Package Contents#

This directory contains the ROC Runtime source code based on the HSA Runtime but modified to support AMD/ATI discrete GPUs.

Source & Include Directories#

core - Contains the source code for AMD’s implementation of the core HSA Runtime API’s.

cmake_modules - CMake support modules and files.

inc - Contains the public and AMD specific header files exposing the HSA Runtime`s interfaces.

libamdhsacode - Code object definitions and interface.

loader - Used to load code objects.

utils - Utilities required to build the core runtime.

Build Environment#

CMake build framework is used to build the ROC runtime. The minimum version is 3.7.

Obtain cmake infrastructure:

Export cmake bin into your PATH

Package Dependencies#

The following support packages are required to successfully build the runtime:

  • libelf-dev

  • g++

Building the Runtime#

To build the runtime a compatible version of the libhsakmt library and the hsakmt.h header file must be available. The latest version of these files can be obtained from the ROCT-Thunk-Interface repository, available here:


As of ROCm release 3.7 libhsakmt development packages now include a CMake package config file. The runtime will now locate libhsakmt via find_package if libhsakmt is installed to a standard location. For installations that do not use ROCm standard paths set CMake variables CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or hsakmt_DIR to override find_package search paths.

As of ROCm release 3.7 the runtime includes an optional image support module (previously hsa-ext-rocr-dev). By default this module is included in builds of the runtime. The image module may be excluded the runtime by setting CMake variable IMAGE_SUPPORT to OFF.

When building the optional image module additional build dependencies are required. An AMDGCN compatible clang and device library must be installed to build the image module. The latest version of these requirements can be obtained from the ROCm package repository (see: The latest source for these projects may be found here:



Additionally xxd must be installed.

The runtime optionally supports use of the cmake user package registry. By default the registry is not modified. Set CMake variable EXPORT_TO_USER_PACKAGE_REGISTRY to ON to enable updating the package registry.

For example, to build, install, and produce packages on a system with standard ROCm packages installed, execute the following from src/:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocm ..
make install
make package

Example with a custom installation path, build dependency path, and options:

      -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<alternate path(s) to build dependencies> \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PATH=<custom install path for this build> \

Alternately ccmake and cmake-gui are supported:

mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..
press c to configure
populate variables as desired
press c again
press g to generate and exit

Building Against the Runtime#

The runtime provides a CMake package config file, installed by default to /opt/rocm/lib/cmake/hsa-runtime64. The runtime exports CMake target hsa-runtime64 in namespace hsa-runtime64. A CMake project (Foo) using the runtime may locate, include, and link the runtime with the following template:

# Add /opt/rocm to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

find_package(hsa-runtime64 1.0 REQUIRED)
add_library(Foo ...)
target_link_libraries(Foo PRIVATE hsa-runtime64::hsa-runtime64)


HSA Runtime Specification 1.1

HSA Programmer Reference Manual Specification 1.1

HSA Platform System Architecture Specification 1.1

Runtime Design Overview#

The AMD ROC runtime consists of three primary layers:

  • C interface adaptors

  • C++ interfaces classes and common functions

  • AMD device specific implementations

Additionally the runtime is dependent on a small utility library which provides simple common functions, limited operating system and compiler abstraction, as well as atomic operation interfaces.

C Interface Adaptors#


  • hsa.h(cpp)

  • hsa_ext_interface.h(cpp)

The C interface layer provides C99 APIs as defined in the HSA Runtime Specification 1.1. The interfaces and default definitions for the standard extensions are also provided. The interface functions simply forward to a function pointer table defined here. The table is initialized to point to default definitions, which simply return an appropriate error code. If available the extension library is loaded as part of runtime initialization and the table is updated to point into the extension library.

C++ Interfaces Classes & Common Functions#


  • runtime.h(cpp)

  • agent.h

  • queue.h

  • signal.h

  • memory_region.h(cpp)

  • checked.h

  • memory_database.h(cpp)

  • default_signal.h(cpp)

The C++ interface layer provides abstract interface classes encapsulating commands to HSA Signals, Agents, and Queues. This layer also contains the implementation of device independent commands, such as hsa_init and hsa_system_get_info, and a default signal and queue implementation.

Device Specific Implementations#


  • amd_cpu_agent.h(cpp)

  • amd_gpu_agent.h(cpp)

  • amd_hw_aql_command_processor.h(cpp)

  • amd_memory_region.h(cpp)

  • amd_memory_registration.h(cpp)

  • amd_topology.h(cpp)

  • host_queue.h(cpp)

  • interrupt_signal.h(cpp)

  • hsa_ext_private_amd.h(cpp)

The device specific layer contains implementations of the C++ interface classes which implement HSA functionality for ROCm supported devices.

Implemented Functionality#

  • The following queries are not implemented:

    • hsa_code_symbol_get_info:


    • hsa_executable_symbol_get_info:



Known Issues#

  • hsa_agent_get_exception_policies is not implemented.

  • hsa_system_get_extension_table is not implemented for HSA_EXTENSION_AMD_PROFILER.


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