTalloc_callback, serialized_code_object, or serialized_code_object_size are NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_deserialize (void *serialized_code_object, size_t serialized_code_object_size, const char *options, hsa_code_object_t *code_object)

Deserialize a code object.


  • serialized_code_object[in] A serialized code object. Must not be NULL.

  • serialized_code_object_size[in] The size (in bytes) of serialized_code_object. Must not be 0.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • code_object[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the deserialized code object.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTserialized_code_object, or code_object are NULL, or serialized_code_object_size is 0.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_destroy (hsa_code_object_t code_object)

Destroy a code object.


The lifetime of a code object must exceed that of any executable where it has been loaded. If an executable that loaded code_object has not been destroyed, the behavior is undefined.


code_object[in] Code object. The handle becomes invalid after it has been destroyed.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_get_info (hsa_code_object_t code_object, hsa_code_object_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given code object.


  • code_object[in] Code object.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid code object attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_executable_load_code_object (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_code_object_t code_object, const char *options)

Load code object into the executable.


Every global or readonly variable that is external must be defined before loading the code object. An internal global or readonly variable is allocated once the code object, that is being loaded, references this variable and this variable is not allocated.

Any module linkage declaration must have been defined either by a define variable or by loading a code object that has a symbol with module linkage definition.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • agent[in] Agent to load code object for. The agent must support the default floating-point rounding mode used by code_object.

  • code_object[in] Code object to load. The lifetime of the code object must exceed that of the executable: if code_object is destroyed before executable, the behavior is undefined.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARGUMENTSagent is not compatible with code_object (for example, agent does not support the default floating-point rounding mode specified by code_object), or code_object is not compatible with executable (for example, code_object and executable have different machine models or profiles).


hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_get_symbol (hsa_code_object_t code_object, const char *symbol_name, hsa_code_symbol_t *symbol)

Get the symbol handle within a code object for a given a symbol name.


  • code_object[in] Code object.

  • symbol_name[in] Symbol name.

  • symbol[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the symbol handle.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no symbol with a name that matches symbol_name.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsymbol_name is NULL, or symbol is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_get_symbol_from_name (hsa_code_object_t code_object, const char *module_name, const char *symbol_name, hsa_code_symbol_t *symbol)

Get the symbol handle within a code object for a given a symbol name.


  • code_object[in] Code object.

  • module_name[in] Module name. Must be NULL if the symbol has program linkage.

  • symbol_name[in] Symbol name.

  • symbol[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the symbol handle.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no symbol with a name that matches symbol_name.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsymbol_name is NULL, or symbol is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_symbol_get_info (hsa_code_symbol_t code_symbol, hsa_code_symbol_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given code symbol.


  • code_symbol[in] Code symbol.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_SYMBOL – The code symbol is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid code symbol attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_code_object_iterate_symbols (hsa_code_object_t code_object, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_code_object_t code_object, hsa_code_symbol_t symbol, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the symbols in a code object, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.


  • code_object[in] Code object.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per code object symbol. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the code object, a symbol, and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_code_object_iterate_symbols returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECTcode_object is invalid.


struct hsa_code_object_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Struct containing an opaque handle to a code object, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with information about the global or readonly segment variables they reference.


struct hsa_callback_data_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Application data handle that is passed to the serialization and deserialization functions.


struct hsa_code_symbol_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Code object symbol handle.


The lifetime of a code object symbol matches that of the code object associated with it. An operation on a symbol whose associated code object has been destroyed results in undefined behavior.


enum hsa_executable_state_t#

Executable state.



Executable state, which allows the user to load code objects and define external variables. Variable addresses, kernel code handles, and indirect function code handles are not available in query operations until the executable is frozen (zero always returned).


Executable state, which allows the user to query variable addresses, kernel code handles, and indirect function code handles using query operations. Loading new code objects, as well as defining external variables, is not allowed in this state.

enum hsa_executable_info_t#

Executable attributes.



Profile this executable is created for. The type of this attribute is hsa_profile_t.


Executable state. The type of this attribute is hsa_executable_state_t.


Default floating-point rounding mode specified when executable was created. The type of this attribute is hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t.

enum hsa_symbol_kind_t#

Symbol type.







Indirect function.

enum hsa_symbol_linkage_t#

Linkage type of a symbol.



Module linkage.


Program linkage.

enum hsa_variable_allocation_t#

Allocation type of a variable.



Agent allocation.


Program allocation.

enum hsa_variable_segment_t#

Memory segment associated with a variable.



Global memory segment.


Readonly memory segment.

enum hsa_executable_symbol_info_t#

Executable symbol attributes.



The kind of the symbol. The type of this attribute is hsa_symbol_kind_t.


The length of the symbol name in bytes, not including the NUL terminator. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


The name of the symbol. The type of this attribute is character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_NAME_LENGTH attribute.



The length of the module name in bytes (not including the NUL terminator) to which this symbol belongs if this symbol has module linkage, otherwise 0 is returned. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



The module name to which this symbol belongs if this symbol has module linkage, otherwise an empty string is returned. The type of this attribute is character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_MODULE_NAME_LENGTH attribute.



Agent associated with this symbol. If the symbol is a variable, the value of this attribute is only defined if HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_VARIABLE_ALLOCATION is HSA_VARIABLE_ALLOCATION_AGENT. The type of this attribute is hsa_agent_t.


The address of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.

If executable’s state is HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, then 0 is returned.


The linkage kind of the symbol. The type of this attribute is hsa_symbol_linkage_t.


Indicates whether the symbol corresponds to a definition. The type of this attribute is bool.



The allocation kind of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is hsa_variable_allocation_t.



The segment kind of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is hsa_variable_segment_t.



Alignment of the symbol in memory. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

The current alignment of the variable in memory may be greater than the value specified in the source program variable declaration.



Size of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

A value of 0 is returned if the variable is an external variable and has an unknown dimension.



Indicates whether the variable is constant. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is bool.


Kernel object handle, used in the kernel dispatch packet. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.

If the state of the executable is HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, then 0 is returned.


Size of kernarg segment memory that is required to hold the values of the kernel arguments, in bytes. Must be a multiple of 16. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Alignment (in bytes) of the buffer used to pass arguments to the kernel, which is the maximum of 16 and the maximum alignment of any of the kernel arguments. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Size of static group segment memory required by the kernel (per work-group), in bytes. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

The reported amount does not include any dynamically allocated group segment memory that may be requested by the application when a kernel is dispatched.


Size of static private, spill, and arg segment memory required by this kernel (per work-item), in bytes. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

If the value of HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_DYNAMIC_CALLSTACK is true, the kernel may use more private memory than the reported value, and the application must add the dynamic call stack usage to private_segment_size when populating a kernel dispatch packet.


Dynamic callstack flag. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is bool.

If this flag is set (the value is true), the kernel uses a dynamically sized call stack. This can happen if recursive calls, calls to indirect functions, or the HSAIL alloca instruction are present in the kernel.



Call convention of the kernel. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not a kernel. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Indirect function object handle. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not an indirect function, or the associated agent does not support the Full Profile. The type of this attribute depends on the machine model: the type is uint32_t for small machine model, and uint64_t for large model.

If the state of the executable is HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, then 0 is returned.



Call convention of the indirect function. The value of this attribute is undefined if the symbol is not an indirect function, or the associated agent does not support the Full Profile. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

typedef struct hsa_code_object_reader_s hsa_code_object_reader_t#

Code object reader handle. A code object reader is used to load a code object from file (when created using hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_file), or from memory (if created using hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_memory).

typedef struct hsa_executable_s hsa_executable_t#

Struct containing an opaque handle to an executable, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with the allocated global or readonly segment variables they reference.

typedef struct hsa_loaded_code_object_s hsa_loaded_code_object_t#

Loaded code object handle.

typedef struct hsa_executable_symbol_s hsa_executable_symbol_t#

Executable symbol handle.

The lifetime of an executable object symbol matches that of the executable associated with it. An operation on a symbol whose associated executable has been destroyed results in undefined behavior.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_file (hsa_file_t file, hsa_code_object_reader_t *code_object_reader)

Create a code object reader to operate on a file.

The file is owned and managed by the application; the lifetime of the file descriptor must exceed that of any associated code object reader.

  • file[in] File descriptor. The file must have been opened by application with at least read permissions prior calling this function. The file must contain a vendor-specific code object.

  • code_object_reader[out] Memory location to store the newly created code object reader handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.


  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_memory (const void *code_object, size_t size, hsa_code_object_reader_t *code_object_reader)

Create a code object reader to operate on memory.

  • code_object[in] Memory buffer that contains a vendor-specific code object. The buffer is owned and managed by the application; the lifetime of the buffer must exceed that of any associated code object reader.

  • size[in] Size of the buffer pointed to by code_object. Must not be 0.

  • code_object_reader[out] Memory location to store newly created code object reader handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTcode_object is NULL, size is zero, or code_object_reader is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_code_object_reader_destroy (hsa_code_object_reader_t code_object_reader)

Destroy a code object reader.

The code object reader handle becomes invalid after completion of this function. Any file or memory used to create the code object read is not closed, removed, or deallocated by this function.


code_object_reader[in] Code object reader to destroy.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECT_READERcode_object_reader is invalid.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_executable_create (hsa_profile_t profile, hsa_executable_state_t executable_state, const char *options, hsa_executable_t *executable)

Create an empty executable.


Use hsa_executable_create_alt instead, which allows the application to specify the default floating-point rounding mode of the executable and assumes an unfrozen initial state.

  • profile[in] Profile used in the executable.

  • executable_state[in] Executable state. If the state is HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_FROZEN, the resulting executable is useless because no code objects can be loaded, and no variables can be defined.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • executable[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the newly created executable handle.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTprofile is invalid, or executable is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_create_alt (hsa_profile_t profile, hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t default_float_rounding_mode, const char *options, hsa_executable_t *executable)

Create an empty executable.

  • profile[in] Profile used in the executable.

  • default_float_rounding_mode[in] Default floating-point rounding mode used in the executable. Allowed rounding modes are near and zero (default is not allowed).

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • executable[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores newly created executable handle. The initial state of the executable is HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTprofile is invalid, or executable is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_destroy (hsa_executable_t executable)

Destroy an executable.

An executable handle becomes invalid after the executable has been destroyed. Code object handles that were loaded into this executable are still valid after the executable has been destroyed, and can be used as intended. Resources allocated outside and associated with this executable (such as external global or readonly variables) can be released after the executable has been destroyed.

Executable should not be destroyed while kernels are in flight.


executable[in] Executable.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_load_program_code_object (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_code_object_reader_t code_object_reader, const char *options, hsa_loaded_code_object_t *loaded_code_object)

Load a program code object into an executable.

A program code object contains information about resources that are accessible by all kernel agents that run the executable, and can be loaded at most once into an executable.

If the program code object uses extensions, the implementation must support them for this operation to return successfully.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • code_object_reader[in] A code object reader that holds the program code object to load. If a code object reader is destroyed before all the associated executables are destroyed, the behavior is undefined.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • loaded_code_object[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the loaded code object handle. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_FROZEN_EXECUTABLE – The executable is frozen.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECT_READERcode_object_reader is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARGUMENTS – The program code object is not compatible with the executable or the implementation (for example, the code object uses an extension that is not supported by the implementation).

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_load_agent_code_object (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_code_object_reader_t code_object_reader, const char *options, hsa_loaded_code_object_t *loaded_code_object)

Load an agent code object into an executable.

The agent code object contains all defined agent allocation variables, functions, indirect functions, and kernels in a given program for a given instruction set architecture.

Any module linkage declaration must have been defined either by a define variable or by loading a code object that has a symbol with module linkage definition.

The default floating-point rounding mode of the code object associated with code_object_reader must match that of the executable (HSA_EXECUTABLE_INFO_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE), or be default (in which case the value of HSA_EXECUTABLE_INFO_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE is used). If the agent code object uses extensions, the implementation and the agent must support them for this operation to return successfully.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • agent[in] Agent to load code object for. A code object can be loaded into an executable at most once for a given agent. The instruction set architecture of the code object must be supported by the agent.

  • code_object_reader[in] A code object reader that holds the code object to load. If a code object reader is destroyed before all the associated executables are destroyed, the behavior is undefined.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • loaded_code_object[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the loaded code object handle. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_FROZEN_EXECUTABLE – The executable is frozen.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CODE_OBJECT_READERcode_object_reader is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARGUMENTS – The code object read by code_object_reader is not compatible with the agent (for example, the agent does not support the instruction set architecture of the code object), the executable (for example, there is a default floating-point mode mismatch between the two), or the implementation.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_freeze (hsa_executable_t executable, const char *options)

Freeze the executable.

No modifications to executable can be made after freezing: no code objects can be loaded to the executable, and no external variables can be defined. Freezing the executable does not prevent querying the executable’s attributes. The application must define all the external variables in an executable before freezing it.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_VARIABLE_UNDEFINED – One or more variables are undefined in the executable.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_FROZEN_EXECUTABLEexecutable is already frozen.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_get_info (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_executable_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given executable.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid executable attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_global_variable_define (hsa_executable_t executable, const char *variable_name, void *address)

Define an external global variable with program allocation.

This function allows the application to provide the definition of a variable in the global segment memory with program allocation. The variable must be defined before loading a code object into an executable. In addition, code objects loaded must not define the variable.

  • executable[in] Executable. Must not be in frozen state.

  • variable_name[in] Name of the variable. The Programmer’s Reference Manual describes the standard name mangling scheme.

  • address[in] Address where the variable is defined. This address must be in global memory and can be read and written by any agent in the system. The application cannot deallocate the buffer pointed by address before executable is destroyed.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_VARIABLE_ALREADY_DEFINED – The variable is already defined.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no variable with the variable_name.



hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_agent_global_variable_define (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_agent_t agent, const char *variable_name, void *address)

Define an external global variable with agent allocation.

This function allows the application to provide the definition of a variable in the global segment memory with agent allocation. The variable must be defined before loading a code object into an executable. In addition, code objects loaded must not define the variable.

  • executable[in] Executable. Must not be in frozen state.

  • agent[in] Agent for which the variable is being defined.

  • variable_name[in] Name of the variable. The Programmer’s Reference Manual describes the standard name mangling scheme.

  • address[in] Address where the variable is defined. This address must have been previously allocated using hsa_memory_allocate in a global region that is only visible to agent. The application cannot deallocate the buffer pointed by address before executable is destroyed.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.


  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_VARIABLE_ALREADY_DEFINED – The variable is already defined.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no variable with the variable_name.



hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_readonly_variable_define (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_agent_t agent, const char *variable_name, void *address)

Define an external readonly variable.

This function allows the application to provide the definition of a variable in the readonly segment memory. The variable must be defined before loading a code object into an executable. In addition, code objects loaded must not define the variable.

  • executable[in] Executable. Must not be in frozen state.

  • agent[in] Agent for which the variable is being defined.

  • variable_name[in] Name of the variable. The Programmer’s Reference Manual describes the standard name mangling scheme.

  • address[in] Address where the variable is defined. This address must have been previously allocated using hsa_memory_allocate in a readonly region associated with agent. The application cannot deallocate the buffer pointed by address before executable is destroyed.

  • address[in] Address where the variable is defined. The buffer pointed by address is owned by the application, and cannot be deallocated before executable is destroyed.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – Executable is invalid.


  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_VARIABLE_ALREADY_DEFINED – The variable is already defined.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no variable with the variable_name.



hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_validate (hsa_executable_t executable, uint32_t *result)

Validate an executable. Checks that all code objects have matching machine model, profile, and default floating-point rounding mode. Checks that all declarations have definitions. Checks declaration-definition compatibility (see the HSA Programming Reference Manual for compatibility rules). Invoking this function is equivalent to invoking hsa_executable_validate_alt with no options.

  • executable[in] Executable. Must be in frozen state.

  • result[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the validation result. If the executable passes validation, the result is 0.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.



hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_validate_alt (hsa_executable_t executable, const char *options, uint32_t *result)

Validate an executable. Checks that all code objects have matching machine model, profile, and default floating-point rounding mode. Checks that all declarations have definitions. Checks declaration-definition compatibility (see the HSA Programming Reference Manual for compatibility rules).

  • executable[in] Executable. Must be in frozen state.

  • options[in] Standard and vendor-specific options. Unknown options are ignored. A standard option begins with the “-hsa_” prefix. Options beginning with the “-hsa_ext_<extension_name>_” prefix are reserved for extensions. A vendor-specific option begins with the “-<vendor_name>_” prefix. Must be a NUL-terminated string. May be NULL.

  • result[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the validation result. If the executable passes validation, the result is 0.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.



hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_executable_get_symbol (hsa_executable_t executable, const char *module_name, const char *symbol_name, hsa_agent_t agent, int32_t call_convention, hsa_executable_symbol_t *symbol)

Get the symbol handle for a given a symbol name.


Use hsa_executable_get_symbol_by_name instead.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • module_name[in] Module name. Must be NULL if the symbol has program linkage.

  • symbol_name[in] Symbol name.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the symbol. If the symbol is independent of any agent (for example, a variable with program allocation), this argument is ignored.

  • call_convention[in] Call convention associated with the symbol. If the symbol does not correspond to an indirect function, this argument is ignored.

  • symbol[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the symbol handle.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no symbol with a name that matches symbol_name.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsymbol_name is NULL, or symbol is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_get_symbol_by_name (hsa_executable_t executable, const char *symbol_name, const hsa_agent_t *agent, hsa_executable_symbol_t *symbol)

Retrieve the symbol handle corresponding to a given a symbol name.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • symbol_name[in] Symbol name. Must be a NUL-terminated character array. The Programmer’s Reference Manual describes the standard name mangling scheme.

  • agent[in] Pointer to the agent for which the symbol with the given name is defined. If the symbol corresponding to the given name has program allocation, agent must be NULL.

  • symbol[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the symbol handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME – There is no symbol with a name that matches symbol_name.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsymbol_name is NULL, or symbol is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_symbol_get_info (hsa_executable_symbol_t executable_symbol, hsa_executable_symbol_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given executable symbol.

  • executable_symbol[in] Executable symbol.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL – The executable symbol is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid executable symbol attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_executable_iterate_symbols (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_executable_t exec, hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the symbols in a executable, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.


  • executable[in] Executable.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per executable symbol. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the executable, a symbol, and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_executable_iterate_symbols returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_iterate_agent_symbols (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_executable_t exec, hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the kernels, indirect functions, and agent allocation variables in an executable for a given agent, and invoke an application- defined callback on every iteration.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • agent[in] Agent.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per executable symbol. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the executable, a symbol, and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_executable_iterate_symbols returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_executable_iterate_program_symbols (hsa_executable_t executable, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_executable_t exec, hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the program allocation variables in an executable, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

  • executable[in] Executable.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per executable symbol. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the executable, a symbol, and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_executable_iterate_symbols returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_EXECUTABLE – The executable is invalid.


struct hsa_code_object_reader_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Code object reader handle. A code object reader is used to load a code object from file (when created using hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_file), or from memory (if created using hsa_code_object_reader_create_from_memory).

struct hsa_executable_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Struct containing an opaque handle to an executable, which contains ISA for finalized kernels and indirect functions together with the allocated global or readonly segment variables they reference.

struct hsa_loaded_code_object_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Loaded code object handle.

struct hsa_executable_symbol_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Executable symbol handle.

The lifetime of an executable object symbol matches that of the executable associated with it. An operation on a symbol whose associated executable has been destroyed results in undefined behavior.

Finalization Extensions#

enum [anonymous]#

Enumeration constants added to hsa_status_t by this extension.



The HSAIL program is invalid.


The HSAIL module is invalid.


Machine model or profile of the HSAIL module do not match the machine model or profile of the HSAIL program.


The HSAIL module is already a part of the HSAIL program.


Compatibility mismatch between symbol declaration and symbol definition.


The finalization encountered an error while finalizing a kernel or indirect function.


Mismatch between a directive in the control directive structure and in the HSAIL kernel.

Finalization Program#

enum hsa_ext_program_info_t#

HSAIL program attributes.



Machine model specified when the HSAIL program was created. The type of this attribute is hsa_machine_model_t.


Profile specified when the HSAIL program was created. The type of this attribute is hsa_profile_t.


Default float rounding mode specified when the HSAIL program was created. The type of this attribute is hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t.

enum hsa_ext_finalizer_call_convention_t#

Finalizer-determined call convention.



Finalizer-determined call convention.

typedef BrigModule_t hsa_ext_module_t#

HSAIL (BRIG) module. The HSA Programmer’s Reference Manual contains the definition of the BrigModule_t type.

typedef struct hsa_ext_program_s hsa_ext_program_t#

An opaque handle to a HSAIL program, which groups a set of HSAIL modules that collectively define functions and variables used by kernels and indirect functions.

typedef struct hsa_ext_control_directives_s hsa_ext_control_directives_t#

Control directives specify low-level information about the finalization process.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_create (hsa_machine_model_t machine_model, hsa_profile_t profile, hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t default_float_rounding_mode, const char *options, hsa_ext_program_t *program)

Create an empty HSAIL program.

  • machine_model[in] Machine model used in the HSAIL program.

  • profile[in] Profile used in the HSAIL program.

  • default_float_rounding_mode[in] Default float rounding mode used in the HSAIL program.

  • options[in] Vendor-specific options. May be NULL.

  • program[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the newly created HSAIL program handle.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – There is a failure to allocate resources required for the operation.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTmachine_model is invalid, profile is invalid, default_float_rounding_mode is invalid, or program is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_destroy (hsa_ext_program_t program)

Destroy a HSAIL program.

The HSAIL program handle becomes invalid after it has been destroyed. Code object handles produced by hsa_ext_program_finalize are still valid after the HSAIL program has been destroyed, and can be used as intended. Resources allocated outside and associated with the HSAIL program (such as HSAIL modules that are added to the HSAIL program) can be released after the finalization program has been destroyed.


program[in] HSAIL program.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_add_module (hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_module_t module)

Add a HSAIL module to an existing HSAIL program.

The HSA runtime does not perform a deep copy of the HSAIL module upon addition. Instead, it stores a pointer to the HSAIL module. The ownership of the HSAIL module belongs to the application, which must ensure that module is not released before destroying the HSAIL program.

The HSAIL module is successfully added to the HSAIL program if module is valid, if all the declarations and definitions for the same symbol are compatible, and if module specify machine model and profile that matches the HSAIL program.

  • program[in] HSAIL program.

  • module[in] HSAIL module. The application can add the same HSAIL module to program at most once. The HSAIL module must specify the same machine model and profile as program. If the floating-mode rounding mode of module is not default, then it should match that of program.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – There is a failure to allocate resources required for the operation.



  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE – The machine model of module does not match machine model of program, or the profile of module does not match profile of program.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_MODULE_ALREADY_INCLUDED – The HSAIL module is already a part of the HSAIL program.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_SYMBOL_MISMATCH – Symbol declaration and symbol definition compatibility mismatch. See the symbol compatibility rules in the HSA Programming Reference Manual.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_iterate_modules (hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_module_t module, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the HSAIL modules in a program, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

  • program[in] HSAIL program.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per HSAIL module in the program. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: the program, a HSAIL module, and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_ext_program_iterate_modules returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_PROGRAM – The program is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_get_info (hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_ext_program_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given HSAIL program.

  • program[in] HSAIL program.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behaviour is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.


  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid HSAIL program attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_program_finalize (hsa_ext_program_t program, hsa_isa_t isa, int32_t call_convention, hsa_ext_control_directives_t control_directives, const char *options, hsa_code_object_type_t code_object_type, hsa_code_object_t *code_object)

Finalize an HSAIL program for a given instruction set architecture.

Finalize all of the kernels and indirect functions that belong to the same HSAIL program for a specific instruction set architecture (ISA). The transitive closure of all functions specified by call or scall must be defined. Kernels and indirect functions that are being finalized must be defined. Kernels and indirect functions that are referenced in kernels and indirect functions being finalized may or may not be defined, but must be declared. All the global/readonly segment variables that are referenced in kernels and indirect functions being finalized may or may not be defined, but must be declared.

  • program[in] HSAIL program.

  • isa[in] Instruction set architecture to finalize for.

  • call_convention[in] A call convention used in a finalization. Must have a value between HSA_EXT_FINALIZER_CALL_CONVENTION_AUTO (inclusive) and the value of the attribute HSA_ISA_INFO_CALL_CONVENTION_COUNT in isa (not inclusive).

  • control_directives[in] Low-level control directives that influence the finalization process.

  • options[in] Vendor-specific options. May be NULL.

  • code_object_type[in] Type of code object to produce.

  • code_object[out] Code object generated by the Finalizer, which contains the machine code for the kernels and indirect functions in the HSAIL program. The code object is independent of the HSAIL module that was used to generate it.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – There is a failure to allocate resources required for the operation.



  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_DIRECTIVE_MISMATCH – The directive in the control directive structure and in the HSAIL kernel mismatch, or if the same directive is used with a different value in one of the functions used by this kernel.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_FINALIZATION_FAILED – The Finalizer encountered an error while compiling a kernel or an indirect function.

struct hsa_ext_program_s#
#include <hsa_ext_finalize.h>

An opaque handle to a HSAIL program, which groups a set of HSAIL modules that collectively define functions and variables used by kernels and indirect functions.

struct hsa_ext_control_directives_s#
#include <hsa_ext_finalize.h>

Control directives specify low-level information about the finalization process.

Images And Samplers#

enum [anonymous]#

Enumeration constants added to hsa_status_t by this extension.


Additions to hsa_status_t



Image format is not supported.


Image size is not supported.


Image pitch is not supported or invalid.


Sampler descriptor is not supported or invalid.

enum [anonymous]#

Enumeration constants added to hsa_agent_info_t by this extension.


Additions to hsa_agent_info_t



Maximum number of elements in 1D images. Must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum number of elements in 1DA images. Must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum number of elements in 1DB images. Must be at least 65536. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements. The X and Y maximums must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t[2].


Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2DA images, in image elements. The X and Y maximums must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t[2].


Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2DDEPTH images, in image elements. The X and Y maximums must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t[2].


Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2DADEPTH images, in image elements. The X and Y maximums must be at least 16384. The type of this attribute is size_t[2].


Maximum dimensions (width, height, depth) of 3D images, in image elements. The maximum along any dimension must be at least 2048. The type of this attribute is size_t[3].


Maximum number of image layers in a image array. Must be at least 2048. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum number of read-only image handles that can be created for an agent at any one time. Must be at least 128. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum number of write-only and read-write image handles (combined) that can be created for an agent at any one time. Must be at least 64. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum number of sampler handlers that can be created for an agent at any one time. Must be at least 16. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Image pitch alignment. The agent only supports linear image data layouts with a row pitch that is a multiple of this value. Must be a power of 2. The type of this attribute is size_t.

enum hsa_ext_image_geometry_t#

Geometry associated with the image. This specifies the number of image dimensions and whether the image is an image array. See the Image Geometry section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each geometry. The enumeration values match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_image_geometry_t.



One-dimensional image addressed by width coordinate.


Two-dimensional image addressed by width and height coordinates.


Three-dimensional image addressed by width, height, and depth coordinates.


Array of one-dimensional images with the same size and format. 1D arrays are addressed by width and index coordinate.


Array of two-dimensional images with the same size and format. 2D arrays are addressed by width, height, and index coordinates.


One-dimensional image addressed by width coordinate. It has specific restrictions compared to HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_1D. An image with an opaque image data layout will always use a linear image data layout, and one with an explicit image data layout must specify HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_LINEAR.


Two-dimensional depth image addressed by width and height coordinates.


Array of two-dimensional depth images with the same size and format. 2D arrays are addressed by width, height, and index coordinates.

enum hsa_ext_image_channel_type_t#

Channel type associated with the elements of an image. See the Channel Type section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each channel type. The enumeration values and definition match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_image_channel_type_t.


enum hsa_ext_image_channel_order_t#

Channel order associated with the elements of an image. See the Channel Order section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each channel order. The enumeration values match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_image_channel_order_t.


enum hsa_ext_image_capability_t#

Image capability.



Images of this geometry, format, and layout are not supported by the agent.


Read-only images of this geometry, format, and layout are supported by the agent.


Write-only images of this geometry, format, and layout are supported by the agent.


Read-write images of this geometry, format, and layout are supported by the agent.



Images of this geometry, format, and layout can be accessed from read-modify-write atomic operations in the agent.


Images of this geometry, format, and layout are guaranteed to have a consistent data layout regardless of how they are accessed by the associated agent.

enum hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t#

Image data layout.

An image data layout denotes such aspects of image data layout as tiling and organization of channels in memory. Some image data layouts may only apply to specific image geometries, formats, and access permissions. Different agents may support different image layout identifiers, including vendor specific layouts. Note that an agent may not support the same image data layout for different access permissions to images with the same image geometry, size, and format. If multiple agents support the same image data layout then it is possible to use separate image handles for each agent that references the same image data.



An implementation specific opaque image data layout which can vary depending on the agent, geometry, image format, image size, and access permissions.


The image data layout is specified by the following rules in ascending byte address order. For a 3D image, 2DA image array, or 1DA image array, the image data is stored as a linear sequence of adjacent 2D image slices, 2D images, or 1D images respectively, spaced according to the slice pitch. Each 2D image is stored as a linear sequence of adjacent image rows, spaced according to the row pitch. Each 1D or 1DB image is stored as a single image row. Each image row is stored as a linear sequence of image elements. Each image element is stored as a linear sequence of image components specified by the left to right channel order definition. Each image component is stored using the memory type specified by the channel type.

The 1DB image geometry always uses the linear image data layout.

enum hsa_ext_sampler_addressing_mode_t#

Sampler address modes. The sampler address mode describes the processing of out-of-range image coordinates. See the Addressing Mode section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each address mode. The values match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_sampler_addressing_t.



Out-of-range coordinates are not handled.


Clamp out-of-range coordinates to the image edge.


Clamp out-of-range coordinates to the image border color.


Wrap out-of-range coordinates back into the valid coordinate range so the image appears as repeated tiles.


Mirror out-of-range coordinates back into the valid coordinate range so the image appears as repeated tiles with every other tile a reflection.

enum hsa_ext_sampler_coordinate_mode_t#

Sampler coordinate normalization modes. See the Coordinate Normalization Mode section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each coordinate normalization mode. The values match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_sampler_coord_normalization_t.



Coordinates are used to directly address an image element.


Coordinates are scaled by the image dimension size before being used to address an image element.

enum hsa_ext_sampler_filter_mode_t#

Sampler filter modes. See the Filter Mode section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for definitions on each address mode. The enumeration values match the BRIG type hsa_ext_brig_sampler_filter_t.



Filter to the image element nearest (in Manhattan distance) to the specified coordinate.


Filter to the image element calculated by combining the elements in a 2x2 square block or 2x2x2 cube block around the specified coordinate. The elements are combined using linear interpolation.

typedef struct hsa_ext_image_s hsa_ext_image_t#

Image handle, populated by hsa_ext_image_create or hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout. Image handles are only unique within an agent, not across agents.

typedef uint32_t hsa_ext_image_channel_type32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_ext_image_channel_type_t constants.

typedef uint32_t hsa_ext_image_channel_order32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_ext_image_channel_order_t constants.

typedef struct hsa_ext_image_format_s hsa_ext_image_format_t#

Image format.

typedef struct hsa_ext_image_descriptor_s hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t#

Implementation independent image descriptor.

typedef struct hsa_ext_image_data_info_s hsa_ext_image_data_info_t#

Agent specific image size and alignment requirements, populated by hsa_ext_image_data_get_info and hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout.

typedef struct hsa_ext_image_region_s hsa_ext_image_region_t#

Image region.

typedef struct hsa_ext_sampler_s hsa_ext_sampler_t#

Sampler handle. Samplers are populated by hsa_ext_sampler_create. Sampler handles are only unique within an agent, not across agents.

typedef uint32_t hsa_ext_sampler_addressing_mode32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_ext_sampler_addressing_mode_t constants.

typedef uint32_t hsa_ext_sampler_coordinate_mode32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_ext_sampler_coordinate_mode_t constants.

typedef uint32_t hsa_ext_sampler_filter_mode32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_ext_sampler_filter_mode_t constants.

typedef struct hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_s hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t#

Implementation independent sampler descriptor.

typedef struct hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_s hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_t#

The function pointer table for the images v1.00 extension. Can be returned by hsa_system_get_extension_table or hsa_system_get_major_extension_table.

typedef struct hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_s hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_t#

The function pointer table for the images v1 extension. Can be returned by hsa_system_get_extension_table or hsa_system_get_major_extension_table.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_get_capability (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_geometry_t geometry, const hsa_ext_image_format_t *image_format, uint32_t *capability_mask)

Retrieve the supported image capabilities for a given combination of agent, geometry, and image format for an image created with an opaque image data layout.

  • agent[in] Agent to be associated with the image handle.

  • geometry[in] Geometry.

  • image_format[in] Pointer to an image format. Must not be NULL.

  • capability_mask[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores a bit-mask of supported image capability (hsa_ext_image_capability_t) values. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_format is NULL, or capability_mask is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_get_capability_with_layout (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_geometry_t geometry, const hsa_ext_image_format_t *image_format, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, uint32_t *capability_mask)

Retrieve the supported image capabilities for a given combination of agent, geometry, image format, and image layout for an image created with an explicit image data layout.

  • agent[in] Agent to be associated with the image handle.

  • geometry[in] Geometry.

  • image_format[in] Pointer to an image format. Must not be NULL.

  • image_data_layout[in] The image data layout. It is invalid to use HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE; use hsa_ext_image_get_capability instead.

  • capability_mask[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores a bit-mask of supported image capability (hsa_ext_image_capability_t) values. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_format is NULL, image_data_layout is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE, or capability_mask is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_data_get_info (hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info)

Retrieve the image data requirements for a given combination of agent, image descriptor, and access permission for an image created with an opaque image data layout.

The optimal image data size and alignment requirements may vary depending on the image attributes specified in image_descriptor, the access_permission, and the agent. Also, different implementations of the HSA runtime may return different requirements for the same input values.

The implementation must return the same image data requirements for different access permissions with matching image descriptors as long as hsa_ext_image_get_capability reports HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CAPABILITY_ACCESS_INVARIANT_DATA_LAYOUT. Image descriptors match if they have the same values, with the exception that s-form channel orders match the corresponding non-s-form channel order and vice versa.

  • agent[in] Agent to be associated with the image handle.

  • image_descriptor[in] Pointer to an image descriptor. Must not be NULL.

  • access_permission[in] Access permission of the image when accessed by agent. The access permission defines how the agent is allowed to access the image and must match the corresponding HSAIL image handle type. The agent must support the image format specified in image_descriptor for the given access_permission.

  • image_data_info[out] Memory location where the runtime stores the size and alignment requirements. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not support the image format specified by image_descriptor with the specified access_permission.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not support the image dimensions specified by image_descriptor with the specified access_permission.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_descriptor is NULL, access_permission is not a valid access permission value, or image_data_info is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout (hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_data_info_t *image_data_info)

Retrieve the image data requirements for a given combination of image descriptor, access permission, image data layout, image data row pitch, and image data slice pitch for an image created with an explicit image data layout.

The image data size and alignment requirements may vary depending on the image attributes specified in image_descriptor, the access_permission, and the image layout. However, different implementations of the HSA runtime will return the same requirements for the same input values.

The implementation must return the same image data requirements for different access permissions with matching image descriptors and matching image layouts as long as hsa_ext_image_get_capability reports HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CAPABILITY_ACCESS_INVARIANT_DATA_LAYOUT. Image descriptors match if they have the same values, with the exception that s-form channel orders match the corresponding non-s-form channel order and vice versa. Image layouts match if they are the same image data layout and use the same image row and slice pitch values.

  • image_descriptor[in] Pointer to an image descriptor. Must not be NULL.

  • access_permission[in] Access permission of the image when accessed by an agent. The access permission defines how the agent is allowed to access the image and must match the corresponding HSAIL image handle type.

  • image_data_layout[in] The image data layout to use. It is invalid to use HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE; use hsa_ext_image_data_get_info instead.

  • image_data_row_pitch[in] The size in bytes for a single row of the image in the image data. If 0 is specified then the default row pitch value is used: image width * image element byte size. The value used must be greater than or equal to the default row pitch, and be a multiple of the image element byte size. For the linear image layout it must also be a multiple of the image linear row pitch alignment for the agents that will access the image data using image instructions.

  • image_data_slice_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single slice of a 3D image, or the size in bytes of each image layer in an image array in the image data. If 0 is specified then the default slice pitch value is used: row pitch * height if geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_3D, HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DA, or HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DADEPTH; row pitch if geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_1DA; and 0 otherwise. The value used must be 0 if the default slice pitch is 0, be greater than or equal to the default slice pitch, and be a multiple of the row pitch.

  • image_data_info[out] Memory location where the runtime stores the size and alignment requirements. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED – The image format specified by image_descriptor is not supported for the access_permission and image_data_layout specified.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED – The image dimensions specified by image_descriptor are not supported for the access_permission and image_data_layout specified.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_PITCH_UNSUPPORTED – The row and slice pitch specified by image_data_row_pitch and image_data_slice_pitch are invalid or not supported.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_descriptor is NULL, image_data_layout is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE, or image_data_info is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_create (hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_t *image)

Creates an agent specific image handle to an image with an opaque image data layout.

Images with an opaque image data layout created with different access permissions but matching image descriptors and same agent can share the same image data if HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CAPABILITY_ACCESS_INVARIANT_DATA_LAYOUT is reported by hsa_ext_image_get_capability for the image format specified in the image descriptor. Image descriptors match if they have the same values, with the exception that s-form channel orders match the corresponding non-s-form channel order and vice versa.

If necessary, an application can use image operations (import, export, copy, clear) to prepare the image for the intended use regardless of the access permissions.

Any previous memory contents are preserved upon creation. The application is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of the image data exceeds that of all the associated images.

support the creation of more image handles with the given access_permission).

  • agent[in] agent to be associated with the image handle created.

  • image_descriptor[in] Pointer to an image descriptor. Must not be NULL.

  • image_data[in] Image data buffer that must have been allocated according to the size and alignment requirements dictated by hsa_ext_image_data_get_info. Must not be NULL.

  • access_permission[in] Access permission of the image when accessed by agent. The access permission defines how the agent is allowed to access the image using the image handle created and must match the corresponding HSAIL image handle type. The agent must support the image format specified in image_descriptor for the given access_permission.

  • image[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the newly created image handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not have the capability to support the image format contained in image_descriptor using the specified access_permission.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not support the image dimensions specified by image_descriptor using the specified access_permission.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_descriptor is NULL, image_data is NULL, image_data does not have a valid alignment, access_permission is not a valid access permission value, or image is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout (hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_image_descriptor_t *image_descriptor, const void *image_data, hsa_access_permission_t access_permission, hsa_ext_image_data_layout_t image_data_layout, size_t image_data_row_pitch, size_t image_data_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_t *image)

Creates an agent specific image handle to an image with an explicit image data layout.

Images with an explicit image data layout created with different access permissions but matching image descriptors and matching image layout can share the same image data if HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CAPABILITY_ACCESS_INVARIANT_DATA_LAYOUT is reported by hsa_ext_image_get_capability_with_layout for the image format specified in the image descriptor and specified image data layout. Image descriptors match if they have the same values, with the exception that s-form channel orders match the corresponding non-s-form channel order and vice versa. Image layouts match if they are the same image data layout and use the same image row and slice values.

If necessary, an application can use image operations (import, export, copy, clear) to prepare the image for the intended use regardless of the access permissions.

Any previous memory contents are preserved upon creation. The application is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of the image data exceeds that of all the associated images.

support the creation of more image handles with the given access_permission).

  • agent[in] agent to be associated with the image handle created.

  • image_descriptor[in] Pointer to an image descriptor. Must not be NULL.

  • image_data[in] Image data buffer that must have been allocated according to the size and alignment requirements dictated by hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout. Must not be NULL.

  • access_permission[in] Access permission of the image when accessed by the agent. The access permission defines how the agent is allowed to access the image and must match the corresponding HSAIL image handle type. The agent must support the image format specified in image_descriptor for the given access_permission and image_data_layout.

  • image_data_layout[in] The image data layout to use for the image_data. It is invalid to use HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE; use hsa_ext_image_create instead.

  • image_data_row_pitch[in] The size in bytes for a single row of the image in the image data. If 0 is specified then the default row pitch value is used: image width * image element byte size. The value used must be greater than or equal to the default row pitch, and be a multiple of the image element byte size. For the linear image layout it must also be a multiple of the image linear row pitch alignment for the agents that will access the image data using image instructions.

  • image_data_slice_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single slice of a 3D image, or the size in bytes of each image layer in an image array in the image data. If 0 is specified then the default slice pitch value is used: row pitch * height if geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_3D, HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DA, or HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DADEPTH; row pitch if geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_1DA; and 0 otherwise. The value used must be 0 if the default slice pitch is 0, be greater than or equal to the default slice pitch, and be a multiple of the row pitch.

  • image[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the newly created image handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not have the capability to support the image format contained in the image descriptor using the specified access_permission and image_data_layout.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not support the image dimensions specified by image_descriptor using the specified access_permission and image_data_layout.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_IMAGE_PITCH_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not support the row and slice pitch specified by image_data_row_pitch and image_data_slice_pitch, or the values are invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTimage_descriptor is NULL, image_data is NULL, image_data does not have a valid alignment, image_data_layout is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_DATA_LAYOUT_OPAQUE, or image is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_destroy (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image)

Destroy an image handle previously created using hsa_ext_image_create or hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout.

Destroying the image handle does not free the associated image data, or modify its contents. The application should not destroy an image handle while there are references to it queued for execution or currently being used in a kernel dispatch.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the image handle.

  • image[in] Image handle to destroy.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_copy (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, const hsa_dim3_t *src_offset, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_dim3_t *dst_offset, const hsa_dim3_t *range)

Copies a portion of one image (the source) to another image (the destination).

The source and destination image formats should be the same, with the exception that s-form channel orders match the corresponding non-s-form channel order and vice versa. For example, it is allowed to copy a source image with a channel order of HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CHANNEL_ORDER_SRGB to a destination image with a channel order of HSA_EXT_IMAGE_CHANNEL_ORDER_RGB.

The source and destination images do not have to be of the same geometry and appropriate scaling is performed by the HSA runtime. It is possible to copy subregions between any combinations of source and destination geometries, provided that the dimensions of the subregions are the same. For example, it is allowed to copy a rectangular region from a 2D image to a slice of a 3D image.

If the source and destination image data overlap, or the combination of offset and range references an out-out-bounds element in any of the images, the behavior is undefined.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with both the source and destination image handles.

  • src_image[in] Image handle of source image. The agent associated with the source image handle must be identical to that of the destination image.

  • src_offset[in] Pointer to the offset within the source image where to copy the data from. Must not be NULL.

  • dst_image[in] Image handle of destination image.

  • dst_offset[in] Pointer to the offset within the destination image where to copy the data. Must not be NULL.

  • range[in] Dimensions of the image portion to be copied. The HSA runtime computes the size of the image data to be copied using this argument. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsrc_offset is NULL, dst_offset is NULL, or range is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_import (hsa_agent_t agent, const void *src_memory, size_t src_row_pitch, size_t src_slice_pitch, hsa_ext_image_t dst_image, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region)

Import a linearly organized image data from memory directly to an image handle.

This operation updates the image data referenced by the image handle from the source memory. The size of the data imported from memory is implicitly derived from the image region.

It is the application’s responsibility to avoid out of bounds memory access.

None of the source memory or destination image data memory can overlap. Overlapping of any of the source and destination image data memory within the import operation produces undefined results.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the image handle.

  • src_memory[in] Source memory. Must not be NULL.

  • src_row_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single row of the image in the source memory. If the value is smaller than the destination image region width * image element byte size, then region width * image element byte size is used.

  • src_slice_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single 2D slice of a 3D image, or the size in bytes of each image layer in an image array in the source memory. If the geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_1DA and the value is smaller than the value used for src_row_pitch, then the value used for src_row_pitch is used. If the geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_3D, HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DA, or HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DADEPTH and the value is smaller than the value used for src_row_pitch * destination image region height, then the value used for src_row_pitch * destination image region height is used. Otherwise, the value is not used.

  • dst_image[in] Image handle of destination image.

  • image_region[in] Pointer to the image region to be updated. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsrc_memory is NULL, or image_region is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_export (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t src_image, void *dst_memory, size_t dst_row_pitch, size_t dst_slice_pitch, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region)

Export the image data to linearly organized memory.

The operation updates the destination memory with the image data of src_image. The size of the data exported to memory is implicitly derived from the image region.

It is the application’s responsibility to avoid out of bounds memory access.

None of the destination memory or source image data memory can overlap. Overlapping of any of the source and destination image data memory within the export operation produces undefined results.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the image handle.

  • src_image[in] Image handle of source image.

  • dst_memory[in] Destination memory. Must not be NULL.

  • dst_row_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single row of the image in the destination memory. If the value is smaller than the source image region width * image element byte size, then region width * image element byte size is used.

  • dst_slice_pitch[in] The size in bytes of a single 2D slice of a 3D image, or the size in bytes of each image in an image array in the destination memory. If the geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_1DA and the value is smaller than the value used for dst_row_pitch, then the value used for dst_row_pitch is used. If the geometry is HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_3D, HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DA, or HSA_EXT_IMAGE_GEOMETRY_2DADEPTH and the value is smaller than the value used for dst_row_pitch * source image region height, then the value used for dst_row_pitch * source image region height is used. Otherwise, the value is not used.

  • image_region[in] Pointer to the image region to be exported. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTdst_memory is NULL, or image_region is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_image_clear (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_image_t image, const void *data, const hsa_ext_image_region_t *image_region)

Clear a region of an image so that every image element has the specified value.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the image handle.

  • image[in] Image handle for image to be cleared.

  • data[in] The value to which to set each image element being cleared. It is specified as an array of image component values. The number of array elements must match the number of access components for the image channel order. The type of each array element must match the image access type of the image channel type. When the value is used to set the value of an image element, the conversion method corresponding to the image channel type is used. See the Channel Order section and Channel Type section in the HSA Programming Reference Manual for more information. Must not be NULL.

  • image_region[in] Pointer to the image region to clear. Must not be NULL. If the region references an out-out-bounds element, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTdata is NULL, or image_region is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_sampler_create (hsa_agent_t agent, const hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_t *sampler_descriptor, hsa_ext_sampler_t *sampler)

Create an agent specific sampler handle for a given agent independent sampler descriptor and agent.

  • agent[in] Agent to be associated with the sampler handle created.

  • sampler_descriptor[in] Pointer to a sampler descriptor. Must not be NULL.

  • sampler[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the newly created sampler handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_EXT_STATUS_ERROR_SAMPLER_DESCRIPTOR_UNSUPPORTED – The agent does not have the capability to support the properties specified by sampler_descriptor or it is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsampler_descriptor is NULL, or sampler is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_ext_sampler_destroy (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_ext_sampler_t sampler)

Destroy a sampler handle previously created using hsa_ext_sampler_create.

The sampler handle should not be destroyed while there are references to it queued for execution or currently being used in a kernel dispatch.

  • agent[in] Agent associated with the sampler handle.

  • sampler[in] Sampler handle to destroy.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

struct hsa_ext_image_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Image handle, populated by hsa_ext_image_create or hsa_ext_image_create_with_layout. Image handles are only unique within an agent, not across agents.

struct hsa_ext_image_format_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Image format.

struct hsa_ext_image_descriptor_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Implementation independent image descriptor.

struct hsa_ext_image_data_info_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Agent specific image size and alignment requirements, populated by hsa_ext_image_data_get_info and hsa_ext_image_data_get_info_with_layout.

struct hsa_ext_image_region_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Image region.

struct hsa_ext_sampler_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Sampler handle. Samplers are populated by hsa_ext_sampler_create. Sampler handles are only unique within an agent, not across agents.

struct hsa_ext_sampler_descriptor_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

Implementation independent sampler descriptor.

struct hsa_ext_images_1_00_pfn_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

The function pointer table for the images v1.00 extension. Can be returned by hsa_system_get_extension_table or hsa_system_get_major_extension_table.

struct hsa_ext_images_1_pfn_s#
#include <hsa_ext_image.h>

The function pointer table for the images v1 extension. Can be returned by hsa_system_get_extension_table or hsa_system_get_major_extension_table.

Instruction Set Architecture#

enum hsa_isa_info_t#

Instruction set architecture attributes.



The length of the ISA name in bytes, not including the NUL terminator. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

enumerator HSA_ISA_INFO_NAME#

Human-readable description. The type of this attribute is character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_ISA_INFO_NAME_LENGTH attribute.



Number of call conventions supported by the instruction set architecture. Must be greater than zero. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



Number of work-items in a wavefront for a given call convention. Must be a power of 2 in the range [1,256]. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



Number of wavefronts per compute unit for a given call convention. In practice, other factors (for example, the amount of group memory used by a work-group) may further limit the number of wavefronts per compute unit. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Machine models supported by the instruction set architecture. The type of this attribute is a bool[2]. If the ISA supports the small machine model, the element at index HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_SMALL is true. If the ISA supports the large model, the element at index HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE is true.


Profiles supported by the instruction set architecture. The type of this attribute is a bool[2]. If the ISA supports the base profile, the element at index HSA_PROFILE_BASE is true. If the ISA supports the full profile, the element at index HSA_PROFILE_FULL is true.


Default floating-point rounding modes supported by the instruction set architecture. The type of this attribute is a bool[3]. The value at a given index is true if the corresponding rounding mode in hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t is supported. At least one default mode has to be supported.

If the default mode is supported, then HSA_ISA_INFO_BASE_PROFILE_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODES must report that both the zero and the near roundings modes are supported.


Default floating-point rounding modes supported by the instruction set architecture in the Base profile. The type of this attribute is a bool[3]. The value at a given index is true if the corresponding rounding mode in hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t is supported. The value at index HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_DEFAULT must be false. At least one of the values at indexes HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_ZERO or HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_NEAR must be true.


Flag indicating that the f16 HSAIL operation is at least as fast as the f32 operation in the instruction set architecture. The type of this attribute is bool.


Maximum number of work-items of each dimension of a work-group. Each maximum must be greater than 0. No maximum can exceed the value of HSA_ISA_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_SIZE. The type of this attribute is uint16_t[3].


Maximum total number of work-items in a work-group. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Maximum number of work-items of each dimension of a grid. Each maximum must be greater than 0, and must not be smaller than the corresponding value in HSA_ISA_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_DIM. No maximum can exceed the value of HSA_ISA_INFO_GRID_MAX_SIZE. The type of this attribute is hsa_dim3_t.


Maximum total number of work-items in a grid. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.


Maximum number of fbarriers per work-group. Must be at least 32. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

enum hsa_fp_type_t#

Floating-point types.


enumerator HSA_FP_TYPE_16#

16-bit floating-point type.

enumerator HSA_FP_TYPE_32#

32-bit floating-point type.

enumerator HSA_FP_TYPE_64#

64-bit floating-point type.

enum hsa_flush_mode_t#

Flush to zero modes.


enumerator HSA_FLUSH_MODE_FTZ#

Flush to zero.


Do not flush to zero.

enum hsa_round_method_t#

Round methods.



Single round method.


Double round method.

enum hsa_wavefront_info_t#

Wavefront attributes.



Number of work-items in the wavefront. Must be a power of 2 in the range [1,256]. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

typedef struct hsa_isa_s hsa_isa_t#

Instruction set architecture.

typedef struct hsa_wavefront_s hsa_wavefront_t#

Wavefront handle.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_isa_from_name (const char *name, hsa_isa_t *isa)

Retrieve a reference to an instruction set architecture handle out of a symbolic name.

  • name[in] Vendor-specific name associated with a a particular instruction set architecture. name must start with the vendor name and a colon (for example, “AMD:”). The rest of the name is vendor-specific. Must be a NUL-terminated string.

  • isa[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores the ISA handle corresponding to the given name. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA_NAME – The given name does not correspond to any instruction set architecture.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_isas (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_isa_t isa, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the instruction sets supported by the given agent, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration. The iterator is deterministic: if an agent supports several instruction set architectures, they are traversed in the same order in every invocation of this function.

  • agent[in] A valid agent.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per instruction set architecture. The HSA runtime passes two arguments to the callback: the ISA and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and that status value is returned.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_isa_get_info (hsa_isa_t isa, hsa_isa_info_t attribute, uint32_t index, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given instruction set architecture (ISA).


The concept of call convention has been deprecated. If the application wants to query the value of an attribute for a given instruction set architecture, use hsa_isa_get_info_alt instead. If the application wants to query an attribute that is specific to a given combination of ISA and wavefront, use hsa_wavefront_get_info.

  • isa[in] A valid instruction set architecture.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • index[in] Call convention index. Used only for call convention attributes, otherwise ignored. Must have a value between 0 (inclusive) and the value of the attribute HSA_ISA_INFO_CALL_CONVENTION_COUNT (not inclusive) in isa.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA – The instruction set architecture is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_INDEX – The index is out of range.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid instruction set architecture attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_isa_get_info_alt (hsa_isa_t isa, hsa_isa_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given instruction set architecture (ISA).

  • isa[in] A valid instruction set architecture.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA – The instruction set architecture is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid instruction set architecture attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_isa_get_exception_policies (hsa_isa_t isa, hsa_profile_t profile, uint16_t *mask)

Retrieve the exception policy support for a given combination of instruction set architecture and profile.

  • isa[in] A valid instruction set architecture.

  • profile[in] Profile.

  • mask[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores a mask of hsa_exception_policy_t values. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA – The instruction set architecture is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTprofile is not a valid profile, or mask is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_isa_get_round_method (hsa_isa_t isa, hsa_fp_type_t fp_type, hsa_flush_mode_t flush_mode, hsa_round_method_t *round_method)

Retrieve the round method (single or double) used to implement the floating-point multiply add instruction (mad) for a given combination of instruction set architecture, floating-point type, and flush to zero modifier.

  • isa[in] Instruction set architecture.

  • fp_type[in] Floating-point type.

  • flush_mode[in] Flush to zero modifier.

  • round_method[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the round method used by the implementation. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA – The instruction set architecture is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTfp_type is not a valid floating-point type, or flush_mode is not a valid flush to zero modifier, or round_method is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_wavefront_get_info (hsa_wavefront_t wavefront, hsa_wavefront_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of a wavefront attribute.

  • wavefront[in] A wavefront.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_WAVEFRONT – The wavefront is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid wavefront attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_isa_iterate_wavefronts (hsa_isa_t isa, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_wavefront_t wavefront, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the different wavefronts supported by an instruction set architecture, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

  • isa[in] Instruction set architecture.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per wavefront that is supported by the agent. The HSA runtime passes two arguments to the callback: the wavefront handle and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and that value is returned.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISA – The instruction set architecture is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_isa_compatible (hsa_isa_t code_object_isa, hsa_isa_t agent_isa, bool *result)

Check if the instruction set architecture of a code object can be executed on an agent associated with another architecture.


Use hsa_agent_iterate_isas to query which instructions set architectures are supported by a given agent.

  • code_object_isa[in] Instruction set architecture associated with a code object.

  • agent_isa[in] Instruction set architecture associated with an agent.

  • result[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the result of the check. If the two architectures are compatible, the result is true; if they are incompatible, the result is false.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ISAcode_object_isa or agent_isa are invalid.


struct hsa_isa_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Instruction set architecture.

struct hsa_wavefront_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Wavefront handle.


enum hsa_region_segment_t#

Memory segments associated with a region.



Global segment. Used to hold data that is shared by all agents.


Read-only segment. Used to hold data that remains constant during the execution of a kernel.


Private segment. Used to hold data that is local to a single work-item.


Group segment. Used to hold data that is shared by the work-items of a work-group.


Kernarg segment. Used to store kernel arguments.

enum hsa_region_global_flag_t#

Global region flags.



The application can use memory in the region to store kernel arguments, and provide the values for the kernarg segment of a kernel dispatch. If this flag is set, then HSA_REGION_GLOBAL_FLAG_FINE_GRAINED must be set.


Updates to memory in this region are immediately visible to all the agents under the terms of the HSA memory model. If this flag is set, then HSA_REGION_GLOBAL_FLAG_COARSE_GRAINED must not be set.


Updates to memory in this region can be performed by a single agent at a time. If a different agent in the system is allowed to access the region, the application must explicitely invoke hsa_memory_assign_agent in order to transfer ownership to that agent for a particular buffer.


Updates to memory in this region have extended scope, where the device-scope atomics to this memory type act as system-scope with respect to all variables located in memory regions of this type. Note: On non-compliant systems, the application may still be responsible for performing device-specific actions necessary to achieve system-scope coherence.

enum hsa_region_info_t#

Attributes of a memory region.



Segment where memory in the region can be used. The type of this attribute is hsa_region_segment_t.


Flag mask. The value of this attribute is undefined if the value of HSA_REGION_INFO_SEGMENT is not HSA_REGION_SEGMENT_GLOBAL. The type of this attribute is uint32_t, a bit-field of hsa_region_global_flag_t values.


Size of this region, in bytes. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Maximum allocation size in this region, in bytes. Must not exceed the value of HSA_REGION_INFO_SIZE. The type of this attribute is size_t.

If the region is in the global or readonly segments, this is the maximum size that the application can pass to hsa_memory_allocate.

If the region is in the group segment, this is the maximum size (per work-group) that can be requested for a given kernel dispatch. If the region is in the private segment, this is the maximum size (per work-item) that can be requested for a specific kernel dispatch, and must be at least 256 bytes.


Maximum size (per work-group) of private memory that can be requested for a specific kernel dispatch. Must be at least 65536 bytes. The type of this attribute is uint32_t. The value of this attribute is undefined if the region is not in the private segment.


Indicates whether memory in this region can be allocated using hsa_memory_allocate. The type of this attribute is bool.

The value of this flag is always false for regions in the group and private segments.


Allocation granularity of buffers allocated by hsa_memory_allocate in this region. The size of a buffer allocated in this region is a multiple of the value of this attribute. The value of this attribute is only defined if HSA_REGION_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALLOWED is true for this region. The type of this attribute is size_t.


Alignment of buffers allocated by hsa_memory_allocate in this region. The value of this attribute is only defined if HSA_REGION_INFO_RUNTIME_ALLOC_ALLOWED is true for this region, and must be a power of 2. The type of this attribute is size_t.

typedef struct hsa_region_s hsa_region_t#

A memory region represents a block of virtual memory with certain properties. For example, the HSA runtime represents fine-grained memory in the global segment using a region. A region might be associated with more than one agent.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_region_get_info (hsa_region_t region, hsa_region_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute of a region.

  • region[in] A valid region.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to a application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_REGION – The region is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid region attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_regions (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_region_t region, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the memory regions associated with a given agent, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

  • agent[in] A valid agent.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per region that is accessible from the agent. The HSA runtime passes two arguments to the callback, the region and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_agent_iterate_regions returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_allocate (hsa_region_t region, size_t size, void **ptr)

Allocate a block of memory in a given region.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_REGION – The region is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ALLOCATION – The host is not allowed to allocate memory in region, or size is greater than the value of HSA_REGION_INFO_ALLOC_MAX_SIZE in region.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_free (void *ptr)

Deallocate a block of memory previously allocated using hsa_memory_allocate.


ptr[in] Pointer to a memory block. If ptr does not match a value previously returned by hsa_memory_allocate, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_copy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)

Copy a block of memory from the location pointed to by src to the memory block pointed to by dst.

  • dst[out] Buffer where the content is to be copied. If dst is in coarse-grained memory, the copied data is only visible to the agent currently assigned (hsa_memory_assign_agent) to dst.

  • src[in] A valid pointer to the source of data to be copied. The source buffer must not overlap with the destination buffer. If the source buffer is in coarse-grained memory then it must be assigned to an agent, from which the data will be retrieved.

  • size[in] Number of bytes to copy. If size is 0, no copy is performed and the function returns success. Copying a number of bytes larger than the size of the buffers pointed by dst or src results in undefined behavior.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The source or destination pointers are NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_assign_agent (void *ptr, hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_access_permission_t access)

Change the ownership of a global, coarse-grained buffer.

The contents of a coarse-grained buffer are visible to an agent only after ownership has been explicitely transferred to that agent. Once the operation completes, the previous owner cannot longer access the data in the buffer.

An implementation of the HSA runtime is allowed, but not required, to change the physical location of the buffer when ownership is transferred to a different agent. In general the application must not assume this behavior. The virtual location (address) of the passed buffer is never modified.

  • ptr[in] Base address of a global buffer. The pointer must match an address previously returned by hsa_memory_allocate. The size of the buffer affected by the ownership change is identical to the size of that previous allocation. If ptr points to a fine-grained global buffer, no operation is performed and the function returns success. If ptr does not point to global memory, the behavior is undefined.

  • agent[in] Agent that becomes the owner of the buffer. The application is responsible for ensuring that agent has access to the region that contains the buffer. It is allowed to change ownership to an agent that is already the owner of the buffer, with the same or different access permissions.

  • access[in] Access permissions requested for the new owner.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTptr is NULL, or access is not a valid access value.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_register (void *ptr, size_t size)

Register a global, fine-grained buffer.

Registering a buffer serves as an indication to the HSA runtime that the memory might be accessed from a kernel agent other than the host. Registration is a performance hint that allows the HSA runtime implementation to know which buffers will be accessed by some of the kernel agents ahead of time.

Registration is only recommended for buffers in the global segment that have not been allocated using the HSA allocator (hsa_memory_allocate), but an OS allocator instead. Registering an OS-allocated buffer in the base profile is equivalent to a no-op.

Registrations should not overlap.

  • ptr[in] A buffer in global, fine-grained memory. If a NULL pointer is passed, no operation is performed. If the buffer has been allocated using hsa_memory_allocate, or has already been registered, no operation is performed.

  • size[in] Requested registration size in bytes. A size of 0 is only allowed if ptr is NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsize is 0 but ptr is not NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_memory_deregister (void *ptr, size_t size)

Deregister memory previously registered using hsa_memory_register.

If the memory interval being deregistered does not match a previous registration (start and end addresses), the behavior is undefined.

  • ptr[in] A pointer to the base of the buffer to be deregistered. If a NULL pointer is passed, no operation is performed.

  • size[in] Size of the buffer to be deregistered.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

struct hsa_region_s#
#include <hsa.h>

A memory region represents a block of virtual memory with certain properties. For example, the HSA runtime represents fine-grained memory in the global segment using a region. A region might be associated with more than one agent.


enum hsa_queue_type_t#

Queue type. Intended to be used for dynamic queue protocol determination.



Queue supports multiple producers. Use of multiproducer queue mechanics is required.


Queue only supports a single producer. In some scenarios, the application may want to limit the submission of AQL packets to a single agent. Queues that support a single producer may be more efficient than queues supporting multiple producers. Use of multiproducer queue mechanics is not supported.


Queue supports multiple producers and cooperative dispatches. Cooperative dispatches are able to use GWS synchronization. Queues of this type may be limited in number. The runtime may return the same queue to serve multiple hsa_queue_create calls when this type is given. Callers must inspect the returned queue to discover queue size. Queues of this type are reference counted and require a matching number of hsa_queue_destroy calls to release. Use of multiproducer queue mechanics is required. See ::HSA_AMD_AGENT_INFO_COOPERATIVE_QUEUES to query agent support for this type.

enum hsa_queue_feature_t#

Queue features.



Queue supports kernel dispatch packets.


Queue supports agent dispatch packets.

typedef uint32_t hsa_queue_type32_t#

A fixed-size type used to represent hsa_queue_type_t constants.

typedef struct hsa_queue_s hsa_queue_t#

User mode queue.

The queue structure is read-only and allocated by the HSA runtime, but agents can directly modify the contents of the buffer pointed by base_address, or use HSA runtime APIs to access the doorbell signal.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_queue_create (hsa_agent_t agent, uint32_t size, hsa_queue_type32_t type, void(*callback)(hsa_status_t status, hsa_queue_t *source, void *data), void *data, uint32_t private_segment_size, uint32_t group_segment_size, hsa_queue_t **queue)

Create a user mode queue.

The HSA runtime creates the queue structure, the underlying packet buffer, the completion signal, and the write and read indexes. The initial value of the write and read indexes is 0. The type of every packet in the buffer is initialized to HSA_PACKET_TYPE_INVALID.

The application should only rely on the error code returned to determine if the queue is valid.

  • agent[in] Agent where to create the queue.

  • size[in] Number of packets the queue is expected to hold. Must be a power of 2 between 1 and the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE in agent. The size of the newly created queue is the maximum of size and the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MIN_SIZE in agent.

  • type[in] Type of the queue, a bitwise OR of hsa_queue_type_t values. If the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_TYPE in agent is HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE, then type must also be HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE.

  • callback[in] Callback invoked by the HSA runtime for every asynchronous event related to the newly created queue. May be NULL. The HSA runtime passes three arguments to the callback: a code identifying the event that triggered the invocation, a pointer to the queue where the event originated, and the application data.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

  • private_segment_size[in] Hint indicating the maximum expected private segment usage per work-item, in bytes. There may be performance degradation if the application places a kernel dispatch packet in the queue and the corresponding private segment usage exceeds private_segment_size. If the application does not want to specify any particular value for this argument, private_segment_size must be UINT32_MAX. If the queue does not support kernel dispatch packets, this argument is ignored.

  • group_segment_size[in] Hint indicating the maximum expected group segment usage per work-group, in bytes. There may be performance degradation if the application places a kernel dispatch packet in the queue and the corresponding group segment usage exceeds group_segment_size. If the application does not want to specify any particular value for this argument, group_segment_size must be UINT32_MAX. If the queue does not support kernel dispatch packets, this argument is ignored.

  • queue[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores a pointer to the newly created queue.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE_CREATIONagent does not support queues of the given type.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsize is not a power of two, size is 0, type is an invalid queue type, or queue is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_soft_queue_create (hsa_region_t region, uint32_t size, hsa_queue_type32_t type, uint32_t features, hsa_signal_t doorbell_signal, hsa_queue_t **queue)

Create a queue for which the application or a kernel is responsible for processing the AQL packets.

The application can use this function to create queues where AQL packets are not parsed by the packet processor associated with an agent, but rather by a unit of execution running on that agent (for example, a thread in the host application).

The application is responsible for ensuring that all the producers and consumers of the resulting queue can access the provided doorbell signal and memory region. The application is also responsible for ensuring that the unit of execution processing the queue packets supports the indicated features (AQL packet types).

When the queue is created, the HSA runtime allocates the packet buffer using region, and the write and read indexes. The initial value of the write and read indexes is 0, and the type of every packet in the buffer is initialized to HSA_PACKET_TYPE_INVALID. The value of the size, type, features, and doorbell_signal fields in the returned queue match the values passed by the application.

  • region[in] Memory region that the HSA runtime should use to allocate the AQL packet buffer and any other queue metadata.

  • size[in] Number of packets the queue is expected to hold. Must be a power of 2 greater than 0.

  • type[in] Queue type.

  • features[in] Supported queue features. This is a bit-field of hsa_queue_feature_t values.

  • doorbell_signal[in] Doorbell signal that the HSA runtime must associate with the returned queue. The signal handle must not be 0.

  • queue[out] Memory location where the HSA runtime stores a pointer to the newly created queue. The application should not rely on the value returned for this argument but only in the status code to determine if the queue is valid. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsize is not a power of two, size is 0, type is an invalid queue type, the doorbell signal handle is 0, or queue is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_queue_destroy (hsa_queue_t *queue)

Destroy a user mode queue.

When a queue is destroyed, the state of the AQL packets that have not been yet fully processed (their completion phase has not finished) becomes undefined. It is the responsibility of the application to ensure that all pending queue operations are finished if their results are required.

The resources allocated by the HSA runtime during queue creation (queue structure, ring buffer, doorbell signal) are released. The queue should not be accessed after being destroyed.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue created using hsa_queue_create.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE – The queue is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_queue_inactivate (hsa_queue_t *queue)

Inactivate a queue.

Inactivating the queue aborts any pending executions and prevent any new packets from being processed. Any more packets written to the queue once it is inactivated will be ignored by the packet processor.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE – The queue is invalid.


uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_load_read_index_acquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the read index of a queue.


Renamed as hsa_queue_load_read_index_scacquire.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Read index of the queue pointed by queue.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_load_read_index_scacquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the read index of a queue.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Read index of the queue pointed by queue.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_load_read_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the read index of a queue.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Read index of the queue pointed by queue.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_load_write_index_acquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the write index of a queue.


Renamed as hsa_queue_load_write_index_scacquire.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Write index of the queue pointed by queue.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_load_write_index_scacquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the write index of a queue.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Write index of the queue pointed by queue.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue)

Atomically load the write index of a queue.


queue[in] Pointer to a queue.


Write index of the queue pointed by queue.

void HSA_API hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue.

It is recommended that the application uses this function to update the write index when there is a single agent submitting work to the queue (the queue type is HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE).

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_store_write_index_release (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue.


Renamed as hsa_queue_store_write_index_screlease.

It is recommended that the application uses this function to update the write index when there is a single agent submitting work to the queue (the queue type is HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE).

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index.

void HSA_API hsa_queue_store_write_index_screlease (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue.

It is recommended that the application uses this function to update the write index when there is a single agent submitting work to the queue (the queue type is HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE).

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_cas_write_index_acq_rel (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacq_screl.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacq_screl (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_cas_write_index_acquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacquire.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_cas_write_index_scacquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_cas_write_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_cas_write_index_release (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_queue_cas_write_index_screlease.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_cas_write_index_screlease (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t expected, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the write index of a queue if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The application can inspect the returned value to determine if the replacement was done.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • expected[in] Expected value.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the write index if expected matches the observed write index. Must be greater than expected.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_add_write_index_acq_rel (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.


Renamed as hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacq_screl.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacq_screl (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_add_write_index_acquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.


Renamed as hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacquire.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_add_write_index_scacquire (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_add_write_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_add_write_index_release (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.


Renamed as hsa_queue_add_write_index_screlease.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

uint64_t HSA_API hsa_queue_add_write_index_screlease (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically increment the write index of a queue by an offset.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to add to the write index.


Previous value of the write index.

void HSA_API hsa_queue_store_read_index_relaxed (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the read index of a queue.

Modifications of the read index are not allowed and result in undefined behavior if the queue is associated with an agent for which only the corresponding packet processor is permitted to update the read index.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the read index.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_queue_store_read_index_release (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the read index of a queue.


Renamed as hsa_queue_store_read_index_screlease.

Modifications of the read index are not allowed and result in undefined behavior if the queue is associated with an agent for which only the corresponding packet processor is permitted to update the read index.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the read index.

void HSA_API hsa_queue_store_read_index_screlease (const hsa_queue_t *queue, uint64_t value)

Atomically set the read index of a queue.

Modifications of the read index are not allowed and result in undefined behavior if the queue is associated with an agent for which only the corresponding packet processor is permitted to update the read index.

  • queue[in] Pointer to a queue.

  • value[in] Value to assign to the read index.

struct hsa_queue_s#
#include <hsa.h>

User mode queue.

The queue structure is read-only and allocated by the HSA runtime, but agents can directly modify the contents of the buffer pointed by base_address, or use HSA runtime APIs to access the doorbell signal.

Runtime Notifications#

enum hsa_status_t#

Status codes.



The function has been executed successfully.


A traversal over a list of elements has been interrupted by the application before completing.

enumerator HSA_STATUS_ERROR#

A generic error has occurred.


One of the actual arguments does not meet a precondition stated in the documentation of the corresponding formal argument.


The requested queue creation is not valid.


The requested allocation is not valid.


The agent is invalid.


The memory region is invalid.


The signal is invalid.


The queue is invalid.


The HSA runtime failed to allocate the necessary resources. This error may also occur when the HSA runtime needs to spawn threads or create internal OS-specific events.


The AQL packet is malformed.


An error has been detected while releasing a resource.


An API other than hsa_init has been invoked while the reference count of the HSA runtime is 0.


The maximum reference count for the object has been reached.


The arguments passed to a functions are not compatible.


The index is invalid.


The instruction set architecture is invalid.


The instruction set architecture name is invalid.


The code object is invalid.


The executable is invalid.


The executable is frozen.


There is no symbol with the given name.


The variable is already defined.


The variable is undefined.


An HSAIL operation resulted in a hardware exception.


The code object symbol is invalid.


The executable symbol is invalid.


The file descriptor is invalid.


The code object reader is invalid.


The cache is invalid.


The wavefront is invalid.


The signal group is invalid.


The HSA runtime is not in the configuration state.


The queue received an error that may require process termination.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_status_string (hsa_status_t status, const char **status_string)

Query additional information about a status code.

  • status[in] Status code.

  • status_string[out] A NUL-terminated string that describes the error status.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTstatus is an invalid status code, or status_string is NULL.


enum hsa_signal_condition_t#

Wait condition operator.



The two operands are equal.


The two operands are not equal.


The first operand is less than the second operand.


The first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.

enum hsa_wait_state_t#

State of the application thread during a signal wait.



The application thread may be rescheduled while waiting on the signal.


The application thread stays active while waiting on a signal.

typedef struct hsa_signal_s hsa_signal_t#

Signal handle.

typedef int32_t hsa_signal_value_t#

Signal value. The value occupies 32 bits in small machine mode, and 64 bits in large machine mode.

typedef struct hsa_signal_group_s hsa_signal_group_t#

Group of signals.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_create (hsa_signal_value_t initial_value, uint32_t num_consumers, const hsa_agent_t *consumers, hsa_signal_t *signal)

Create a signal.

  • initial_value[in] Initial value of the signal.

  • num_consumers[in] Size of consumers. A value of 0 indicates that any agent might wait on the signal.

  • consumers[in] List of agents that might consume (wait on) the signal. If num_consumers is 0, this argument is ignored; otherwise, the HSA runtime might use the list to optimize the handling of the signal object. If an agent not listed in consumers waits on the returned signal, the behavior is undefined. The memory associated with consumers can be reused or freed after the function returns.

  • signal[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime will store the newly created signal handle. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsignal is NULL, num_consumers is greater than 0 but consumers is NULL, or consumers contains duplicates.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_destroy (hsa_signal_t signal)

Destroy a signal previous created by hsa_signal_create.


signal[in] Signal.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.


  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The handle in signal is 0.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_load_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal)

Atomically read the current value of a signal.


signal[in] Signal.


Value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_load_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal)

Atomically read the current value of a signal.


signal[in] Signal.


Value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_load_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal)

Atomically read the current value of a signal.


Renamed as hsa_signal_load_scacquire.


signal[in] Signal.


Value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_store_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • value[in] New signal value.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_store_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • value[in] New signal value.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_store_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal.


Renamed as hsa_signal_store_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • value[in] New signal value.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_silent_store_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal without necessarily notifying the the agents waiting on it.

The agents waiting on signal may not wake up even when the new value satisfies their wait condition. If the application wants to update the signal and there is no need to notify any agent, invoking this function can be more efficient than calling the non-silent counterpart.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • value[in] New signal value.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_silent_store_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal without necessarily notifying the the agents waiting on it.

The agents waiting on signal may not wake up even when the new value satisfies their wait condition. If the application wants to update the signal and there is no need to notify any agent, invoking this function can be more efficient than calling the non-silent counterpart.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • value[in] New signal value.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_exchange_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_exchange_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_exchange_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_exchange_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_exchange_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_exchange_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_exchange_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_exchange_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_exchange_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal and return its previous value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_exchange_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] New value.


Value of the signal prior to the exchange.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_cas_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_cas_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_signal_cas_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_cas_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_cas_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_signal_cas_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_cas_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_cas_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_cas_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t expected, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically set the value of a signal if the observed value is equal to the expected value. The observed value is returned regardless of whether the replacement was done.


Renamed as hsa_signal_cas_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • expected[in] Value to compare with.

  • value[in] New value.


Observed value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_add_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_add_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_add_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_add_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically increment the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_add_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to add to the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_subtract_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_subtract_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_subtract_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_subtract_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_subtract_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_subtract_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_subtract_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_subtract_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_subtract_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically decrement the value of a signal by a given amount.


Renamed as hsa_signal_subtract_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to subtract from the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_and_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_and_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_and_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_and_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_and_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_and_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_and_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise AND operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_and_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to AND with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_or_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_or_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_or_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_or_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_or_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_or_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_or_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_or_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_or_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise OR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_or_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to OR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_xor_scacq_screl (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_xor_acq_rel (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_xor_scacq_screl.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_xor_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_xor_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_xor_scacquire.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_xor_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API hsa_signal_xor_screlease (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

void HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_xor_release (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_value_t value)

Atomically perform a bitwise XOR operation between the value of a signal and a given value.


Renamed as hsa_signal_xor_screlease.

If the value of the signal is changed, all the agents waiting on signal for which value satisfies their wait condition are awakened.

  • signal[in] Signal. If signal is a queue doorbell signal, the behavior is undefined.

  • value[in] Value to XOR with the value of the signal.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_wait_scacquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_condition_t condition, hsa_signal_value_t compare_value, uint64_t timeout_hint, hsa_wait_state_t wait_state_hint)

Wait until a signal value satisfies a specified condition, or a certain amount of time has elapsed.

A wait operation can spuriously resume at any time sooner than the timeout (for example, due to system or other external factors) even when the condition has not been met.

The function is guaranteed to return if the signal value satisfies the condition at some point in time during the wait, but the value returned to the application might not satisfy the condition. The application must ensure that signals are used in such way that wait wakeup conditions are not invalidated before dependent threads have woken up.

When the wait operation internally loads the value of the passed signal, it uses the memory order indicated in the function name.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • condition[in] Condition used to compare the signal value with compare_value.

  • compare_value[in] Value to compare with.

  • timeout_hint[in] Maximum duration of the wait. Specified in the same unit as the system timestamp. The operation might block for a shorter or longer time even if the condition is not met. A value of UINT64_MAX indicates no maximum.

  • wait_state_hint[in] Hint used by the application to indicate the preferred waiting state. The actual waiting state is ultimately decided by HSA runtime and may not match the provided hint. A value of HSA_WAIT_STATE_ACTIVE may improve the latency of response to a signal update by avoiding rescheduling overhead.


Observed value of the signal, which might not satisfy the specified condition.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API hsa_signal_wait_relaxed (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_condition_t condition, hsa_signal_value_t compare_value, uint64_t timeout_hint, hsa_wait_state_t wait_state_hint)

Wait until a signal value satisfies a specified condition, or a certain amount of time has elapsed.

A wait operation can spuriously resume at any time sooner than the timeout (for example, due to system or other external factors) even when the condition has not been met.

The function is guaranteed to return if the signal value satisfies the condition at some point in time during the wait, but the value returned to the application might not satisfy the condition. The application must ensure that signals are used in such way that wait wakeup conditions are not invalidated before dependent threads have woken up.

When the wait operation internally loads the value of the passed signal, it uses the memory order indicated in the function name.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • condition[in] Condition used to compare the signal value with compare_value.

  • compare_value[in] Value to compare with.

  • timeout_hint[in] Maximum duration of the wait. Specified in the same unit as the system timestamp. The operation might block for a shorter or longer time even if the condition is not met. A value of UINT64_MAX indicates no maximum.

  • wait_state_hint[in] Hint used by the application to indicate the preferred waiting state. The actual waiting state is ultimately decided by HSA runtime and may not match the provided hint. A value of HSA_WAIT_STATE_ACTIVE may improve the latency of response to a signal update by avoiding rescheduling overhead.


Observed value of the signal, which might not satisfy the specified condition.

hsa_signal_value_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_signal_wait_acquire (hsa_signal_t signal, hsa_signal_condition_t condition, hsa_signal_value_t compare_value, uint64_t timeout_hint, hsa_wait_state_t wait_state_hint)

Wait until a signal value satisfies a specified condition, or a certain amount of time has elapsed.


Renamed as hsa_signal_wait_scacquire.

A wait operation can spuriously resume at any time sooner than the timeout (for example, due to system or other external factors) even when the condition has not been met.

The function is guaranteed to return if the signal value satisfies the condition at some point in time during the wait, but the value returned to the application might not satisfy the condition. The application must ensure that signals are used in such way that wait wakeup conditions are not invalidated before dependent threads have woken up.

When the wait operation internally loads the value of the passed signal, it uses the memory order indicated in the function name.

  • signal[in] Signal.

  • condition[in] Condition used to compare the signal value with compare_value.

  • compare_value[in] Value to compare with.

  • timeout_hint[in] Maximum duration of the wait. Specified in the same unit as the system timestamp. The operation might block for a shorter or longer time even if the condition is not met. A value of UINT64_MAX indicates no maximum.

  • wait_state_hint[in] Hint used by the application to indicate the preferred waiting state. The actual waiting state is ultimately decided by HSA runtime and may not match the provided hint. A value of HSA_WAIT_STATE_ACTIVE may improve the latency of response to a signal update by avoiding rescheduling overhead.


Observed value of the signal, which might not satisfy the specified condition.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_group_create (uint32_t num_signals, const hsa_signal_t *signals, uint32_t num_consumers, const hsa_agent_t *consumers, hsa_signal_group_t *signal_group)

Create a signal group.

  • num_signals[in] Number of elements in signals. Must not be 0.

  • signals[in] List of signals in the group. The list must not contain any repeated elements. Must not be NULL.

  • num_consumers[in] Number of elements in consumers. Must not be 0.

  • consumers[in] List of agents that might consume (wait on) the signal group. The list must not contain repeated elements, and must be a subset of the set of agents that are allowed to wait on all the signals in the group. If an agent not listed in consumers waits on the returned group, the behavior is undefined. The memory associated with consumers can be reused or freed after the function returns. Must not be NULL.

  • signal_group[out] Pointer to newly created signal group. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES – The HSA runtime failed to allocate the required resources.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTnum_signals is 0, signals is NULL, num_consumers is 0, consumers is NULL, or signal_group is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_group_destroy (hsa_signal_group_t signal_group)

Destroy a signal group previous created by hsa_signal_group_create.


signal_group[in] Signal group.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_GROUPsignal_group is invalid.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_group_wait_any_scacquire (hsa_signal_group_t signal_group, const hsa_signal_condition_t *conditions, const hsa_signal_value_t *compare_values, hsa_wait_state_t wait_state_hint, hsa_signal_t *signal, hsa_signal_value_t *value)

Wait until the value of at least one of the signals in a signal group satisfies its associated condition.

The function is guaranteed to return if the value of at least one of the signals in the group satisfies its associated condition at some point in time during the wait, but the signal value returned to the application may no longer satisfy the condition. The application must ensure that signals in the group are used in such way that wait wakeup conditions are not invalidated before dependent threads have woken up.

When this operation internally loads the value of the passed signal, it uses the memory order indicated in the function name.

  • signal_group[in] Signal group.

  • conditions[in] List of conditions. Each condition, and the value at the same index in compare_values, is used to compare the value of the signal at that index in signal_group (the signal passed by the application to hsa_signal_group_create at that particular index). The size of conditions must not be smaller than the number of signals in signal_group; any extra elements are ignored. Must not be NULL.

  • compare_values[in] List of comparison values. The size of compare_values must not be smaller than the number of signals in signal_group; any extra elements are ignored. Must not be NULL.

  • wait_state_hint[in] Hint used by the application to indicate the preferred waiting state. The actual waiting state is decided by the HSA runtime and may not match the provided hint. A value of HSA_WAIT_STATE_ACTIVE may improve the latency of response to a signal update by avoiding rescheduling overhead.

  • signal[out] Signal in the group that satisfied the associated condition. If several signals satisfied their condition, the function can return any of those signals. Must not be NULL.

  • value[out] Observed value for signal, which might no longer satisfy the specified condition. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_GROUPsignal_group is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTconditions is NULL, compare_values is NULL, signal is NULL, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_signal_group_wait_any_relaxed (hsa_signal_group_t signal_group, const hsa_signal_condition_t *conditions, const hsa_signal_value_t *compare_values, hsa_wait_state_t wait_state_hint, hsa_signal_t *signal, hsa_signal_value_t *value)

Wait until the value of at least one of the signals in a signal group satisfies its associated condition.

The function is guaranteed to return if the value of at least one of the signals in the group satisfies its associated condition at some point in time during the wait, but the signal value returned to the application may no longer satisfy the condition. The application must ensure that signals in the group are used in such way that wait wakeup conditions are not invalidated before dependent threads have woken up.

When this operation internally loads the value of the passed signal, it uses the memory order indicated in the function name.

  • signal_group[in] Signal group.

  • conditions[in] List of conditions. Each condition, and the value at the same index in compare_values, is used to compare the value of the signal at that index in signal_group (the signal passed by the application to hsa_signal_group_create at that particular index). The size of conditions must not be smaller than the number of signals in signal_group; any extra elements are ignored. Must not be NULL.

  • compare_values[in] List of comparison values. The size of compare_values must not be smaller than the number of signals in signal_group; any extra elements are ignored. Must not be NULL.

  • wait_state_hint[in] Hint used by the application to indicate the preferred waiting state. The actual waiting state is decided by the HSA runtime and may not match the provided hint. A value of HSA_WAIT_STATE_ACTIVE may improve the latency of response to a signal update by avoiding rescheduling overhead.

  • signal[out] Signal in the group that satisfied the associated condition. If several signals satisfied their condition, the function can return any of those signals. Must not be NULL.

  • value[out] Observed value for signal, which might no longer satisfy the specified condition. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_GROUPsignal_group is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTconditions is NULL, compare_values is NULL, signal is NULL, or value is NULL.

struct hsa_signal_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Signal handle.

struct hsa_signal_group_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Group of signals.

System And Agent Information#

enum hsa_endianness_t#

Endianness. A convention used to interpret the bytes making up a data word.



The least significant byte is stored in the smallest address.


The most significant byte is stored in the smallest address.

enum hsa_machine_model_t#

Machine model. A machine model determines the size of certain data types in HSA runtime and an agent.



Small machine model. Addresses use 32 bits.


Large machine model. Addresses use 64 bits.

enum hsa_profile_t#

Profile. A profile indicates a particular level of feature support. For example, in the base profile the application must use the HSA runtime allocator to reserve shared virtual memory, while in the full profile any host pointer can be shared across all the agents.


enumerator HSA_PROFILE_BASE#

Base profile.

enumerator HSA_PROFILE_FULL#

Full profile.

enum hsa_system_info_t#

System attributes.



Major version of the HSA runtime specification supported by the implementation. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.


Minor version of the HSA runtime specification supported by the implementation. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.


Current timestamp. The value of this attribute monotonically increases at a constant rate. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.


Timestamp value increase rate, in Hz. The timestamp (clock) frequency is in the range 1-400MHz. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.


Maximum duration of a signal wait operation. Expressed as a count based on the timestamp frequency. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.


Endianness of the system. The type of this attribute is hsa_endianness_t.


Machine model supported by the HSA runtime. The type of this attribute is hsa_machine_model_t.


Bit-mask indicating which extensions are supported by the implementation. An extension with an ID of i is supported if the bit at position i is set. The type of this attribute is uint8_t[128].


String containing the ROCr build identifier.


Returns true if hsa_amd_svm_* APIs are supported by the driver. The type of this attribute is bool.


Returns true if all Agents have access to system allocated memory (such as that allocated by mmap, malloc, or new) by default. If false then system allocated memory may only be made SVM accessible to an Agent by declaration of accessibility with hsa_amd_svm_set_attributes. The type of this attribute is bool.


Returns true if mwaitx is enabled on this system The type of this attribute is bool.


Returns true if DMABUF APIs are supported by the driver. The type of this attribute is bool.


Returns true if Virtual Memory APIs are supported by the driver. The type of this attribute is bool.


Returns true if XNACK is enabled on this system. The type of this attribute is bool.


Major version of the HSA runtime extension specification supported by the implementation. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.


Minor version of the HSA runtime extension specification supported by the implementation. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.

enum hsa_extension_t#

HSA extensions.



Finalizer extension.


Images extension.


Performance counter extension.


Profiling events extension.


Extension count.


First AMD extension number.


Profiler extension.


Loader extension.


AqlProfile extension.


PC Sampling extension.


Last AMD extension.

enum hsa_agent_feature_t#

Agent features.



The agent supports AQL packets of kernel dispatch type. If this feature is enabled, the agent is also a kernel agent.


The agent supports AQL packets of agent dispatch type.

enum hsa_device_type_t#

Hardware device type.



CPU device.


GPU device.


DSP device.

enum hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t#

Default floating-point rounding mode.



Use a default floating-point rounding mode specified elsewhere.


Operations that specify the default floating-point mode are rounded to zero by default.


Operations that specify the default floating-point mode are rounded to the nearest representable number and that ties should be broken by selecting the value with an even least significant bit.

enum hsa_agent_info_t#

Agent attributes.



Agent name. The type of this attribute is a NUL-terminated char[64]. The name must be at most 63 characters long (not including the NUL terminator) and all array elements not used for the name must be NUL.


Name of vendor. The type of this attribute is a NUL-terminated char[64]. The name must be at most 63 characters long (not including the NUL terminator) and all array elements not used for the name must be NUL.


Agent capability. The type of this attribute is hsa_agent_feature_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_MACHINE_MODELS for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Machine model supported by the agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_machine_model_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_PROFILES for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Profile supported by the agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_profile_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODES for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Default floating-point rounding mode. The type of this attribute is hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t, but the value HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_DEFAULT is not allowed.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_BASE_PROFILE_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODES for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

A bit-mask of hsa_default_float_rounding_mode_t values, representing the default floating-point rounding modes supported by the agent in the Base profile. The type of this attribute is uint32_t. The default floating-point rounding mode (HSA_AGENT_INFO_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE) bit must not be set.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_FAST_F16_OPERATION for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Flag indicating that the f16 HSAIL operation is at least as fast as the f32 operation in the current agent. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is bool.



Query HSA_WAVEFRONT_INFO_SIZE for a given wavefront and intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas and the first wavefront enumerated by hsa_isa_iterate_wavefronts for that ISA.

Number of work-items in a wavefront. Must be a power of 2 in the range [1,256]. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_DIM for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Maximum number of work-items of each dimension of a work-group. Each maximum must be greater than 0. No maximum can exceed the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_SIZE. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is uint16_t[3].



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_SIZE for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Maximum total number of work-items in a work-group. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_GRID_MAX_DIM for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead.

Maximum number of work-items of each dimension of a grid. Each maximum must be greater than 0, and must not be smaller than the corresponding value in HSA_AGENT_INFO_WORKGROUP_MAX_DIM. No maximum can exceed the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_GRID_MAX_SIZE. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_dim3_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_GRID_MAX_SIZE for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Maximum total number of work-items in a grid. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



Query HSA_ISA_INFO_FBARRIER_MAX_SIZE for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Maximum number of fbarriers per work-group. Must be at least 32. The value of this attribute is undefined if the agent is not a kernel agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.



The maximum number of queues is not statically determined.

Maximum number of queues that can be active (created but not destroyed) at one time in the agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Minimum number of packets that a queue created in the agent can hold. Must be a power of 2 greater than 0. Must not exceed the value of HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Maximum number of packets that a queue created in the agent can hold. Must be a power of 2 greater than 0. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Type of a queue created in the agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_queue_type32_t.



NUMA information is not exposed anywhere else in the API.

Identifier of the NUMA node associated with the agent. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Type of hardware device associated with the agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_device_type_t.



Query hsa_agent_iterate_caches to retrieve information about the caches present in a given agent.

Array of data cache sizes (L1..L4). Each size is expressed in bytes. A size of 0 for a particular level indicates that there is no cache information for that level. The type of this attribute is uint32_t[4].

enumerator HSA_AGENT_INFO_ISA#


An agent may support multiple instruction set architectures. See hsa_agent_iterate_isas. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, the returned value corresponds to the first ISA enumerated by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

Instruction set architecture of the agent. The type of this attribute is hsa_isa_t.


Bit-mask indicating which extensions are supported by the agent. An extension with an ID of i is supported if the bit at position i is set. The type of this attribute is uint8_t[128].


Major version of the HSA runtime specification supported by the agent. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.


Minor version of the HSA runtime specification supported by the agent. The type of this attribute is uint16_t.


This enum does not have a fixed underlying type, thus in C++ post D2338: If the enumeration type does not have a fixed underlying type, the value is unchanged if the original value is within the range of the enumeration values (9.7.1 [dcl.enum]), and otherwise, the behavior is undefined. Thus increase the range of this enum to encompass vendor extensions.

enum hsa_exception_policy_t#

Exception policies applied in the presence of hardware exceptions.



If a hardware exception is detected, a work-item signals an exception.


If a hardware exception is detected, a hardware status bit is set.

enum hsa_cache_info_t#

Cache attributes.



The length of the cache name in bytes, not including the NUL terminator. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.


Human-readable description. The type of this attribute is a NUL-terminated character array with the length equal to the value of HSA_CACHE_INFO_NAME_LENGTH attribute.


Cache level. A L1 cache must return a value of 1, a L2 must return a value of 2, and so on. The type of this attribute is uint8_t.


Cache size, in bytes. A value of 0 indicates that there is no size information available. The type of this attribute is uint32_t.

typedef struct hsa_agent_s hsa_agent_t#

Struct containing an opaque handle to an agent, a device that participates in the HSA memory model. An agent can submit AQL packets for execution, and may also accept AQL packets for execution (agent dispatch packets or kernel dispatch packets launching HSAIL-derived binaries).

typedef struct hsa_cache_s hsa_cache_t#

Cache handle.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_info (hsa_system_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of a system attribute.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid system attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_extension_get_name (uint16_t extension, const char **name)

Query the name of a given extension.

  • extension[in] Extension identifier. If the extension is not supported by the implementation (see HSA_SYSTEM_INFO_EXTENSIONS), the behavior is undefined.

  • name[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the extension name. The extension name is a NUL-terminated string.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or name is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_system_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, bool *result)

Query if a given version of an extension is supported by the HSA implementation.


  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • version_major[in] Major version number.

  • version_minor[in] Minor version number.

  • result[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the result of the check. The result is true if the specified version of the extension is supported, and false otherwise.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or result is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result)

Query if a given version of an extension is supported by the HSA implementation. All minor versions from 0 up to the returned version_minor must be supported by the implementation.

  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • version_major[in] Major version number.

  • version_minor[out] Minor version number.

  • result[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the result of the check. The result is true if the specified version of the extension is supported, and false otherwise.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or version_minor is NULL, or result is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_system_get_extension_table (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, void *table)

Retrieve the function pointers corresponding to a given version of an extension. Portable applications are expected to invoke the extension API using the returned function pointers.


The application is responsible for verifying that the given version of the extension is supported by the HSA implementation (see hsa_system_extension_supported). If the given combination of extension, major version, and minor version is not supported by the implementation, the behavior is undefined.

  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • version_major[in] Major version number for which to retrieve the function pointer table.

  • version_minor[in] Minor version number for which to retrieve the function pointer table.

  • table[out] Pointer to an application-allocated function pointer table that is populated by the HSA runtime. Must not be NULL. The memory associated with table can be reused or freed after the function returns.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or table is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_system_get_major_extension_table (uint16_t extension, uint16_t version_major, size_t table_length, void *table)

Retrieve the function pointers corresponding to a given major version of an extension. Portable applications are expected to invoke the extension API using the returned function pointers.

The application is responsible for verifying that the given major version of the extension is supported by the HSA implementation (see hsa_system_major_extension_supported). If the given combination of extension and major version is not supported by the implementation, the behavior is undefined. Additionally if the length doesn’t allow space for a full minor version, it is implementation defined if only some of the function pointers for that minor version get written.

  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • version_major[in] Major version number for which to retrieve the function pointer table.

  • table_length[in] Size in bytes of the function pointer table to be populated. The implementation will not write more than this many bytes to the table.

  • table[out] Pointer to an application-allocated function pointer table that is populated by the HSA runtime. Must not be NULL. The memory associated with table can be reused or freed after the function returns.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or table is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_get_info (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_agent_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given agent.

  • agent[in] A valid agent.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid agent attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_iterate_agents (hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_agent_t agent, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the available agents, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per agent. The HSA runtime passes two arguments to the callback: the agent and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and hsa_iterate_agents returns that status value.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.


hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_agent_get_exception_policies (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_profile_t profile, uint16_t *mask)

Retrieve the exception policy support for a given combination of agent and profile.


Use hsa_isa_get_exception_policies for a given intruction set architecture supported by the agent instead. If more than one ISA is supported by the agent, this function uses the first value returned by hsa_agent_iterate_isas.

  • agent[in] Agent.

  • profile[in] Profile.

  • mask[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores a mask of hsa_exception_policy_t values. Must not be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTprofile is not a valid profile, or mask is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_cache_get_info (hsa_cache_t cache, hsa_cache_info_t attribute, void *value)

Get the current value of an attribute for a given cache object.

  • cache[in] Cache.

  • attribute[in] Attribute to query.

  • value[out] Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CACHE – The cache is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTattribute is an invalid instruction set architecture attribute, or value is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_iterate_caches (hsa_agent_t agent, hsa_status_t(*callback)(hsa_cache_t cache, void *data), void *data)

Iterate over the memory caches of a given agent, and invoke an application-defined callback on every iteration.

Caches are visited in ascending order according to the value of the HSA_CACHE_INFO_LEVEL attribute.

  • agent[in] A valid agent.

  • callback[in] Callback to be invoked once per cache that is present in the agent. The HSA runtime passes two arguments to the callback: the cache and the application data. If callback returns a status other than HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS for a particular iteration, the traversal stops and that value is returned.

  • data[in] Application data that is passed to callback on every iteration. May be NULL.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.


hsa_status_t HSA_API HSA_DEPRECATED hsa_agent_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, hsa_agent_t agent, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t version_minor, bool *result)

Query if a given version of an extension is supported by an agent.


  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • agent[in] Agent.

  • version_major[in] Major version number.

  • version_minor[in] Minor version number.

  • result[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the result of the check. The result is true if the specified version of the extension is supported, and false otherwise. The result must be false if hsa_system_extension_supported returns false for the same extension version.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or result is NULL.

hsa_status_t HSA_API hsa_agent_major_extension_supported (uint16_t extension, hsa_agent_t agent, uint16_t version_major, uint16_t *version_minor, bool *result)

Query if a given version of an extension is supported by an agent. All minor versions from 0 up to the returned version_minor must be supported.

  • extension[in] Extension identifier.

  • agent[in] Agent.

  • version_major[in] Major version number.

  • version_minor[out] Minor version number.

  • result[out] Pointer to a memory location where the HSA runtime stores the result of the check. The result is true if the specified version of the extension is supported, and false otherwise. The result must be false if hsa_system_extension_supported returns false for the same extension version.

Return values
  • HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS – The function has been executed successfully.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED – The HSA runtime has not been initialized.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_AGENT – The agent is invalid.

  • HSA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTextension is not a valid extension, or version_minor is NULL, or result is NULL.

struct hsa_agent_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Struct containing an opaque handle to an agent, a device that participates in the HSA memory model. An agent can submit AQL packets for execution, and may also accept AQL packets for execution (agent dispatch packets or kernel dispatch packets launching HSAIL-derived binaries).

struct hsa_cache_s#
#include <hsa.h>

Cache handle.